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Topic: Evidence (Proof)

Showing 101 to 150 of 156.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-02-23 Evidence the Bible is True: What is the minimum amount of evidence that we need to prove the truth of the resurrection and bible record?
The Talmud: What is the Talmud and when was it written?
Ist Century History of Jesus: Are there any first century writings about Jesus?
2021-02-23 Evidence the Bible is True: What is the minimum amount of evidence that we need to prove the truth of the resurrection and bible record?
The Talmud: What is the Talmud and when was it written?
Ist Century History of Jesus: Are there any first century writings about Jesus?
2021-02-04 Speaking in Tongues: Did the disciples know that people were filled with the Holy Spirit because of them speaking in tongues, which was the initial evidence? [Mark 16, Acts 2, Acts 8-10, Acts 19].
2020-12-23 Believe His Works: How are we to understand Jesus when he said if you have a hard time believing in me, then believe in what I am doing? [John 10:38].
2020-12-18 Examine a Matter Fully Before Believing it: Are there scriptures in the protestant Bible that talk about being careful what we believe before we fully examine the matter, as there is in the Catholic book, Ben Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)? [Proverbs 18:13-17, John 7:51].
2020-11-05 Various Bible Manuscripts Compared: Is there a good book that consolidates all the various manuscripts to help sort out the differences?
Better Evidence Should Have Been Left to Confirm the Bible's Reliability: Does it not seem like Jesus should have left better evidence that the Bible is true?
2020-11-04 Minister's Doubt when He Doesn't Hear From God: What would you say to someone who is in ministry, who is struggling with their faith, to the point of disbelieving, because he is not hearing from God? [Isaiah 50:10, Job 13:15].
2020-10-30 Caller compliments Steve: Caller compliments Steve on his stellar ministry noting him as the best contextual teacher.
Pro-Choice: What do you think of the slogan, "Pro-Choice is Pro-Death".
Age of the Earth & Evolution: Could you talk about your views of the age of the earth and evolution, etc.?
2020-10-27 Jesus Proved His Deity by Miracles: Was Jesus God because He did miracles? [Acts 2:22, Psalm 107:29, Psalm 77:19].
2020-10-02 Evidence that Christianity is Not True: Is it not evidence that Christianity is not true since there are those that wish to feel something from the Holy Spirit and they don't? [James 1:7 Matthew 8:26].
Losing Faith: How can one continue to believe in something that they don't see evidence of?
The Resurrection isn't a Historical Fact, it's a Supernatural claim: Caller says that the resurrection isn't a historical fact, and doesn't it require more evidence to claim the supernatural?
2020-10-02 Samaritan Pentateuch & Evidence for Faith: Caller suggest Haley's handbook for information about the Samaritan's Pentateuch and responds to previous caller who is doubting his faith.
2020-10-02 Caller Sharing Her Experience: Caller begins to share her experience becoming a Christian for the benefit of a doubting previous caller.[John 12:29].
2020-09-25 Forcing One to Believe the Bible is the Word of God: How can you force someone to believe that the Bible is the word of God?
2020-09-24 Objectivity and Reason: How does one objectively determine whether one or the other person is being reasonable?
Is the Bible True?: Is it not difficult to objectively reason that the Bible is true?
2020-09-18 Miracles Today: Caller relates his experiences with the miraculous.
2020-09-16 Unbelievable Stories in the Bible: Why are there so many stories in the Bible that don't seem true, such as, Samson's strength in his hair, 900 yr-old-men, giants, etc.? Why don't we see documented miracles today? [Psalm 90:10, John 12:29].
Proving Christianity is True: With all the religions in the world, how can one be sure and prove that Christianity is true?
2020-09-02 The Beast and an Unbeliever's Doubts: A non-believer comments on his view of the possible meaning of the beast being the internet . He also comments how the predictions of Jesus' return damaged his view. [Revelation 13].
2020-08-31 Why Christianity is the Correct Faith: In light of all the different religions in the world, what makes Christianity the correct and true faith? Are we looking all at the same God? [Deuteronomy 18, John 5, Philippians 4:6, James 4:2-3].
2020-08-17 Old Testament Law About Virginity: Could you clarify the circumstances surrounding the law about women's punishment if accused of not being a virgin? [Deuteronomy 22:13-21].
Evidence for Crimes in Old Testament Law: What do you think of God using such unreliable evidence when there is such serious consequence in the Old Testament Law? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Harshness Against Women in the Old Testament: Is it because of cultural differences when I balk at the harshness against women in the Old Testament, and yet there were still some women remarkably revered?
2020-08-17 Old Testament Law About Virginity: Could you clarify the circumstances surrounding the law about women's punishment if accused of not being a virgin? [Deuteronomy 22:13-21].
Evidence for Crimes in Old Testament Law: What do you think of God using such unreliable evidence when there is such serious consequence in the Old Testament Law? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Harshness Against Women in the Old Testament: Is it because of cultural differences when I balk at the harshness against women in the Old Testament, and yet there were still some women remarkably revered?
2020-08-03 Later Date for the Writing of Revelation: What do you say to someone who takes the view of the later writing of the book of Revelation?
2020-07-30 Greek Word for faith, "pistis": Could you help me sort out the actual meaning of the Greek word for faith, "pitis" and how it relates to a gift given or our choosing to believe? [Romans 10:17, Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 11:1].
Faith-a Gift Given or Chosen by Us: Could you help me understand out much our will has to do with our salvation, the grace with which it is given, and evaluation of the evidence? [Hebrews 11:1].
2020-07-15 Evangelicalism Fail: Is there evidence that the reason Evangelicalism doesn't hold true is because _______________?
2020-07-10 Sinners Will or Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God: Did you mean that no one can inherit the Kingdom of God if they fall into sin? [I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].
2020-05-18 Best Evidences of Jesus' Resurrection: What are the best evidences for the resurrection of Jesus? [1 Peter 3:15, I Corinthians 15:6].
2020-04-24 God or Jesus Judging in Two Judgments: Who judges us, God or Jesus, and are there two different judgments, because of the reference to the other books, in addition to the Book of Life? [Revelation 20:12, 2 Timothy 4:1, Matthew 25:31, 7:21-22, John 5:22, 28, I John 3:10].
2020-04-02 Irrefutable Fulfilled Prophesy: Are there some prophetic passages that are particularly convincing to the skeptic? [Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, Daniel 7-10].
2020-04-01 Saved Without the Holy Spirit: Is it possible to be saved without the Holy Spirit? [Romans 8:9, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18 ].
Laying on of Hands: Is it necessary to have hands laid on you in order to have the Holy Spirit? Acts 8, 10, I John 4:2, Ephesians 5:18].
No Feeling of the Holy Spirit's Presence: Sometimes I have strong feelings that I suspect is evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit, other times, not so much, am I doing something wrong?
2020-03-30 Best Evidence for Christianity: What is the best reason to be a Christian and follow Jesus?
2020-03-09 Jesus as the only Way: Can we absolutely prove that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven amidst all the world religions that are out there?
2020-02-28 Adam, Eve & Evolution: Where do I stand before God, if I don't think that Adam & Eve were the first two people, and I believe in evolution?
2020-02-28 Proof of God's Existence: How do I know that God exists?
Homosexuality: How do your resolve God's love for the Homosexual and His view of the sin of practicing homosexual acts as an abomination?
Life on Other Planets: Don't you think it impossible that there is life on other planets, because their redemption would require that Jesus die again, and scripture says He died once for all?
2019-08-09 Agnostic Wants Evidence: I’m an agnostic because I don’t think there is enough evidence to prove God exists. Would you respond to that?
2017-08-16 Crossing the Red Sea Documentary: What do you think about the documentary about evidence of the crossing of the red sea?
Hebrew Language: When did the Hebrew language start?
2017-01-09 Evidence of God: Can you give me some wisdom on what to do w/ doubt or lack of evidence of there being a God, etc.?
2016-10-26 Esther: Was Esther mentioned in the chronicles/history of Medes & Persians?
King David: Is David mentioned anywhere outside the Bible?
Evidence of Jesus: What about evidence outside the Bible of Jesus' existence?
2016-10-04 Exodus from Egypt: Some say there's no evidence that the exodus out of Egypt ever took place.
2016-07-26 God's Creatures Suffering in Hell: Caller talking to an atheist/agnostic, but the only problem that his atheist has is, why would God create a hell (to torture His creatures)?
Evidence of Historic Jesus Aside from Bible: Is there any evidence outside the Bible what there actually was a historic Jesus?
2016-03-31 Date of the Book of Revelation: When was the Book of Revelatoin written & what style was it written in? People say it's very similar to Jewish writings before Jesus.
Having Doubt: Caller considers herself a Christian but is still a skeptic, still finds that she has a lot of doubt.
2016-01-11 Evidence of the 10 Plagues in Egypt: Is there any documentaries on the evidence that the 10 plagues actually happened in Egypt? ("Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" "Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy")
2015-03-24 Speaking in Tongues as Evidence: Speaking in Tongues is the only evidence you can know you have the Holy Spirit, is this true?
2014-07-30 Atheist Caller: An Atheist caller just wanted to thank Steve for his Christianity because some don't have much evidence that they are.
2013-09-25 Resurrection of Jesus: What is the historic the Bible...of Jesus' resurrection?
Evidence outside the bible: Is there any evidence outside the Bible that Jesus rose from the dead?
Christians Being Wrong: Christians are just irresponsible, so make it foolish to believe what they believe.
2013-09-03 42 laws of Ma'at: Did Moses get some of his commandments from ancient Egypt from something called, the Ma'at?
No Evidence of the Exodus: People say there's no evidence of the Great Exodus out of Egypt & the crossing of the Red Sea. Is there any truth to that?
2013-09-03 Catholic Archgaeologist: Caller heard about a Catholic nun archgaeologist who says there's evidence of the exodus of the Israelites, but atheist archgaeologists are trying to supress it.
2013-07-29 Wrestling with Doubt: Caller is having doubts about his faith after debating with a Muslim.
2013-07-01 Unity of Beliefs: Why is there so little unity on difficult biblical scriptures and doctrines? Doesn't it cause people to be skeptical of Christianity. [Daniel 9:27]
2013-05-30 Evidence for the Resurrection: What is the best evidence for the resurrection of Christ? [Matthew 10:8].
Looking for Jesus' Body: Was anyone actively looking for Jesus' dead body to disprove the resurrection?
The "Jesus Seminar": What was the goal of the "Jesus Seminar"?
2013-05-29 If There is No God: Comment about a previous unbeliever's call-if he is correct, then he is missing knowing a loving God.
Proof of God: There is so much evidence, it is overwhelming.
2013-05-23 Atheist Promotes Science: Atheist; How can we determine what is supernatural? Could it not just be the natural that we don't yet understand? What does "supernatural mean?"
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