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Topic: Grace

Showing 101 to 150 of 153.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-09-01 Eternal Security: Once saved always saved pretty much diminishes the whole point of following Jesus, being a Christian. You can just say a Sinner's Prayer & remain in sin because of supposed grace.
Demons or Extra-Terrestrial: Caller thought he was a Christian, but wants to know if he's being afflicted from demons or aliens.
2017-08-18 Calvinism & Predestination: Calvinist believe that only some people are predestined to be saved, to be Christians, no matter what they do or don't do, is that right? Do you believe that?
2017-07-24 License to Sin By Grace: So a minister thinks that because of grace one can you live any way they want & still be a Christian, is this true?
2017-07-14 None of Them are Lost: I'm teaching on once saved always saved, so what do you say about this verse? [John 17:12]
2017-07-06 Law Before Christ, Grace After: It seemed before Jesus died people were required to keep the law, but after He rose again we were under grace, is that true?
2017-06-23 2 Ways of Salvation: Only one way of salvation, but some say 2 different ways, saved by grace according to Paul or the kingdom of God. [Acts 15:11]
2017-06-01 Golden Chain of Redemption: I would like to talk about Calvinism & Predestination & the golden chain of redemption & Grace. [Romans 8:29-30]
2017-06-01 Taking Communion in an Unworthy Manner: A lot of churches say NOT to take Communion unworthily, but if we all did that, none of us would be fit to take it. [1 Corinthians 11:27-28]
Hyper Grace & Confession: Yes, i believe in "hyper-grace", we don't need to be continually confessing our sins, that once we do it, we are good! [1 John 1:9]
2016-12-30 Under Grace of Mercy: Are we under Grace of Mercy, & Jesus didn't call us Christians.
2016-12-16 Letter of the Law vs Spirit of law: Sometimes the "spirit" of the law seems stricter than the "letter", & I thought we were under grace. [2 Corinthians 3:6]
2016-10-05 God Shows Grace: To whom is God showing His grace in which Paul describes in Ephesians? [Ephesians 2:7, Ephesians 3:10, Ephesians 6:12]
2016-09-15 Anti-Nomianism What is Anti-nomianism? Can Steve please explain it?
2016-06-02 Cutoff Analogy: Caller makes a humorous analogy about the word "cutoff" that was talked about in the previous show.
Grace-Favor or a Power: What is grace? Is it unmerited favour or is it a power we are given?
2016-05-11 Mercy & Grace: What is difference between mercy, compassion & grace?
2016-03-08 "Consensual Theology" (Homosexual Acceptance): Have you ever heard of “Consensual Theology”, which is approval of Homosexual monogamy?
Perseverance: Isn't perseverance a work rather than just a faith?
2016-02-11 Grace Movement What do you think about the "hyper-grace" movement that says we only need to repent once & we are good to go? [1 John 1:9]
2015-12-16 Grace in the OT: Was there just as much Grace in the Old Testament as there is in the New Testament? [Romans 4, Psalm 32, John 1]
2015-10-23 Grace & Law: Can we live under Grace without defining the aspects of the law?
2015-08-17 Leaving a Church Over Homosexuality Issues: (Update:) A member of a church where he had been at for a very long time he had to leave because they didn't want to converse w/ him about their new stance on homosexuality, the leadership just wanting to go w/ the tide, w/ political correctness, instead of doing what the Bible says.
Sinner Saved By Grace: Is that the right terminology to use, that we are sinners saved by Grace?
2015-08-14 Arminianism vs Calvinism: Steve is not a Calvinist, but he also doesn't call himself an Arminianist but just a non-Calvinist. Is that true?
Total Depravity: A discussion about Total Depravity, Prevenient Grace [John 6:44]
2015-07-27 Lordship of Christ: Did Steve say that faith without works is dead? Aren't we completely saved by grace? What does it mean to do "good works"?
2015-07-20 Faith (Grace) & Works: There's a disagreement among the elders of the church, but one says that it's our faith that saves us, but it's our works that justifies our faith, but the second elder says that when it says, "Can such a faith save him?", that it's not talking about Salvation but our Physical life or something, what does Steve think about that? Zane Hodges, Absolutely Free, Lordship salvation, the second elder handed to him to read. [James 2:14]
2015-05-11 Christians who are in Sin: How do we deal in a Christ-like matter those who claim Christianity but who are living in sin? [Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-20]
2015-04-10 By Grace Through Faith: Caller thought she knew what "Grace Through Faith" meant, but discovered she might not, & wants to run it by Steve to see if she's right. [Ephesians 2:8-9]
2015-04-08 Joseph Prince - Grace Message: Caller wondering about the Radical Grace Message that Joseph Prince teaches, Grace, Faith & Works.
Losing One's Salvation: Caller would like Steve to talk about the possibility of losing one's salvation."
2015-02-02 Grace & Works: At what point do you think grace is overridden by failing to do a specific work, if at all?
2015-01-29 Gospel of the Kingdom vs Grace: Is the gospel of the Kingdom of God the same as the gospel of Grace?
Kingdom of God & the Millennium: Is the Kingdom of God & the Millennium Related?
2015-01-06 Grace/Legalism: There seems to be a lot of legalism in our churches nowadays.
2014-12-02 Antinomianism & Arminianism: Are Antinomianism & Arminianism complete opposites? (Calvinism & Arminianism & Antinomianism & legalism are what he meant.)
Jesus' Authority: Was Jesus' position of Authority different after His resurrection than it was before it?
2014-11-18 Eternal Life: What is God's basis for showing grace to someone to bring them to eternal life? Everyone who is weak, humble, meek & needy, does God automatically give them that grace & saves them? (the same caller that was on for a half hour from the day before.) [Luke 8:4-21]
2014-10-29 Seventh Day Adventists: Seventh Day Adventists believe that we are saved by grace & not by good works, unlike what you seemed to say the other day.
2014-10-08 Forfeiting Grace: This seems like a profound verse, but doesn't seem to be out of place where it's put in Jonah's prayer? [Jonah 2;8]
Nineveh Repenting: Why did the Ninevites turn so quickly to repentance as a result of what Jonah said? Was there a previous event that warmed them up to it?
2014-09-02 Hyper-Grace, the Gospel & the Kingdom of God: What is the gospel as we are in the Kingdom of God? [[Matthew 5, 1 Corinthians 15:1-3, Romans 10:9, Acts 20:23-25]
2014-08-15 God's number of times of Forgiving: How many times does God forgive you?
2014-04-15 Hell - Annihilationism: Doesn't Annihilationism take away the need for a Savior? Doesn't it take away the whole grace idea if they just get to be snuffed out?
2014-01-10 The Message (Paraphrase) Bible: What do you think of the Message Bible? What versions do you think ARE the best?
Extreme Grace (Hyper Grace): What do you think about being saved no matter what you do, as long as you are "saved"? [Matthew 28:18-20]
2013-11-13 Believers Concerned About Sin: Why do Christians worry about sin after they are saved? Aren't we redeemed by the blood? [1 John 1:8] (audio of caller is poor.)
2013-11-13 Saved by Grace: Caller is trying to clarify what the previous caller by being concerned about sin all the time.
2013-10-04 Grace, Entering God's Rest & Striving: A caller wants to talk further about entering God's rest & having Grace & striving. [He also gets bumped off the phone.]
2013-09-26 Works & Grace: On the grace & works issue, i was watching a documentary that said you don't need to "strive" for salvation, & someone thinking they can do something to please God is wrong, & there are verses that say we are automatically justified, but didn't Jesus tell us to strive? [Luke 13:24]
Legalism: What exactly is legalism?
2013-09-23 "Go & Sin No More": Can we really go & "sin" no more?
2013-09-12 Grace upon Grace: What does "grace upon grace" mean in the Gospel of John? [John 1:14-16, Ephesians 4:29]
2013-09-11 Total Depravity: Caller thinks that "total depravity" is biblical because if you don't then you believe in a Salvation-by-works system, & not a Grace Salvation. [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2013-09-04 God "Granting" Repentance: Can only God grant repentance?
Prevenient Grace: Can you talk about "prevenient grace"?
Willing your self into Heaven: Can someone "will" their way into heaven, to become saved?
2013-06-17 Grow in Grace: What does it mean to "grow in grace"? [2 Peter 3:18]
More Grace Given: Does God give more grace when needed? [Hebrews 4:16]
2013-06-17 Grow in Grace: What does it mean to "grow in grace"? [2 Peter 3:18]
More Grace Given: Does God give more grace when needed? [Hebrews 4:16]
2013-06-14 The Mormon Church: Are we supposed to consider the Mormon church as the enemy?
Reaction to "Grace": Could someone's reaction to grace have something to do with the way they were raised?
2013-05-03 Buddhist Caller; Something Greater: Isn't it natural to want to trust in something greater than ourselves, especially when we are aging and facing decay and death, which is what we often call God? [1 John 2:1-2, Ecclesiastes 7:2].
2013-04-09 Greeting to Grace: Personal greeting to Grace who turned 92 (family member).
2013-03-29 "Means of Grace" (Sacraments): Is there a church hierarchy that established the administeration of the "means of grace" (sacraments)
Sacraments, Grace & Faith: Would they differentiate between the adminstration of the sacraments, means of grace, and being saved by faith? [2 Corinthians 12:8-10, Ephesians 2:8-9].
Conspiracies About the Resurrection: Are not the conspiracies surrounding the attempt to discredit the resurrection suggest a mindset that goes against reason and evidence?
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