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Topic: David (King, House of)

Showing 101 to 134 of 134.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-03-01 David & Goliath: Someone says there's contradiction about who really killed Goliath. [1 Chronicles 20:5, 2 Samuel 21:19]
Israelites in Egypt: Is there evidence of Israel actually being slaves in Egypt?
2015-12-17 King David & Bathsheba: Did King David actually rape Bathsheba? Do you suppose she knew what she was doing bathing in front of the palace, trying to seduce him?
Paul's struggle in Romans 7: Was Paul's struggle in Romans 7 pre or post conversion? What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? [Romans 7, Ephesians 6]
2015-12-17 King David & Bathsheba: followup comments to a previous call about King David & Bathsheba.
2015-10-30 Polygamy: Under the Banner of Heaven, by John Krakauer. How did Abraham, David & Solomon & others not see that this was adultery & degrading of women? Why did God permit it?
2015-09-10 Premillennialism vs Amillennialism: Can you please educate me on the difference between Premillennialism & Amillennialism?
Davidic Covenant How does Israel's rejection of Jesus affect the Davidic Covenant, whether you're a Premillennialist or an Amillennialist? [2 Samuel 7:12]
2015-06-25 Ahithophel: Did Ahithophel turn against David because of the relationship he had w/ Bathsheba?
2015-05-07 David & His Enemies: It says in the Psalms that he prayed for destruction of his enemies. Is that a NT thing to do?
Armageddon: Is Armageddon the Final Battle of the End of the World?
2015-05-05 Ahinoam: Was Ahinoam both King David's AND King Saul's wife....was this the same person?
2015-04-09 Ishmael: God blessed Ishmael, but He said say he would be like a wild ass, being against every nation? What did He mean by that?
Purgatory: A comment about Purgatory.
David: David being a man after a God's own heart.
2015-04-02 Prodigal Son: When Jesus said the story about the Prodigal Son, was this in a Jewish setting? Luke was writing to the Gentiles? The prodigal son had a broken & contrite heart, so that was why he didn't bring a sacrifice, like what David said in Psalms 51? [Luke 15:11-33, Psalms 51:17]
2015-04-01 Sheep & Goats: When do we become a Sheep or a Goat? Wasn't David's son who died at 2 years old a sheep? Are we all sheep & become goats? [Matthew 25:31-46]
People's Level of Importance: Why is the President esteemed so much more than a garbage man?
2015-03-12 David killing Goliath twice: Did David have to kill Goliath twice, once by the stone from the sling shot & then killed him with the sword? [1 Samuel 17:50-51]
2015-02-17 King David - Polygamy: The other day the caller heard Steve saying how there was no specific commandment against Polygamy in the Old Testament, but he cites a passage in Deuteronomy. [Deuteronomy 17:16-17]
2015-02-06 Polygamy: Comment about the call about polygamy that had happened recently, & why Jacob was never called a polygamous.
2015-02-03 King David's Concubines: Did David have concubines & if he did, isn't that adultery? How come he's not considered an adulterous?
2015-01-28 Jesus' lineage being of David: Joseph lineage was full of sinners, & he wasn't really Jesus' biological father, so Jesus is just the seed of David by faith? [Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38]
2015-01-05 Holy Spirit in the OT: Was the Holy Spirit not active in people's lives before the cross? What about David, when he said, "Take not the Holy Spirit from me?" [Psalm 51:11]
2014-11-18 Life of David: Is there a good book on the life of David, especially when he wrote the book of Psalms? [1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Kings 1]
2014-11-12 God's Judgment - David, the Shewbread & Ahimelech: David deceived Ahimelech, so did Ahimelech & the city of Mob get destroyed because of Ahimelech giving David shewbread even though he was more guilty than Ahimelech for deceiving him? [1 Samuel 22]
2014-10-16 King Saul's bloodshed: Where is the story about Saul shedding the blood of the Gibeonites before David wanted to avenge them? 2 Samuel 21]
Sheba the Scribe: Is Sheba the one that recorded a lot of David's exploits?
Urim and Thummim: What is the Urim & Thummim? There's not much mentioned of them in the Bible.
2014-10-08 Shimei Curses David & False Accusations: Why did Shimei curse David? [2 Samuel 16:5-13, Job 4-23]
2014-04-07 David taking a Census: Why was God angry with David for taking a census? [2 Samuel 24:1]
2014-02-20 Jesus & the seed of David: What does it mean, Jesus being "seed of David", & then give Joseph's genealogy in Matthew but since He wasn't even related to Joseph, how does that make sense? [2 Samuel 7:12, Romans 1:3, Matthew 1, Luke 3]
2014-02-13 David cutting Saul's skirt: Was Saul sleeping or using the bathroom when David managed to cut part of the Saul's skirt off?
Federal Reserve Money: Our Federal Government can & does print money without having gold or silver to back it up, & it's legit to do that.
2013-11-12 John the Baptist Elijah or Not: Jesus said that John the Baptist was the spirit of Elijah that has come, but John the Baptist says he was not Elijah. Why the contradiction? [John 1:19-28, Matthew 17:11-13]
God or Satan Incited David to Number the People: Did God or Satan incite David to number the people? [2 Samuel 24:1, 2 Chronicles 21:17]
2013-11-07 David being Conceived in Sin: Was David conceived out of wedlock? Or was he just talking about the sin nature? [Psalms 51:5]
2013-08-02 "The Lord is My Shepherd I shall Not Want": Was David going without? [Psalms 23]
2013-07-25 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David & Saul: The other day you had a caller talking about Bonhoeffer, but you never pointed out that David refused to kill Saul even though he was an evil leader. [1 Samuel 24:6]
2013-07-24 Polygamy: Why didn't God forbid polygamy?
2013-05-15 David's Anger: Can you help me figure out the anger of David in 2 Samuel? Why was David lauded over story of the death of Abner? [2 Samuel 4:10].
2013-04-11 David Acting Like a Crazy Man: Wasn't David lying when he pretended to be crazy to deceive? [1 Samuel 21-24].
Evil Spirit From God: Could you talk about the scripture that indicates the evil spirit came from God that troubled King Saul? [I Samuel 18:10,I Kings 22:21-23, Judges 9:23, Job 1:6-12].
2013-03-25 Supernatural Experiences: How do you feel about supernatural experiences? Caller shares a couple of her experiences. [I John 4:1, I Thessalonians 5:21, Psalms 34:7].
David and Bathsheba: Did David meet Bathseba before he saw her bathing?
On-line Meetings for Steve: Caller recommends that Steve teach more on-line.
2013-02-11 David & Jesus Regarding Enemies: Why did David curse or say bad things about his enemies, but Jesus said to forgive & love your enemies?
Blessings for doing Good, Cursing for doing Bad: How come in the Old Testament is says evil will happen if you sin, & good if you obey, or blessings & cursings for doing good or bad? [Job, Deuteronomy 28]
Legalizing Abominations: Does a nation that legalizing abominations be in trouble & receive the judgment of God?
2013-01-14 Jehovah's Witnesses & the Military: My nephew got out of the military to join the Jehovah's Witness cult, but godly people in the Bible had to go to war. What do you think?
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