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Topic: Messiah (Messianic)

Showing 101 to 130 of 130.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-04-10 Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur & Passover: Why would Paul call Jesus our Passover instead of our Atonement? What is the difference between the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) & the Passover?
Jesus the Messiah: How come the Jews don't accept the idea that Jesus was the Messiah?
2017-12-13 The 3 Wise men-Magi: How did the Magi even know to look for a star that was connected w/ the Messiah?
2017-11-08 The Book of Romans: Do you feel you are getting a lot more questions about romans lately since that is what is being on in BSF right now?
Messiah & Abraham: Where do you find evidence about the Messiah in the Genesis? Wasn't he promised through Abraham?
2017-10-31 The Prince in Daniel: Who is the Prince/prince in both verses of Daniel? [Daniel 9:25-26]
2017-09-18 Jews Looking for a King: Are the Jews just looking for a King who does not claim to be the Son of God, the Messiah?
2017-09-01 Isaiah 53: Jesus is the fulfillment of Isaiah 53, but the Jews think it's talking about Israel, Jacob, so how do we counter this? [Isaiah 53]
2017-06-26 Prince Yet to Come: The Prince that is to come again. [Daniel 9:26]
2017-05-19 Jesus Never Declaring He was Christ: Jesus never said He was the Christ, how do I refute that to my friend? I gave him some evidence but he still said He never said it. [John 4:25-26]
2017-01-12 Jesus not being God to the Jews: Why didn't the Jews recognize Jesus when He came?
2016-10-12 Ezekiel 40-48 Prophecy & Eastern Gate Blocked Off": Eastern gate, did Jesus going through that gate (on Palm Sunday) fulfill prophecy? Muslims blocked off that gate thinking it was still to be fulfilled [Ezekiel 40-48]
2016-06-28 Mother God: Mother God comments.
Jews not recognizing the Messiah: Why is it hard for Jews to accept the Messiah?
2016-06-28 Recognizing Jesus as Messiah: Buddhist comments on last call, why it's hard for Jews to recognize Jesus as Messiah.
2016-04-27 Christians Essentials: Where can i find you talking about Christian essentials, non-negotiables, on your website?
Jesus being Prophecied Throughout the Entire Bible: So you can find Jesus all throughout the Bible from Genesis? What about the importance of prophecy? [Isaiah 53]
2016-03-30 Cyrus the Great: What is the Christian view on Cyrus the Great? Was he ultimately saved? [Isaiah 45:1]
2016-03-14 Rabbi Translating Isaiah different: Caller talking to a Jewish Rabbi said that his version of the Bible does not say that Jesus would become the Messiah. [Isaiah 9:6]
2016-02-26 Tell No Man I'm Christ: Why didn't He want people to know He was Christ? [Matthew 16:20, Matthew 26:41]
Binding & Loosing: What was the Binding & Loosing that Jesus was talking about? [Matthew 16:19]
2016-01-13 Jesus the Seed in Genesis: Did the Jews recognize the first promise of the Bible to be about the Messiah? [Genesis 3:15]
The Town of Nod: Do we know where Nod was? [Genesis 4:16]
2015-08-12 Judaism: Judaism is the true religion because it talks about the coming Messiah?
2015-07-16 "Who do you say that I Am?": Why did Jesus so say not to tell anyone about Him or His works? What were the disciples preaching since Jesus hadn't been resurrected yet? [Mark 8:27-30, Matthew 11:1]
2015-02-17 Biblical Interpretation - Coming Messiah: What is the meaning of Isaiah 32:2? [Isaiah 32:2]
2014-11-06 Declaration of the Messiah: (Disagreement call) Jesus said that He was Messiah.
2014-03-14 "Better Thing for us": What does Hebrews 11:40 mean, a better thing for us, & without us they won't be "perfect"? [Hebrews 11:40]
Gentiles brought in: Once the all the Gentiles have been brought in that will, the number will be complete? His second coming?
2013-12-10 Determining Who the "He" is-Daniel 9: How can we know for sure who the "he" is in Daniel 9:27? [Daniel 9:25-27].
The Mustard Seed & the Leaven-Good or Bad: The "Mustard Seed" or "Leave" can be either good or bad. People need to use common sense to interpret them in context.[Matthew 13:31-33]
2013-09-25 God's Son Declared in the OT: Are there any texts in the Old Testament that declares the coming Messiah is the Son of God? [Isaiah 9:6, Psalm 2:7]
2013-05-13 70 Weeks of Daniel: Could "the prince" in Daniel 9 be referring to Jesus? [Daniel 9: 25-27].
Education-Not Indoctrination: Caller shares the importance of learning to think about scripture and challenge some of what we are taught.
2013-04-24 Israel's Promise of a Deliverer: How did Israel gain its hope and anticipation of a deliverer? [Genesis 15].
2013-03-26 Symbolism of the "Donkey & Colt": Could you talk about the symbolism of the donkey and colt tied to the vine in Genesis 49 [Genesis 49:10-11].
2013-03-13 Chakras: Chakras are discussed from a Buddhist perspective. Are Chakras more biological or spiritual?
Jesus in the Old Testament: Is Jesus prophesied in the Old Testament? [Isaiah 53].
Jewish Tradition of "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW): What does the Jewish tradition make of the "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW)" in Isaiah 53? [Isaiah 53:6-8].
2013-03-13 Chakras: Chakras are discussed from a Buddhist perspective. Are Chakras more biological or spiritual?
Jesus in the Old Testament: Is Jesus prophesied in the Old Testament? [Isaiah 53].
Jewish Tradition of "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW): What does the Jewish tradition make of the "Servant of Yahweh (YWHW)" in Isaiah 53? [Isaiah 53:6-8].
2013-02-20 Realized (Inaugurated) Eschatology: Could you explain "realized eschatology" (or inaugurated eschatology)? [Daniel 2:35, Colossian 1:13, Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:9-11].
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