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Topic: Drugs (Medications, Pharmaceuticals)

Showing 101 to 150 of 150.
Episode Topic Audio
2017-01-03 Pornography Addiction: Are addiction problems biblical or is it referring to people who are just out of control?
2016-12-12 Ex-convicts/Drug Addiction: Some fear they might go to hell, not having complete victory over drugs. Even being addicted to coffee is bad (after break).
2016-11-11 Pain Killers: Should the caller go off his medication of pain killers?
2016-10-24 God healing: If our God can heal, why do Christians then need hospitals or ambulances?
Combatting Pornography: Is there a way to combat pornography? How to deal with the guilt?
2016-06-15 Health Care Insurance: Don't we have to obey the laws of the land, specifically health care insurance?
2016-06-09 Psychiatry & Depression: A friend of the caller who is a psychiatrist thinks people with depression should always be treated with Medicine, anti-depressants, What does Steve think about that?
Unconscious Memory: If you believe your "Unconscious Memory" is making you behave badly, you can still take control of it & do things right. [Recommends a series of Lectures called, "Biblical Counsels for a Change" about Mental Health.]
2016-05-27 Pornography, Drugs & Demonic Oppression: I'm struggling with drugs, pornography, demonic oppression, so what do I do?
The Nephilim: Did Angels have sex with women? The nephilim. [Genesis 6]
2016-05-11 Mandrakes: What exactly were mandrakes? Do they still exist today? Does it help someone get pregnant? [Genesis 30:14–18]
2016-04-22 Medicinal Marijuana: What is your view of medicinal marijuana & the Christians?
2016-04-22 Medical Marijuana for Pain: Shouldn't take medicinal marijuana even for chronic pain. They have the ability to extract the "good stuff" without having to get high.
2016-04-20 Marijuana-Medicinal & Recreational: What do you think about medicinal & recreational Marijuana & sorcery or pharmacea? [Revelation 18:23]
2016-02-26 Psychiatric Medication: Psychiatric medications for Mental Illness, but some of these mental illnesses can be physical so require medication.
2016-02-26 Alcohol & Street Drugs not a Moral Issue: A lot of social workers try to say that alcohol & street drugs are not a moral issue but a disease issue, what do you think?
2015-11-05 Addictive Pain Killers: Resource re: the call about Addictive Pain Killers.
2015-11-04 Addictive Pain Killers: What does the Bible say about controlling pain w/ drugs, especially long-term? [Proverbs 31]
2015-10-14 Drugs & Mental Illness: Caller is concerned about what Steve just said about drugs involving mental illness.
2015-08-25 Using Drugs (Marijuana) Recreationally: What are Steve's thoughts on using Drugs, especially Marijuana, recreationally since they are legal in the state of where the caller is calling from?
Alcohol vs Marijuana Effects: What about the effects of Marijuana verses Alcohol?
2015-08-21 Pain Medication: Is it okay to take Pain Medication even though you are using a lot of it, & have the potential to abuse it & become addicted to it?
2015-07-02 Alcohol & Drugs: Can a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohols, & even do petty theft to support their habit, can they still be considered Christians?
Richard Dawkins: Can Steve explain some of what is wrong w/ Richard Dawkins reasoning?
2015-04-21 Followup About Previous Show: Caller wants to comment about previous day's show about a call about homosexuality & alcohol.
2015-04-21 Testimony about Addictions: As a result of hearing a couple phone calls regarding the caller about homosexuality & alcohol, a caller wanted to share his testimony re: drinking.
2015-04-10 Substance Abuse, Homosexuality, Calvinism, their 5 points: Caller has had trouble w/ pot, alcohol, Homosexuality, & is becoming a Calvinist & would like Steve to explain the point about Total Depravity.
2015-03-16 Vaccines & Peter's Vision of animals: Our bodies are God's Temple, so be careful what you put in it, so no vaccines, caller thinks, but does Acts 10 trump that?
2015-02-26 Going off meds: What made the students go off the meds that were at a school that Steve taught at?
2015-02-23 Marijuana & Prescription Drugs: Caller has been using marijuana & legal drugs for quite sometime, & wondering if they are okay to use.
2015-02-23 Alcohol & Drugs: Caller comments on previous call about drugs & alcohol.
Annihilationism: Comments about the first call regarding hell, but not universalism, but annihilationism.
Evolution for Creation: Can you combine both Creation & Evolution, God using Evolution for Creation?
2015-01-28 Addicted to Narcotics: How do I break the addiction of prescription drugs? I've tried everything!
2015-01-23 Nutrition & Depression: A handful of Cashews is just as effective as a dose of Prozac.
2015-01-22 Marijuana: What do you think of people using Marijuana as an alternative for the conventional medicine such as Prozac in treating depression?
2015-01-22 Marijuana: Taking Marijuana for Depression, that can make you more depressed!
Spiritual Discernment: Objecting to the way a friend is raising her kids, is that Spiritual Discernment?
2015-01-22 Anti-Depressants: Fighting depression with Vitamins & Diet is the best way to go, this caller thinks.
2014-12-18 Daniel prayed 3 times a day: Was that normal for the Jew to pray 3 times a day? Or was that just what Daniel did? [Daniel 6:10-28, Psalm 119:164]
Disobeying the Government: What if the government ever made such a decree here? Would we have to obey the government? Or should we do what Daniel did? [Matthew 6:6, Romans 13:1-4]
Mandatory Vaccinations: What if good conscience I refuse to take vaccinations? This Ebola thing is all about mandatory vaccinations.
2014-10-01 Medicinal Marijuana & Chronic Pain: Is it okay to use Medicinal Marijuana for Chronic Pain?
2014-07-21 Pranic Healing - Energy Medicine: What do you think of a practice called, "Pranic Healing", Engergy Medicine?
2014-05-28 An alcoholic & drug addicted Dad: How am I supposed to honour my father who is drunk all the time & addicted with drugs?
2014-05-14 Former/Current Relationship & Addiction: Wants advice on how to get out of a relationship w/ someone who has addictive behavior & so doesn't want to enabling her to continue that practice.
2014-05-14 Addictions (first call follow-up): Advice for the first caller's g/f who is exhibiting addictive behavior.
Face for Radio: You said you didn't have a face for radio, but I think you do.
2014-05-14 More Reaction to First Call about Addictions: A previous caller needs to not enable his g/f, financing her ability to be able to buy her drugs & alcohol.
Speaking Engagements by Steve Gregg: How do you determine where you will speak?
2014-04-01 Medical Marijuana: What are your views on Marijuana for medicinal purposes?
2014-03-24 Word of Faith & Doubting: People tell me i'm not having enough faith if I have to keep my medicine around to make sure I don't die, if I don't believe God is going to heal me? [James 5:14-15]
2014-02-03 Mental Illness & Drugs: Caller comments & discusses that you can't just put a band-aid on mental illness or emotional problems w/ drugs all the time.
2014-02-03 Mental Illness: Caller wanted to comment about the previous call he heard about Mental Illness & clarify a few things.
2013-11-11 12 Step, AA Programs: Would Steve recommend 12 Step, double AA programs?
2013-11-11 Supporting 12 Steps Programs: Caller is thinks 12 step, AA Recovery meetings are a very good thing.
The Baha'i Faith: Caller thinks all the faiths in the world are the same, including the Baha'i Faith. Doesn't Steve agree?
2013-10-11 Changing Your Heart: What comes first, a changed heart or changed behaviour?
Addictions: What is the equivalent word to "addiction" in the Bible since that word is not in there?
2013-09-17 Sorcery, Drugs & Pharmakeia: Are we supposed to be using mind-altering drugs for healing since it's a form of sorcery according to Revelation? [Revelation 18:23, Revelation 9:21, Revelation 21:8, Revelation 22:15, Galatians 5:19-21]
2013-05-30 Accessing Steve's Radio Shows: Caller shares that has them.
Mental Illness: Caller challenges the view that there may be no "mental illness.".
School Shooting & Medications: Hasn't it been determined that most of the school shooters were on medication?
2013-01-04 Additions & Forgiving Repetitively: How can God possibly forgive people with addictions, who continually ask for forgiveness but fall again and again?
2012-01-03 Medical Marijuana (Cannabis): What do you think abut medical marijuana (cannabis)? [Psalm 31:6-7].
Martial Arts: What do you think about Christians who are involved in the martial arts? [1 Corinthians 10:31].
"Words" from God-from Others: How do you know when someone is actually speaking the "word" from God? [Acts 17:11, 1 Thessalonins 5:21].
2012-01-03 Martial Arts & Marijuana (Cannabis): Caller shares his experience with martial arts, and the conviction he felt when he chose to leave them, and the benefits of marijuana for medical treatment.
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