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Topic: Islam (Muslims)

Showing 101 to 121 of 121.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-07-25 The land of Israel: Even though Israel owns the land right now, they haven't always owned it, but God promised them that they'd own it foever, & God promised Abraham that his seed would be as the dust of the earth, the stars of the sky. [Genesis 28:14, Genesis 13:16, Galatians 3:16, Romans 4: , Psalm 2:8]
The Jews Flourishing: If Satan could stop the flourishing of Israel, would he be making God out to be a liar?
Killing the Jews: There is no rhyme or reason as to why people would want to kill the Jews, including the Muslims.
2014-06-27 Christian Martyrdom: What is the best book on Christian Martyrdom?
Steve Gregg Debates: Have you ever debated Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses or Muslims?
2014-05-23 Mariam Ibrahim: Are you familiar with Mariam Ibrahim who is about to be executed for not converting to Islam?
2014-04-08 One World Religion: Do we know what the One World Religion will be? I heard it was the New Age Movement.
Islam: If any religion is going to take over the world & be the anti-Christ, it sure seems like it's going to be Islam religion.
2014-03-11 Fellowshipping w/ Muslims: Do you have any points I should make w/ some Muslims friends when I go to their home to fellowship?
2014-03-11 Though an Angel from Heaven: Regarding the Quaran & Muslims, doesn't Paul mention about not even listening to ANGELS that come w/ a different gospel? [Galatians 1:8-9]
2013-11-06 Islam, Judaism, Christianity & Homosexuality: How come Christians accept Homosexuals in leadership positions, but you'll never find that in Judaism or Islam?
2013-10-15 Muslims having Visions of Jesus: Have you heard that Muslims having visions about Jesus lately? John Piper says that's not the way Jesus would do things.
2013-07-29 Wrestling with Doubt: Caller is having doubts about his faith after debating with a Muslim.
2013-06-18 Ishmael-Father of Islam: Does it say somewhere in the Bible that Ishmael is the father of Islam?
2013-05-02 Jesus' Anger as Oppossed to Jesus': If Peter had turned the tables over in the temple, would he have been justified in doing so?
The Sanctity of the Church (building): What about the sanctity of the church building-like those meeting in schools or nightclubs?
The Qur'an (or Koran): Should I be reading the Qur'an if I am not very grounded in the Bible?
2013-04-26 Muslim Beliefs About the Coming Prophet: Could you clarify the beliefs of Muslims about who was being predicted as the coming prophet was Jesus, not Muhammad? [Deuteronomy 18, John 14, Acts 3, Acts 7].
Muhammad's Failed Prophecies: Do you know of any failed prophecies of Muhammad?
Islam & the Comforter: What do you know about the Islam view that the comforter in John 14 is Muhammad?
2013-04-26 Muslim Beliefs About the Coming Prophet: Could you clarify the beliefs of Muslims about who was being predicted as the coming prophet was Jesus, not Muhammad? [Deuteronomy 18, John 14, Acts 3, Acts 7].
Muhammad's Failed Prophecies: Do you know of any failed prophecies of Muhammad?
Islam & the Comforter: What do you know about the Islam view that the comforter in John 14 is Muhammad?
2013-04-26 Muslim Beliefs About the Coming Prophet: Could you clarify the beliefs of Muslims about who was being predicted as the coming prophet was Jesus, not Muhammad? [Deuteronomy 18, John 14, Acts 3, Acts 7].
Muhammad's Failed Prophecies: Do you know of any failed prophecies of Muhammad?
Islam & the Comforter: What do you know about the Islam view that the comforter in John 14 is Muhammad?
2013-04-26 Witnessing to Muslims: Caller shares information about "Chrislam" and a website by Jack Van Impe to help Christians to understand the Islamic faith.
2013-04-26 Witness to the Muslims: Caller recommends Anis Shorrosh for learning about Muslims. He suggests the main concern is over their view that Judas died on the cross instead of Jesus.
2013-03-28 Cyrus & Daniel in the Lion's Den: Did Cyrus let all the Jewish people go free after Daniel was thrown into the Lion's Den?
Cyrus-Muslim? If Cyrus was a King of Persia, was he Muslim?
Muhammad: Is Muhammad in the Bible?
2013-03-28 Cyrus & Daniel in the Lion's Den: Did Cyrus let all the Jewish people go free after Daniel was thrown into the Lion's Den?
Cyrus-Muslim? If Cyrus was a King of Persia, was he Muslim?
Muhammad: Is Muhammad in the Bible?
2013-03-22 Divorcing from a Polygamous Marriage: What does a Christians believer do if they had more than one wife while in another religion, but cannot divorce some of them, because they cannot be found? [I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2013-03-21 The "Emergent Church": What is the "Emergent Church"? Is it negative or positive?
Muslim Idiom Translation: What do you think about the Muslim idiom translation, where biological words are changed to be less offensive to that group?
2013-01-16 No Bibles Anywhere in America: Isn't it hypocritical of the American government to say we can not preach or teach the Bible, but we must accommodate any other religion that is not Christian, such as Buddhism & Isla?.
Trinity: Can you explain the Trinity?
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