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Topic: God's Attributes (Character)

Showing 151 to 181 of 181.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-02-03 Trinitarian, Binitarian, Unitarian: Why do you think that the trinitarian view makes more sense than either binitarian or unitarian view of the Godhead?
2020-01-29 Teaching Others About God: What does it mean when scripture says that in the new covenant we will not need to teach others about the Lord [Jeremiah 31:34, I John 2:27, 16:13].
God's Finger & Arms: What does it mean when it says, "the finger of God", or "He stretched out His arms"? [Psalm 132:12].
2019-12-10 A Tolerant God: What do you think about Dennis Prager's view that Jew's God of the Torah, was more tolerant than Christian's God during The Inquisition?
2019-10-07 God's Wrath: Is God's wrath one of His attribute? [Psalm 103].
2019-07-29 Nature(s) of God: Do the various views of the nature of God-whether unified, or separate (re: hypostatic union) make one idea or another heretical?
2019-04-22 Origin of God: How did God come into existence? When did He begin? Who created God? How is God outside of time? The creation relative to the Law of Thermodynamics.
Earth's age: How old is the planet earth?
2018-06-29 God Hates People: What does it mean that God hates evil doers? [Proverbs 6:16-19, Romans 9:13]
2018-04-20 God a Person: Is God a Person or a Spirit? [John 10:30, John 14:9, John 4]
2018-04-18 God Changing His Mind: Can God change His mind? Anthropomorphic dialogue
2017-07-28 God being a Male & Female: Someone I know thinks God is male & female. Can you tell me about these verses related to that? [Psalm 19:5, Galatians 4:26]
2017-07-11 Jews coming out of Egypt: When the Israelites came out of Egypt, isn't that sort've representative of spiritual Israel now where we have are struggling for obedience to God? [1 Corinthians 10:1-11]
God's Jealousy in His Glory: God being a jealous God in His glory. [Exodus 33:18]
2017-07-05 God Bringing Good & Bad: Does God create good & bad, create terrible things & cause them to happen? [Jeremiah 29:11-12]
Knowing God's Ways: We can't know God ways, is that true?
2016-09-19 God Creating Suffering: How can any thinking & compassionate person think God is good if He created a world full of suffering?
2016-09-15 God the Father's Looks: What does God the Father look like? Moses got to see Him. [Exodus 33:18-34:35, John 4:24]
2015-12-03 God being a Spirit: Though God the Father is a spirit, does He have some type of spiritual body? [John 4:23-24, Matthew 18:10, Revelation 5:7]
2015-10-26 Character of God: Was wondering if you could sum of the Character of God?
2015-07-16 Divorce for Financial Benefit: Is it reasonable and acceptable to divorce because it's more expedient financially!
Two Witnesses: Have the 2 Witnesses already happened or not? [Revelation 11]
Hell-Eternal Torment: Is it not against God's character to burn people forever & ever?
2015-01-07 Rewards (to the Pharisees): What did Jesus mean when He said, "...they have their reward"? [Matthew 6:5]
God of the OT vs the NT: The God of the Old Testament seems to be different than the God of the New Testament, is this true?
2014-12-02 "The Republic" - Plato, Socrates: What do you think about Socrates, Plato & Aristotle having a lot of wisdom before Christ? The Republic which i'm reading just seems to have such good parallels to the Bible.
2014-11-03 God's Favoritism: Does God show Favoritism? [1 Samuel 2:30, Proverbs 3:34, James 4:6,1 Peter 5:5]
2014-09-10 Male & Female God: We had some visitors the other day that claimed to be born-again Christians that said God was 2, male & female. [Isaiah 45:5, Genesis 1:26-27]
Chronological Order of Creation: Is my chronological order askew of creation? [Genesis 1-4]
2014-06-26 Hell: Caller comments his version of why it has to be eternal hell fire, because of the Light of God radiating.
Forgiving Others: We aren't supposed to forgive people who don't forgive others, isn't that right? [Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 18:23-35]
2013-07-30 God Before Time: Where is the verse that talks about God being before time? [1 Timothy 1:9]
2013-07-08 "Perish": In some Bible dictionaries, the word "perish" can mean "ruin" & "loss". What do you think? [John 3:16]
"Eternal" Since the word for "eternal" doesn't necessarily mean "forever", thereby implying that torment in hell might not be actually forever, couldn't that change how we then see "eternal" life as not "forever"? [Matthew 25:46]
Eternal Punishment in Hell: Doesn't the idea of eternal torment in hell cause many not to believe in God?
2013-06-05 Calvinism Makes God a Tyrant: Wouldn't God be a tyrant if Calvinism was true?
2013-05-30 God Allowing Suffering: Could you expand on why God allows suffering and allow some bad people to live long lives, while others die so young-especially for skeptic?
2013-03-27 Adam & Eve: Don't you think that the story of Adam & Eve is hard to take literally, because the punishment seems excessively harsh because of their naive inexperience.
2013-02-28 What is Sinful (Good & Bad)?:: What is it in my own being that is good or sinful? [Romans 3:23, Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30].
2013-02-22 Contradiction in Joshua: Is there a contradiction in scripture about when Joshua took the land-one saying it was in a battle and in another peaceably. [Joshua 10:21].
"Violent Take it by Force": Could you review the verse about "the Violent taking by force"? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16].
More Violence in the Old Testament: Is God more violent in the Old Testament than Jesus is in the New Testament? [Psalm 103:8].
2013-01-07 Can God Do Anything?: Isn't it true thatGod can't take illogical actions contradictory to His own character, such as make a rock that is too heavy for Him to lift?[Luke 1:37, Jeremiah 32:17, Jeremiah 32:27, Hebrews 6:18, Titus 1:2, James 1:13, 2 Timothy 2:13, Philippians 2:13].
2012-01-02 Repentance & Salvation After Death: If someone dies before they accept Christ, does scripture saysthey will no longer have a chance to accept the gospel and be saved after death? [Hebrews 9:27, Luke 16:19-31]
Before the Judgment, After Death: Where do people go after they die, but before judgment? Where are they being held? [Luke 16:19-31, John 5].
Regrets in Heaven: Are we going to have regrets in Heaven?
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