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Topic: Vow (Oath, Swear, Promise)

Showing 101 to 150 of 192.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-08-25 You Whole Household Will be Saved: What do you think about Christians believing their whole household will be saved? [Acts 16:31].
2020-08-14 The Promised Land: What was the size of the promised land for the Jews and did they receive all that they had been promised? [Joshua 21:43-45, I Kings 4:24].
2020-08-03 Defraud Not One Another in Marriage: would you clarify what it means to "not defraud one another" and if this grounds for divorce? [I Corinthians 7:5, Exodus 21:10-11].
2020-07-27 Encouraging Those With Failing Faith & Marriages: Could you recommend some verses to encourage those withdrawing from the faith while their marriages are failing?
2020-07-24 Wisdom or Promises in Proverbs: Where does it say that the book of Proverbs is for wisdom and not actually promises? [Proverbs 1].
2020-07-14 Adulterous Marriage: Because a couple I know remarried in some complicated circumstances, I am wondering if it is actually an adulterous marriage? [Matthew 5:32].
2020-05-29 Bankruptcy & Debt: What does the Bible say about excessive debt and bankruptcy? [Psalm 37:21]. [Editor's Note: Steve continues his thoughts after the break, even though it seems like he ended it before the break started.]
2020-05-22 All Israel Will be Saved-Defining Israel: Could you talk about "all Israel will be saved"? [Romans 11:17-26, Romans 9:6, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9-11, Jeremiah 11].
2020-05-21 Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation: If the seven churches in Revelation are in Asia Minor, then why would John be writing to them instead of the believers in Jerusalem? [Matthew 24].
Blessing Promised to Churches in Revelation: Would the blessing promised to the seven churches in Revelation be primarily because they would witness prophecy being fulfilled? [Revelation 2:10, Revelation 3:10].
Laws Written on our Hearts-Absolute Right & Wrong? Are the laws of God really written on our hearts, so that we know absolute right and wrong? Particularly since so many right things are contingent on the circumstances and situation? ?
2020-05-20 Devastating Events-Though God Promises Good: Can you help me understand how to apply the promise for good from Romans in my devastating circumstances, including my divorce and son's suicide? [Romans 8:28].
2020-05-12 Rejecting Knowledge of God: Would you comment on the application of perishing for lack of knowledge in Hosea 4:6 and relating it to us today? [Hosea 4:1 & 6, Hosea 5:4, Hosea 6:3].
If My People Called By My Name: Could you comment on 2 Chronicles 7:13 and if the promise is about making America great? [2 Chronicles 7:13, I Corinthians 1:10, Joshua 1:7, Ezekiel 7:21].
2020-05-01 Prayer Required for Fulfillment of God's Promises: Would you comment on whether we have to pray for God's promises to be fulfilled? [Jeremiah 18:8, Daniel 9, Acts 4, Psalm 2].
2020-04-30 Promises to Abraham: What are the three main promises God made to Abraham? [Romans 4:13, Psalm 2:8]
Land of Israel Now: Why is there no significance to the land, the real estate, of Israel?
Christ Reigns in New Jerusalem: Is Christ going to reign in the New Jerusalem?
2020-04-29 Against the Future Establishment of Israel & Davidic King: What is the best argument against the future establishment of the land of Israel and Davidic King? [Acts 2:36, Acts 13, Mark 11:10, Luke 17:40, Exodus 19:5-6, Deuteronomy 26 & 28:45-46, Leviticus 18:28].
2020-04-21 Tithing: Could you give me evidence regarding tithing and whether we should tithe or not?
Not a Respecter of Persons: What does "not a respecter of persons" mean? [I Peter 3:17, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11-16].
Healing Owed to Us: Is our healing our right-or promised to us? [Isaiah 53:4-5, Matthew 8:17, I Peter 2:24, James 1:17].
2020-04-17 Adultery & Remarriage: What does the Bible say about getting remarried after a divorce that involved adultery? [I Corinthians 7].
Private Covenant Marriage: What do you think about a covenant marriage, done privately (without witnesses) between two people without any government involvement? [Genesis 24].
2020-04-10 Spiritual or Physical Health: Is God talking about spiritual or physical health in Proverbs 3? [Proverbs 3:7-8].
2020-04-02 Irrefutable Fulfilled Prophesy: Are there some prophetic passages that are particularly convincing to the skeptic? [Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, Daniel 7-10].
2020-04-01 Blessing Israel Fulfilled: Is the blessing referred to in Genesis 12, fulfilled in Christ? [Genesis 12, Numbers 22, Acts 3:25-26].
2020-02-20 The Masons & Eastern Star: What do you think about the service organization Eastern Star (Masons)?
2020-02-13 Eternal Life Promised in Old Testament: Where in the Old Testament does it promise us the hope of eternal life, as indication in Titus? [Titus 1:2, Daniel 12:2, Revelation 22:3, Genesis 3:15, I John 3:8].
2020-01-28 Promises for the Church Today: Are there any other promises made to the New Testament church, beyond He will "never leave or forsake" us? [2 Peter 1:4, Hebrew 8:6, 13:5, Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36, Matthew 6:33, Romans 8:28].
Called a Nazarene: Where is it said in the prophets "He will be called a Nazarene" as described in Matthew 2? [Matthew 2:22, Micah 5:2, Hosea 11:1]
2019-12-13 Won't Grow Weary: Why do I still get tired when scripture indicates that I won't grow weary in Isaiah? [Isaiah 31:40].
2019-11-27 "Dang it": Are minced oaths, like "dang it," blasphemous?
2019-11-19 Marriage Vows: Would you comment on marriage vows and traditions in contrast to those in Biblical days?
2019-11-08 Wedding Vows & Separation: Is breaking vows (short of immorality) made at a wedding ceremony, reason to separate or divorce? And are separations acceptable?
2019-11-04 All Things Work Together for Good: Is the promise of God found in Romans 8, a promise to the individual? or to the corporate church in general? [Romans8:28]. Caller lost a child.
2019-11-01 Keeping Promises & Vows: Where is the scripture that supports one keeping their commitments and promises? [Matthew 5:33-37, Psalm 15].
2019-07-16 Marriage: When does marriage actually begin-in light of possible seriousness of a commitment made prior the ceremony or sanction of the state? [I Corinthians 6:16]
2019-07-15 Applying Old Testament Promises to Ourselves: I am wondering if I can apply one of my favorite verses to myself, even though it was meant to the Old Testament exiles in Babylon? [Jeremiah 29:11, Deuteronomy 28, Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5, Psalm 118:6, 2 Corinthians 1:20].
2019-06-05 New Covenant: What did He mean when he said, "I will make a new covenant"? {Jeremiah 31:31-34, I John 2:27, Ezekiel 37].
"Virgin" or "Young Woman": Do the following verses necessitate the translation of "a virgin", rather than just a "young virgin"? [Isaiah 7:14, 8, Matthew 1:23].
2019-05-06 Promise from God: How do you know when the promise is to us? Rather than to a particular person, instead? [Joshua 1, Psalm 118].
2019-04-03 Oaths Forbidden: When Jesus forbid oaths, what did He mean [Matt 5:33-38]?
2019-03-12 When good kids die young: If honoring one's father and mother suggests a promise of long life, why do some good children die young? [Zephaniah 6:1-3, Ephesians 6].
2019-03-12 Commitment to Christ: Should we understand that praying the sinner’s prayer is like taking an oath of committing oneself for a future endeavor, like the military?
2019-02-12 God's Promises Conditional: Did you say every promise of God is conditional?
David & Paul differences: God doesn't deal w/ us according to our sins but then Paul says that He does, can these be harmonized? [Psalms 103:10, Romans 2:14]
2019-02-06 Land of Israel Didn't God promise to give the all the land back to Israel? Is this verse in Joshua hyperbolic? [Joshua 21:43]
2019-02-05 Land of Israel: Why didn't Israel ever get the entire land? Are God's promises conditional? [Genesis 15]
2019-02-04 Covenants: What are the parameters of a covenant? What are the different kinds of covenants? A Covenant would only end in the death of one party?
2019-02-01 Marriage: What determines when a couple is married in God's eyes or not?
2019-01-30 Promise of the Father: (followup for earlier in the show) Is the promise made in Genesis referring to the promise in Acts? [Genesis 22:18, Acts 1:4, Galatians 3:14]
2018-09-20 Pledge of Allegiance: Isn't saying the pledge "under God" making it okay to say?
2018-08-10 Oaths: What is the biblical view of oaths?
2018-01-30 Scripture Applying to Us: Knowing when a scripture might be meant especially for us, especially one of healing, [Jeremiah 30:17]
2017-11-21 Living in Sin: Confronting people who are living in sin.
Performing a Wedding you have Doubts about: What about performing weddings if you have some hesitancy about the union?
2017-11-07 Abraham going for the Promise Land: Did Abraham leave for the promise land like it seems to say in Genesis 12? [Genesis 11, Genesis 12, Acts 7:2-5]
Promises made to Abraham: Were the promises made to Abraham conditional or unconditional? [Jeremiah 18:7-10]
2017-11-01 Institutional Church & the Early Churches: Modern institutional churches is in complete contrast to the apostolic or early church of the 1st century. [Hebrews 10:25]
Grounds for Divorce & Remarriage Discussion: God's view of marriage & faithfulness, but you can get a divorce if there's any impurity, like if your spouse is or becomes an alcoholic.
2017-09-15 The Promises in the Bible: How much of the promises in the Bible can be applied to us? [Joshua 1:9]
Psalms & Proverbs: What about the advice or information from Proverbs? Are they true & appicable?
2017-07-25 Communication being Yea or Nay: What does Jesus mean in Matt 5:37 about your communication being yea or nay?
2017-07-05 Never Leaving or Forsaking: I believe we can lose our salvation, not once saved always saved, but what about His promise to never leave or forsake us? [Hebrews 13:5, Joshua 1:5]
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