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Topic: Jews (Modern)

Showing 151 to 200 of 205.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-05-10 Modern Israel: Caller thinks the Nation of Israel persecuted Christians just as much as any other group such as the Muslims. (Comment as a result of previous call.)
Book about Levitical Law: Have you ever heard of a book, The Prophetic Imagination by Walter Brueggeman, which is about the Levitical Law? Caller thinks that the Israelites are actually the ones that wanted the law.
2016-03-04 12 Tribes of Israel & Jewish Purity: Where did the Tribes of Israel come from & are there still tribes that are completely of the pure Jewish race? Are the Native Indians descendants of Jews?
2016-02-09 Premillennialist view New Heaven & Earth: Caller comments on previous call about the earth burning on Jesus second arrival.
All Israel Shall be Saved: A remnant of Israel will be saved discussion, & caller feels Steve needs to mention the premillennialist view more often. [Romans 11]
2016-01-27 This Generation Shall Not Pass Away: This generation will not pass away, is this generation possibly talking about "race"? [matt 24:34]
2016-01-14 End Time Prophecy being Fulfilled: Was Israel becoming a nation again just a Zionism self-fulfilling prophecy?
Jesus' Imminent Return: What if Jesus really IS coming back soon?
2016-01-13 Israel Becoming a Nation in 1948: What does God think about establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948?
2016-01-08 Messianic Judaism: Of an SDA mindset but non-denominational, a friend of the caller believes there's a new covenant in Hebrews but disagrees with Paul & other apostles.
2015-12-28 Jews building a Tabernacle: How come the Jews, since they don't believe in Jesus, can't just build a tabernacle so they can start the sacrificial system again?
2015-12-02 Modern Nation of Israel: Should I support Israel & leave what they are doing, right or wrong, in God's hand?
Modern Israel: Is Israel there because God worked it out?
Israel Coming back to God: How are we supposed to know when Israel is supposed to be brought together?
2015-12-02 Modern Nation of Israel: Should I support Israel & leave what they are doing, right or wrong, in God's hand?
Modern Israel: Is Israel there because God worked it out?
Israel Coming back to God: How are we supposed to know when Israel is supposed to be brought together?
2015-10-26 Jesus Setting up His Kingdom in Israel: Can you please explain Jesus coming back for the Jews? I thought the Jews didn't believe in Christ?
Tribulation & anti-Christ: Jews will be converted during the Tribulation?
2015-10-23 Joshua's time & our time: The Jews not marrying Pagans back in the their time, but does this carry over to our time as well? [Joshua 23:12, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18]
2015-10-19 Matthew Henry & the Nation of Israel: Matthew Henry believed that Israel would come back to God as a country even before Dispensationalists started teaching it, going by [Romans 11:25-27]
2015-09-25 Israel Being God's Chosen People: Caller thinks the Nation of Israel is still God's chosen, special people.
2015-09-22 Nation of Israel: Does God still have a purpose for the nation of Israel being a major witness for Him in the closing days of the world? [Romans 11]
2015-09-17 Israel & the Church: Isn't Israel still God's special people?
2015-07-24 Different Kind of Jews: Can Steve please explain the differing kind of Jews? (Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Reformed Judaism, Zionist Jews)
2015-05-28 The State of Israel: Can Steve please explain the correct view about modern Israel in relation to Romans 11?
2015-05-28 Blessing & Cursing Israel: Does not the Bible says that those who "bless Israel will be blessed & those who curse Israel will be cursed"! [Genesis 12:3]
We Are the Temple of God: Regarding "Temple of the Holy Spirit", why didn't Steve also go to 1 Corinthians 6:19? [1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19]
2015-05-19 "Esau Have I hated, but Jacob have I Loved": God loves EVERYONE, so why does it say in Romans that He hated Esau? [John 3:16, Romans 9:13
Animal Sacrifices: If the Jews don't believe that Jesus is Messiah then how come they no longer perform animal sacrifices?
2015-05-11 Kingdom Taken From the Jews: Why was the Kingdom of God taken from the Jews, because they were not experiencing Justice, Peace & Joy? [Matthew 21:43, Romans 14:17]
2015-05-08 Promises to the Jews fulfilled: Did you say that all the Promises of God to the Jews have been fulfilled? What about the 7 year period right before He comes back?
2015-05-04 The Torah & Talmudism: Isn't Judaism & Talmudism the same thing? How can you practice one w/ out the other?
2015-02-03 Dispensationalism - Ethnic Israel: Is it true people don't have a true understanding of what or who Israel is, that that's why Dispensationalism is flourishing so much?
2015-01-14 Ethnic Israel having a future role: Does Steve believe ethnic Israel plays a role in the end-times? What about all these passages of Scripture then? [Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25-32]
2014-11-26 Being Grafted: What was Paul saying in Romans 11 about being grafted in or out? [Romans 11:17-24
2014-11-21 Pharisees, Scribes & Sadducees: The Pharisees were the Orthodox Rabbis during Jesus' times? Was Jesus basically just trying uproot Judaism while He was down here? [Luke 9:28-36]
Jews Activities During Jesus' Time: Was there things Jesus didn't like that the Jews were doing when He was down here? [Matthew 5:17-19, Luke 18:10=14]
2014-08-21 Jew or Nazarene: What Jesus a Jew or a Nazarene?
God's chosen People: Are the Jews God's chosen people?
2014-07-25 The land of Israel: Even though Israel owns the land right now, they haven't always owned it, but God promised them that they'd own it foever, & God promised Abraham that his seed would be as the dust of the earth, the stars of the sky. [Genesis 28:14, Genesis 13:16, Galatians 3:16, Romans 4: , Psalm 2:8]
The Jews Flourishing: If Satan could stop the flourishing of Israel, would he be making God out to be a liar?
Killing the Jews: There is no rhyme or reason as to why people would want to kill the Jews, including the Muslims.
2014-07-25 The land of Israel: Even though Israel owns the land right now, they haven't always owned it, but God promised them that they'd own it foever, & God promised Abraham that his seed would be as the dust of the earth, the stars of the sky. [Genesis 28:14, Genesis 13:16, Galatians 3:16, Romans 4: , Psalm 2:8]
The Jews Flourishing: If Satan could stop the flourishing of Israel, would he be making God out to be a liar?
Killing the Jews: There is no rhyme or reason as to why people would want to kill the Jews, including the Muslims.
2014-07-25 The land of Israel: Even though Israel owns the land right now, they haven't always owned it, but God promised them that they'd own it foever, & God promised Abraham that his seed would be as the dust of the earth, the stars of the sky. [Genesis 28:14, Genesis 13:16, Galatians 3:16, Romans 4: , Psalm 2:8]
The Jews Flourishing: If Satan could stop the flourishing of Israel, would he be making God out to be a liar?
Killing the Jews: There is no rhyme or reason as to why people would want to kill the Jews, including the Muslims.
2014-05-15 Death Penalty & Dishonoring your Parents: Are Jews still supposed to be observing provision of the Death Penalty for being disrespectful to your parents in the Law of Moses? [Exodus 21:17, Leviticus 20:9, Deuteronomy 21:18-21, 27:16, Proverbs 20:20, 30:17, Matthew 15:4, Mark 7:10, Hebrews 8:13]
Binding of New Covenant: When did the New Covenant become binding? The day of the Cross or not until the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD?
2014-04-24 Israel being a part of Church: What are the main Scriptures you'd use in Romans & Galatians & elsewhere where it says that Israel is not separate, but incorporated w/ the church now? [Romans 9-11, Galatians 3:26-29]
Richard Foster & Christian Disciplines: What do you think about Richard Foster & his disciplines such as prayer, fasting, meditation, simplicity, solitude, submission, service, confession, worship & guidance?
2014-04-14 Anglo-Saxon Jews: Isn't there a pure line of Jews for the last days that didn't intermingle w/ Gentiles? Caller explains why there it's important to believe that. (a very lengthy discussion.)
2014-04-08 Judgment & the Last Day: Where is the Judgment placed in the Last Day? [John 12:48, John 6:39, 40, 44, 54, 2 Timothy 4:1]
Orthodox Church: Orthodox belief system is very close to the Roman Catholic church.
Reconciling the world: What do these verses mean in Romans about Israel & Gentiles, the riches of the world & the reconciling of the world? [Romans 11:12, 15]
2014-03-10 Age of the Earth by the Speed of Light: Determining the Age of the Earth by the Speed of Light thoughts.
Romans: Dealing in Romans 11:25-26, would you deal w/ the meaning of these verses as different since the gospel hadn't been preached yet in all Israel, even though it had after we have read it?
Israel being saved: Why hasn't Israel been saved, according to Dispensationalists?
2014-03-07 Imminency & Israel: How could the 2nd Coming of Christ be "imminent" for the first 1,900 years, if Israel hadn't formed into a nation before 1948?
2014-03-05 Cessation of the Gifts: Is the office of Apostle still for today, or did that actually cease w/ the original apostles in the 1st century?
Israel & Peace Agreement: The start of the 7 year tribulation starts at the signing of the peace-agreement & the antichrist will be revealed. What say you? [Daniel 9:26]
2013-12-06 Signs of the Moon Aligning with Jewish Dates: What does Steve think of the signs of the moons being related to important events that happened in history related to Jewish culture? He says NASA points this out.
2013-12-02 Dividing the Land of Israel: Did God say He would deal with nation's who try to mess with Israel? [Genesis 12:2-3]
Israel's Land: Doesn't it say that as long as Israel keeps the covenant that nobody will be able to remove them from their land? [Jeremiah 18:7-10]
America the Last Babylon: Is America the Last Babylon?
2013-10-28 Jews' Messiah: Since Jews don't believe in Jesus, who IS their Messiah?
2013-09-09 Replacement Theology: Caller suggest that people who believe in "Replacement Theology" borders on being anti-sementic, & he defends why the plan involves the nation of ethnic Israel. [Genesis 17:7, Zechariah 12:2-11, Matthew 23:39, Romans 11, Revelation]
Israel & Jerusalem the Apple of God's Eye: Israel & Jerusalem are still God's special people, the apple of His eye. [Zechariah 2:8]
Romans 11 & Israel: What about Romans 11 where it says God will NOT cast away his people?
2013-09-09 Equivalent of "anti-sementic" of dislike of Gentiles: What is the word equivalent to the dislike of Gentiles like the word "anti-sementic" is to ethnic Israel?
2013-08-09 America Blessing the Nation of Israel: Is America supposed to bless the Nation of Israel according to Scripture? [Genesis 12, Galatians 3:16]
2013-07-31 Choosing the Jewish Race: Why did God choose the Jews? Why did He choose Abraham?
2013-07-09 3.5 Years in Revelation: Can you explain the 3.5 years described in Revelation?
God taking the Jews out of Jerusalem: Why did God take the Jews out of Jerusalem and Israel?
2013-06-21 Israel getting Attacked: Caller is concerned about Israel getting attacked by their enemies.
Armageddon: Is this attack on Israel leading to the Battle of Armageddon?
2013-06-10 The Race of Jews: Is there still a race of ethnic Jews today?
Tower of Babel: Did skin colors begin to change when the languages did at the Tower of Babel?
2013-05-13 Charitable Organizations (501c3): Comment regarding what is allowed under 501c3 (charitable organizations) and how the government will shut a church down that talks about the antichrist and Jewish gangsters. [1 John 2:22, Revelation 2:6].
2013-04-30 Non-Christian God-fearers: What about the good people and God-fearers in other faiths? What will happen to them? [John 3:16, John 1:9].
Those Doing Their Best-but Mistaken (Only Christians are Saved): What about those that are doing their best to do well, like the Jews, but get it wrong? Doesn't the Bible say that only Chistians will be saved? [I John 2:2, Acts 26:28].
The Unpardonable Sin: What about the "unpardonable sin?" [Matthew 12:31, Colossians 1:20, I John 2:2].
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