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Topic: Tongues (Speaking in)

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Episode Topic Audio
2020-05-04 Tongues as an Unknown Language: Where in scripture can you make a case for speaking in tongues being an unknown language, pehaps that of angels? [I Corinthians 14:2 & 13].
Tongues as a Known Language: Is tongues in the book of Acts at Pentecost a known language? [Acts 2, Acts 10, Acts 19, I Corinthians 14, Jude 1:20].
2020-04-02 Speaking in Tongues: Do you think that people who have been filled with the Holy Spirit can speak in tongues, but won't necessarily do so?
Speaking in Tongues: I have prayed for the gift of speaking in tongues and have felt a kind of welling up inside, but do not so. Am I doing something wrong? [I Corinthians 13, 14:13, Jude 20].
2020-04-02 Speaking in Tongues: Do you think that people who have been filled with the Holy Spirit can speak in tongues, but won't necessarily do so?
Speaking in Tongues: I have prayed for the gift of speaking in tongues and have felt a kind of welling up inside, but do not so. Am I doing something wrong? [I Corinthians 13, 14:13, Jude 20].
2020-04-02 Take Up Your Cross: What is your view of the prophetic implications of His own death, when Jesus said that we are to take up our cross? [Luke 9:29, John 10:18].
Speaking in Tongues: If there is no interpretation of tongues, doesn't it prove that the tongues spoken is not genuine? [I Corinthians 14:13].
2020-03-19 Speaking in Tongues Evidence of Holy Spirit's Filling: Is speaking in tongues the only evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit? [Acts 2:4, Ephesians 5:18, Galatians 5:22f].
2020-01-10 Tongues & Other Gifts: Do not all these signs described in scripture still happen to believers, such as tongues? [Mark 16:17, Matthew 7:11].
2019-12-03 Jesus Born Sinless: If Jesus was born of Mary, then how does one determine He was born sinless?
Jesus as Miracle-worker: Does prophetic scripture say that Jesus would be a miracle worker? [Isaiah 53:4, 35:5, Matthew 8:17, Matthew 11:2-6].
Tongues Speaking Authenticity: Is there some criteria to determine the authenticity of a tongues speaker? [I Corinthians 14:27-28].
2019-10-03 Trinity: If someone doesn't believe in the trinity, are they not really Christians?
Tongues: Must one speak in tongues to be saved?
2019-09-09 Character Fixed at Death: Is character fixed at the point of death? How does this reflect on possibility that one may be able to repent after death? [I John 3:2].
Tongues (Glossolalia): Were the glossolalia or tongues (dialects) spoken at Pentecost and the tongues Paul discusses in I Corinthians different from one another, and what would the purpose be to have the second kind? [Acts 2, I Corinthians 14:13,22].
2019-09-09 Tongues Interpretation: How do you determine who is present with the gift of interpretation if someone in a church meeting wants to speak in tongues? [I Corinthians 12, 14:13].
2019-09-06 Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Tongues: What is your view of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues? [Acts 2:4, Acts 10 & 11).
Holy Spirit Seals Us: Doesn't all believers have the Holy Spirit and he seals you? [Ephesians 5:18].
Born Again: How do you know when you are born again? [I John].
2019-09-04 Speaking in Tongues: Is speaking in tongues a gift and not for every believer?
2019-08-21 Tongues & Pentecosatal movement: What do you know about the early Pentecostal groups that spoke in tongues?
2019-07-25 Speaking in Tongues: What does it mean to have a "prayer language" (speaking in tongues) and are you familiar with the two kinds called glossolalia and zenoglossia? [I Thessalonian 5:21].
2019-07-11 Classes on Speaking in Tongues: What do you think about a church offering classes on how to speak in tongues? [I Corinthians 12:30].
2019-06-24 Speaking in Tongues: Is speaking in tongues always automatic or is it sometimes generated?
2019-03-06 Signs of Salvation: What are the necessary signs of salvation? Do you have to be baptized or speak in tongues in order to be saved? What does being saved actually mean?
2019-02-13 No interpretation of tongues: Speaking in tongues that nobody can interpret, is that biblical?
2019-02-07 Cessation of Spiritual Gifts: Did the gifts of the Spirit cease after the Apostolic Age? [1 Corinthians 13:8]
2019-01-24 Receiving the Holy Spirit: I don't think I've received the Holy Spirit, & I've never spoken in tongues. What should I do?
2019-01-14 Gift of Speaking in Tongues: How would I know for sure I have received the gift of tongues?
2018-12-06 Speaking in Tongues Contradiction: Speaking in Tongues contradiction, saying it's a sign for unbelievers but then later says it's a sign for believers, & also says that prophesying for the believer, but then also for the unbeliever. Why the apparent contradictions? [1 Corinthians 14:22-25]
2018-11-21 Speaking in Tongues: Could it be that believers should not be speaking in tongues but only the unbelievers, because it says prophecy is for the believers
2018-11-19 Contradiction about speaking about Speaking in Tongues: There seems to be a contradiction about speaking in tongues, that it is just for the believers or that it's for the unbelievers. What say you? [1 Corinthians 14:22]
2018-11-12 Pre-existence for Jeremiah: God knew us before we were born, does that mean we had a pre-existence? Did Jeremiah know God before he came down here? [Jeremiah 1:5]
Speaking in Tongues: Alternate viewpoint in speaking in tongues.
2018-11-12 Speaking in Tongues: On your show recently you've had people talking about speaking in tongues, & so they might be interested in Perplexed by Tongues by Larry Christenson
2018-11-07 Speaking in Tongues: What is Steve's view in speaking in tongues? [1 Corinthians 13-14]
2018-09-17 Gifts of the Spirit: Do Gifts of the Spirit like miracles & tongues & the rest still exist?
2018-09-12 Speaking in Tongues: In speaking in tongues could one possibly open oneself up to evil spirits by asking?
2018-09-04 Speaking in Tongues: Are there different kinds? Are they actual languages or can they be babble ecstatic utterance? [1 Corinthians 14]
2018-08-28 Replacement Theology: In the new covenant, have the gentiles replaced Jews now or what?
Speaking in Tongues: I looked in your statement of beliefs & didn't see anything about tongues. Do you still believe they are for today?
2018-08-28 50 Days After Passover Gift of the Spirit: Were the gifts of the spirit (tongues) only for the apostles & why did it happen 50 days after passover? [Acts 2]
2018-08-24 Speaking in Tongues: What if everyone is wrong about what is the common understanding of certain theological ideas? How do you know if your gift of tongues is genuine?
2018-08-23 Speaking in Tongues: I'm wondering about the validity of speaking in tongues, why do people practice it? Where does the unknown language come from?
2018-08-23 Speaking in Tongues: (Call is about speaking in tongues but not a follow-up from the previous) Caller has a church member that thinks the miracle is in the HEARING of the tongues, not speaking.
Jesus Movement: Caller started to share his testimony about the Jesus movement, but Steve has to end it.
2018-08-17 Doctrine & Teaching on the Speaking in Tongues: Have you ever heard of the book Doctrine & Teaching on the Speaking in Tongues by Gideon Hereb?
2018-07-23 Life & Death is in the Tongue: Do you believe that life & death is in the tongue? [Proverbs 18:21]
2018-07-02 Cursing Christ or Acknowledging Christ: It says in 1 Corinthians 12 that no one can say the name of Jesus is a curse by the Spirit of God & no one can acknowledge that Jesus is Lord unless a believer. What do you think about the accuracy of this? [1 Corinthians 12:3]
The Gift of Speaking in Tongues: Are there basically 2 kinds of Speaking in Tongues? One where you don't have to interpret & another where you do have to?
2018-05-23 Speaking in Tongues: I know there's many kinds of different speaking in tongues, privately or in an assembly of believers, but when you start speaking in tongues, does it just take you over?
2018-05-23 Speaking in Tongues: Everybody should be able to hear in their own language, not gibberish that you don't know what is being said.
Eternal Torment in Hell: You don't seem to believe that people are going to be thrown into the lake of fire & burn eternally. Can you explain this?
2018-05-11 I Never Knew You: God is all knowing, but then He says, I never knew you? How is that not a contradiction?
Talking in tongues: What if some people were just trying to demonstrate that they had the ability to communicate in tongues? Is that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
2018-05-09 Transported at a Rapid Speed: Traveling faster than normal somewhere.
Speaking in Tongues: Could God give you the ability to speak to someone in their tongue for Evangelism or Missionary work?
2018-04-20 Gifts of the Spirit: Being Baptized by the Holy Spirit, modern day tongues, all the gifts of the Spirit, are they gone now or still for the church?
2018-03-05 Speaking in Tongues: Is speaking in tongues the only evidence that you truly have the Holy Spirit? Does this idea come from the book of Acts?
2018-02-15 Eating Jesus Flesh: Commentary on eating the flesh & drinking the blood of Jesus. [John 6]
Word of Faith and the Tongue: The word of faith teaching and power in the tongue. [James 1:26-27, 3:8-9]
2018-02-08 Speaking in Tongues: What are Steve's thoughts on praying in tongues during a prayer meeting?
2018-02-05 Praying in the Spirit: Is praying in tongues the same as praying in the Spirit and is that a perfect prayer? [Ephesians 6:18, Jude 20, 1 Corinthians 14:14]
2017-12-28 Sermon on the Mount & James: You say that James gets a lot of his information from the Sermon on the Mount. Do you know what the connections are to James' writings?
The Tongue: What is this about James referring to the tongue as dangerous? [James 3:2-12]
2017-11-13 Still asked to Teach even though Different View: We've been asked to teach even though we disagree about hell. (follow up to a call he made couple weeks before.)
Tongues of Fire & Consumed by Fire: There was the Day of Pentecost when the Flames of Fire were on people, & the animal sacrifices that were consumed by fire, are they somehow related? [Acts 2]
2017-10-31 Charismatic Movement & Pentecostal Movement: Can you describe the "Charismatic Movement" & how it compares to the Pentecostal Movement?
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