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Topic: Paul (Apostle, Formerly Saul)

Showing 151 to 200 of 297.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-03-08 Baptizing for the Dead: Why does paul saying being baptized for the dead like the Mormons do? [1 Corinthians 15:29]
2018-03-01 Paul Losing his Salvation: Where does it say that Paul thought he could lose his salvation? [1 Corinthians 9:27]
Catholic Priesthood: Isn't the Catholic priesthood null & void? Aren't they like a cult? [Hebrews 10:10]
2018-02-22 Speaking what you Believe and Word of Faith: Is Paul saying we can have whatever we believe and speak? [2 Corinthians 4:13, Psalms 116:10]
2018-02-20 Vision for Church: What did Jesus & Paul have as a vision of what "church" is? Is the way we do church today just based on tradition?
2018-02-05 Levels of Heaven: What are the levels of heaven?
2018-02-02 Paul's Conversion: Is there a contradiction in Paul’s conversion story in Galatians and Acts?
2018-01-30 Saul on the road to Damascus Was Saul saved at the very point of his experience on Damascus? Or was it not until he was baptized? [Acts 22:1-21]
2018-01-16 Meat Sacrificed to Idols: I would like you to expound on these 2 particular verses in 1 Corinthians 8 regarding making your brother weak involving meat sacrificed to idols. [1 Corinthians 8:11-12]
2018-01-16 Prophecy & Head Coverings: Can you talk about Head Coverings & prophecy that Paul was talking about in 1 Corinthians 11, especially involving women. [1 Corinthians 11:3-16]
2018-01-12 Paul & Jesus' Gospel Different: I've been told that Paul differed in his faith from Christ, that he really attempted to sabotage the movement. Is that true?
2017-11-30 Paul's Conversion: When did he start traveling & go to Jerusalem & when did he start preaching?
2017-11-10 Power of God: Caller wanted to chime in about marriage on the other side of glory. He shares a story about having so much power from God that he had enough energy that he didn't have to sleep more than 10 minutes a day, & there was no interest in sex.
Luke & Paul: When did Luke join up with Paul? How soon after Paul's conversion?
2017-10-16 Women in Ministry I would like to know the reasons why a woman is not allowed to be a pastor or elder. Do you know the reasons? [1 Timothy 2:11-15]
Church Traditions & Customs & Head Coverings: What can you tell me about church traditions & customs, especially involving head coverings for women? [1 Corinthians 11:2-16]
Communion & Agape Feasts: The Early Church had real agape feasts for communion instead of just a token bread & wine like nowadays.
2017-09-21 The Book of Romans: Is Romans a personal book or a theological treatise?
2017-08-31 Letters of New Testament Complete: When were all the writings of the New Testament complete?
70 Years: Is the year 70 AD Destruction of Jerusalem of any significance to 70 year captivity in Babylon?
2017-08-30 Paul's Writing Above all other's Writings: Have you ever heard that Paul's writings are elevated above anyone else's, including Jesus' own words?
2017-08-16 Correcting Peter for Hypocrisy: When was the chronology of when Paul corrected Peter for his hypocrisy at Antioch?
2017-08-11 Apollos & Paul: Can you tell me what is going on here? [1 Corinthians 3:5-8]
2017-08-07 Paul not Holding Anything Back: What did it mean when Paul said he didn't hold back anything, shared everything from the Council? [Acts 20, 1 Crinthians 9:16]
Not Preaching the Gospel: What did he mean, woe is me if I don't preach the gospel? [1 Corinthians 9:16]
Paul Running the Race: What did Paul mean by "run the race"? [Acts 20:4]
2017-07-21 Having a Clean Conscience: What does Paul mean by a clean conscience? What is a conscience? [Romans 2:15]
2017-07-18 Judged by Your Knowledge: Are you judged according to the light you have?
Paul's Gospel Different than James: Paul seems to teach a different gospel than James, where Paul says faith alone, but James says faith & works. [Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:19-23, James 2:14–26]
2017-06-06 All things are Yours: When Paul gets done talking about the Wisdom of God & the foolish of man, he concludes by saying, "all are yours". What does that mean? [1cor 3:21-22,
2017-05-22 Hebrew Roots Movement: In order for the Hebrew Roots people to believe what they believe, don't they have to do away with Paul's writings?
2017-05-19 Jailer & Household Salvation: What did Paul mean by, "...& your household" will be saved? Is that saying that by his one act in this instance not only he would be saved by his whole household? [Acts 16:31]
Elisha Asking for a Double Portion: What did it mean Elisha by asking for a double portion of the Holy Spirit from Elijah? [2 Kings 2:9]
2017-05-09 Against Circumcision, Yet permits it: Why did paul have timothy circumcised if he spoke so much against it? [Acts 16:3]
2017-03-31 Transported Body or Out-of-Body Experiences: The Holy Spirit transported Philip? or Out of body experiences of Paul. [Acts 8, 2 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2017-03-16 Paul Going to the 3rd Heaven: When Paul said he went to the 3rd heaven, what was he talking about? [2 Corinthians 12:1-4]
2017-02-17 Paul's Conversion going to Damascus: Did an angel appear to Saul on the way to Damascus or was it actually Jesus? Mormons told me it was the former, an angel
2017-02-13 Mary, the Mother of Jesus: The Assumption of a Mary & believing in Catholic Tradition. Paul didn't believe that, did he?
2017-02-01 Disciples being called Christians: Were the disciples first called "Christians" at Antioch? [Acts 11:26]
2017-01-31 Building again the things Paul Destroyed: "For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor", what does this mean? [Galatians 2:18]
2017-01-23 Word of God: Can you explain this in studying the Word of God? [2 Corinthians 4:4]
2016-11-18 Paul's preconversion or conversion life: Is Romans 7:14 & following about Paul's past experience before his conversion or is he talking about something else? [Romans 7:14]
2016-11-09 Salvation by Faith or Works: Paul & James seem to be saying conflicting things about faith & works, can Steve reconcile them? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2016-11-01 Sola Scriptura: There's the Bible but then there's Tradition, so where does tradition play a role?
Traditions: Are there some actual traditions in the Bible that we are supposed to follow?
Division in the Church: All this division in the church seems to have a lot to do with Paul. Is there any reason it seems that way? Did Paul teach a different gospel than Christ?
2016-09-16 The Prophet in Deuteronomy: Who is the prophet being referred to at the end of Deuteronomy? Could it have been Paul? [Deuteronomy 18:15]
2016-08-25 Kingdom of Priests: The Israelites would be a kingdom of priests, how could the average run of the mill Israelite be a priest? [Exodus 19:5-6]
Paul Disobeying Spirit-Filled People: Paul was told not to go to Jerusalem, did he disobey God since he was going against the spirit-filled men? [Acts 21:4]
2016-08-05 3 Days & 3 Nights: Caller points out that there seems to be conflict in number of days during the death of Jesus...not 3 literal days.
"Sin in His Members": Paul’s comment about his sin, sin in his members, is this talking about his pre-Christian life or his current Christian struggle? [Romams 7:23, Galatians 5:16-17]
2016-08-02 Paul & Jesus' Teachings Different: Did Paul & Jesus teach different things? Was Paul not who he said he was?
2016-07-08 Saul to Paul: Why did paul change his name from "saul" to "paul"?
2016-05-27 Jesus Being the Prince of Daniel 9: Caller makes [Daniel 9, Luke 23:27-31, Revelation 6:16]
Man committing Fornication: Is this the same man Paul is talking about in 2 Corinthians that he is talking about in 1 Corinthians? Did the church vote? [2 Corinthians 2:5, 1 Corinthians 5]
2016-04-12 Paul having the "Marks of the Christ": Paul says he “marks of the Lord” stigmata of Christ, but what exactly does he mean? [Galatians 6:17]
"I am the Door": Why did Jesus use the words like “I am the door" as opposed to anything else, like, 'I am the window', 'I am the roof'? [John 10:9]
2016-03-10 Knowledge of Writing the Bible: Did the writers of the Bible, especially Paul, know they were writing the Bible when they were writing it? After all, Peter considers Paul's writings authoritative. [2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 3:15-16]
2016-02-25 Old Man or Old Self: Why do some Bible translations change it from "old man & the new man" to "old self & new self"? [Colossians 3:10]
Concepts of Faith & Charles Capps: Are you familiar with the radio show, "Concepts of Faith" with Charles Capps?
2015-12-31 Reconciling Scripture [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]: How do we reconcile Jesus saying He'll provide everything we need, but then Paul saying we might go hungry & be beaten & so on? [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]
Reconciling Scripture - Meat Sacrificed to Idols: In Revelation it seems to be a big deal about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but not a very big deal to Paul. How do you reconcile those 2 things? [Revelation 2:14, 1 Corinthians 8:9-13, Revelaion 17:1, Revelation 1:20].
2015-12-31 Reconciling Scripture [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]: How do we reconcile Jesus saying He'll provide everything we need, but then Paul saying we might go hungry & be beaten & so on? [Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 4:11]
Reconciling Scripture - Meat Sacrificed to Idols: In Revelation it seems to be a big deal about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but not a very big deal to Paul. How do you reconcile those 2 things? [Revelation 2:14, 1 Corinthians 8:9-13, Revelaion 17:1, Revelation 1:20].
2015-12-29 Thorn in the flesh (followup): What is the "thorn in the flesh" that Paul had? Was it possibly guilt or emotional baggage? [2 Corinthians 12:6-8, Numbers 33:55]
2015-12-28 Thorn in the flesh: What is the "thorn in the flesh" that Paul had? Was it possibly guilt or emotional baggage? [2 Corinthians 12:6-8]
2015-12-17 King David & Bathsheba: Did King David actually rape Bathsheba? Do you suppose she knew what she was doing bathing in front of the palace, trying to seduce him?
Paul's struggle in Romans 7: Was Paul's struggle in Romans 7 pre or post conversion? What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? [Romans 7, Ephesians 6]
2015-12-16 Grace in the OT: Was there just as much Grace in the Old Testament as there is in the New Testament? [Romans 4, Psalm 32, John 1]
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