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Topic: Science

Showing 101 to 121 of 121.
Episode Topic Audio
2015-03-20 Christian Science: Are the Christian Scientists just like any other denomination? Is there any place in the Bible we can exploit for healing?
2015-02-19 Cloning & DNA: Caller is wondering what Steve thinks about cloning with DNA, Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Isn't it demonic? [Ephesians 6:12]
2014-10-15 Creation or Evolution: Can you be a Christian & be an Evolutionist at the same time?
2014-06-24 Stephen Hawking: What's God's purpose in allowing people like Stephen Hawking to propagate their propaganda? [Revelation 12:9]
2013-12-03 Dinosaurs in Creation: When did the dinosaurs come into the creation timeline? [Genesis 1, Genesis 2]
Unbiased Scientific Evidence: We need to have an unbiased interpretation of science, not a preconceived idea.
2013-08-21 Uniformitarianism: Uniformitarianists or Evolutionaists think that the passage in Scripture in 2 Peter denies creationism or the World wide Flood. What does Steve say? [vo2 peter 3:3-7]
Westboro Baptist Church: What does Steve think about the radical Westboro Baptist Church?
2013-06-26 Evolution being taught in my Church: Why would someone start teaching the theory of evolution in my church?
2013-06-17 Christian Believing in Evolution: Can a Christian believe in Evolution?
2013-06-11 Noah & the Flood: Was Noah's Flood a world-wide flood or a localized one?
Young or Old Earth?: Does Steve believe in an Old Earth or a New Earth?
2013-06-06 Theory of Evolution Saves Lives-Symbiotic Relationships: Caller thinks Evolution saves lives & tries to give a thesis on why.
2013-05-30 Atheist Caller: Science vs Supernatural: Atheist caller discusses why science and Christianity is at odds, and the need to continue to pursue questions of creation, etc.
2013-05-23 Atheist Promotes Science: Atheist; How can we determine what is supernatural? Could it not just be the natural that we don't yet understand? What does "supernatural mean?"
2013-05-23 God-the Source: May I read this guote from C.S. Lewis, regarding the existence of God?
2013-05-23 Science & God: Caller shares quotes from Josh McDowell regarding science and God. Recommended book "Reasons Skeptics Should Consider Christianity".
2013-05-23 Supernatural & Science: Caller comments on the supernatural and science and shares another C.S. Lewis quote.
2013-05-16 Atheist Ex-Mormon-Evolution: Atheist Ex-Mormon offers to answer Steve's questions about evolution in response to his challenge that there is no real evidence for evolution.
2013-04-23 Technology Dangers-Taking Us into God's Territory: Since it is God's domain to search hearts and minds, isn't the research into minds with technology a dangerous direction? [Revelation 2:23, Revelation 20:7].
2013-04-23 Idolatry & Pagan Sites: Are there some places we should not go to, like pagan ruins, a mosque, or temple and worship sites, etc.?
Tower of Babel: Some say that the space program is analagous to the "Tower of Babel" - what do you think?
2013-03-19 Creationism & Evolution: Could you suggest some scientists that support the biblical account of creation for my grandson? (Henry Morris, Duane Gish, Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, Institute for Creation Research).
2013-03-19 Evidence in One's Life Outcome: Caller encourages fellow believers to consider the long term, life outcomes of unbelievers, rather than just the scientific position they hold.
2013-01-16 Facing the Judgment: Why a Judgment for Christians?
Creation-Days or Billions of Years: How do we reconcile what the Bible seems to say about the creation of the earth (6 literal days) & what science says (millions of years)?
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