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Topic: Moses

Showing 101 to 150 of 154.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-01-05 Pharaoh attempting to Kill Moses: (followup yesterday) Pharaoh wanting to kill Moses, why would that be? [Exodus 2:11-12] :
2018-01-04 Moses going in Hiding: Why did Moses have to flee for killing somebody since he was in the royal family?
2017-12-27 Moses & Aaron Entering the Promised Land: Why couldn't Moses & Aaron enter the promised land? Why didn't they make it themselves?
2017-12-15 Contending over the Body of Moses: Why was Michael contending with Satan over the body of Moses? [Jude 1:9]
2017-09-20 Lectures on Covenants: Do you have any lectures dealing w/ the covenants?
Different Kinds of Covenants: What can you tell me about the different kind of covenants right here & now?
Mosaic Law: People say that the Mosaic law reveal the character of God.
2017-04-26 The Transfiguration: During the transfiguration, when Jesus was transfigured, did that represent the resurrected body, & why Moses & Elijah?
2017-04-12 Jesus & Marriage, Moses & the Burning Bush: Discussion about when people asked Jesus about marriage. [Mark 8, Exodus 3:15-16]
2017-03-29 Aaron & the Golden Calf: Aaron seemed to get leniency for the golden calf, what's up w/ that? [Exodus 32-34]
2017-03-20 Dispute over the Body of Moses: Why did the devil want the body of Moses? [Jude 1:9]
2017-03-16 Moses & Brother in Law: Brother in law wouldn't go w/ Moses, but I thought the cloud told them what to do? [numbers 10:29-31]
2017-03-09 Lying & Deception: Of course i'd lie if it was going to save human life.
Moses: Have you ever heard that Moses was going rogue, not really doing what God said but doing it on his own?
2017-01-09 Seeing God & Living to Tell about it: How come some people got to see God & live when it says that if you see Him die?
God "trying" to Kill Moses: Why did He "try" to kill Moses? [Exodus 4:24-26]
2016-11-17 Old Testament Languages: Did Moses write the Pentateuch in Aramaic? Did Daniel speak Babylonian? Where did Hebrew come from?
2016-11-15 Trees & Water in Psalms: What did David mean in Psalms 1:13 regarding trees planted by streams of living water? [Psalms 1:13]
Burning Bush: What did the burning bush represent? [Exodus 3:1-15]
2016-10-31 Witch of Endor: Who is the Witch of Endor? [1 Samuel 28].
Pharaoh's Magicians Mimicking Moses: How were the magicians in Egypt able to sapreform the same magic tricks that Moses did for real [Exodus 7:8-13]
2016-09-15 God the Father's Looks: What does God the Father look like? Moses got to see Him. [Exodus 33:18-34:35, John 4:24]
2016-06-07 Moses & Aaron During Persution as Babies: How did Aaron miss the execution that Moses faced as a baby?
2016-05-23 Understanding the Holy Spirit: Caller is trying to understand the Holy Spirit in light of 2 verses, one it's likened to the wind when Jesus was talking to Nicodemus in the gospel of John & giving part of Moses spirit that was in him to the 70 men in the book of Numbers. [John 3:8, Numbers 11:25]
2016-04-13 God turning His back on Jesus: Did God turn His back on Jesus on the cross when He was crying out, "eli eli lama sabachthani" & was it possbile Moses seeing the back of God symbolic of it? Did Jesus go to hell? [Matthew 27:46, Exodus 33:12-23, Psalm 22:1]
Jesus being in the Heart of the Earth: What does it mean that Jesus was in the "Heart of the Earth"? [Matthew 12:40]
2016-04-08 Author of Genesis: Who wrote the book of Genesis, especially the Creation Story?
2016-04-04 Moses having Doubt: Was Moses doubting God's ability to give them plenty of meat? [Numbers 11:21-23]
2016-03-24 PBS Special on Noah's Ark: I was watching a PBS special on the Flood & Noah's Ark, & they said that it happened Epic of Gilgamesh which was written way before Genesis, so Moses just got it from that. Is that true?
2016-02-19 First Fruits into the Storehouse (Tithing): Involving tithing, who was responsible to bring the first fruits into the storehouse?
Giving over entire Check: Pastors say that people's first check of the month has to be given over to them. Is that true?
Mount of Transfiguration Experience: Was the Mount of Transfiguration a vision or an actual appearance of Elijah & Moses?
2016-02-03 "I am that I am": (same person as first caller) "I am that I am", can Steve please explain that expression? [Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 43:13, Isaiah 46:4] (The verse Steve Couldn't find during the live show was Isaiah 43:13]
2016-01-14 Bloody Husband to Me: What does it mean that Moses was a bloody husband to Zipporah & why did God "try" to kill Moses? [Exodus 4:24]
2016-01-11 Evidence of the 10 Plagues in Egypt: Is there any documentaries on the evidence that the 10 plagues actually happened in Egypt? ("Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" "Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy")
2015-12-18 Moses & Mount Sinai "Lest they break through", God told Moses to go warn the people below less they break through. Breakthrough to where? the mountain to see God? [Exodus 19:21]
2015-11-30 Burning Bush & the Flame: Is the Flame that was on TOP of the burning Bush symbolic of the Holy Spirit coming on the people at Pentecost in Acts 2? [Exodus 3:1-15, Acts 2:1-4]
2015-11-23 Stoning: The Romans would not allow the Jews to carry out the death penalty?
Jesus & the Law of Moses: Were they trying to trap Jesus into saying they needed to keep the law of Moses when they brought the adulterous woman to Him? [John 8:1-11]
2015-11-10 Lazarus & Abraham's Bosom: Where were they when they were dead? [Luke 16:19-31]
Transfiguration, Moses & Elijah: Where did Moses & Elijah come back from? How did the disciples recognize them?
2015-09-14 God "trying" to kill Moses: what was happening w/ God trying to "kill" Moses in [Exodus 4:24]?
2015-08-28 Hebrew Roots Movement: Doesn't Dispensationalism feed into the Hebrew Roots Movement?
New Testament Books Written after 70 AD: Were ANY books of the Bible written after 70 AD?
Old Testament Prophets: Steve believes that all the OT prophets wrote in a prophetic/symbolic/poetic language, but which ones wrote in the LEAST amount of poetic language?
2015-08-19 Seeing God Contradictions: God told Moses he couldn't see Him face to face, but Jacob got to Him face to face? How come the contradictions? Did Jacob actually see God face to Face? [Exodus 33:18-20, Genesis 32:30]
2015-05-29 Saved by the Law in Old Testament: Were not the people of the Old Testament saved by keeping the law, in contrast to being saved by faith in the New Testament?
2015-05-01 The Transfiguration: What were the Apostles seeing when they saw Moses & Elijah? Were they in their glorified bodies, in their spirits?
2015-04-16 God's Glory, God being around evil: Moses couldn't see God's face because of His glory, it says in some places that He can't be around evil, but Satan traveled up & down to Heaven.
2015-04-07 God "tried" to kill Moses: What was happening in Exodus 4:24-25, why did God try to kill him, why was his wife Zipporah angry w/ him? [Exodus 4:24--25]
2015-03-04 Aaron & Hur holding up Moses Arms: Is there a reason that Aaron & Hur were the ones that held Moses' arms up, were they the only ones qualified? [Exodus 17:12-14]
2015-01-16 Michael the Archangel & Moses: What exactly was the dispute over Moses' body anyway? [Jude 9]
2014-11-06 Adam & Eve to Mt Siani: How was life before the law was given to Moses? How did the people live from Adam to Moses w/out the 10 commandments?
Clean Slate in Marriage: What if I got married & divorced before I became a Christian? Is it like having a clean slate then? [1 Corinthians 7]
2014-07-31 Fear of Moses parents & Moses: Why does it say in Hebrews that Moses' parents & Moses himself were not fearful when we know they actually were? [Hebrews 11:23, 27]
Abraham's body being "dead": It says in the Bible that when Abraham had Isaac, that his body was dead, yet he had more children AFTER Isaac? [Romans 4:16-22, Hebrews 11:11-19]
2013-12-16 Time Getting to Cannan from Egypt: How long did it take the Israelites to get to the land of Canaan from Egypt?
2013-12-10 Moses First Wife Zipporah: Whatever happened to Moses' first wife, Zipporah?
2013-09-03 42 laws of Ma'at: Did Moses get some of his commandments from ancient Egypt from something called, the Ma'at?
No Evidence of the Exodus: People say there's no evidence of the Great Exodus out of Egypt & the crossing of the Red Sea. Is there any truth to that?
2013-09-03 The Epic of Gilgamesh: There's evidence of a Flood before Moses' record including the Epic of Gilgamesh.
2013-08-12 Prophet that was Expected: Who was the Prophet that was expected? [John 1:21, John 6:14]
2013-07-23 The Staff that Shepherds Use: Where did the first staff come from that Moses used, that Abraham used & so on? Where is the original one?
2013-05-03 Number of Years Given to Man (lifespan): Is there a contradiction between scriptures saying we have 70 vs 120 years? [Psalm 90:70, Genesis 6:3, Genesis 10].
2013-05-03 Age of Man: Comment; Moses was just making an observation about how long people were living. [Psalm 90:10].
120 Years Promised to Man: I think the 120 years were promised to mankind. [Genesis 6:3].
2013-05-02 Moses' Age: Can we assume that people were routinely living to the age of 70 in the day of Moses? [Psalm 90:10].
Obession with Age: Could the obession with age go back to the idea that people at one time lived much longer (pre-Moses, prediluvian)?
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