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Topic: Rapture

Showing 151 to 200 of 268.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-01-15 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Does this verse in I Corinthians 15 disprove the pre-trib rapture? [I Cor 15:51f, 1 Thessalonians 4:6, Revelation 8, 9, 11].
2020-01-14 The Last Trump: What does Steve think about the timing of the last trump? [1 Corinthians 15:52] (NOTE: Steve's internet drops off. It is answered on the next day's show.)
2019-12-20 The Rapture: Can I get some clarity on the rapture? [I Thessalonians 4:15-18, I Corinthians 15:51, John 6:39, 40, 44, 54].
2019-12-17 Dispensationalists & the Rapture: How do Dispensationalists harmonize the belief that the rapture will take place, but yet Jesus indicated that no one will know when He will return? [Daniel 12:11, Revelation 2:10, 7:14, Matthew 24:21].
2019-12-09 Rapture Post-Trib: What is the scriptural support for a post-trib rapture? [John 6:39, 40, 44, 54, I Thessalonians 4, John 12:48, 2 Peter 3].
2019-11-21 Jewish Wedding Rapture: What is this about the rapture paralleled to a Jewish wedding feast in the second coming of Christ? [John 6:39-40, 44, 54, 12:48, Matthew 25:31f].
2019-10-03 Raptured to Heaven: When we are raptured, will we be taken to heaven? [2 Thessalonians 4:14, John 14:2 & 23, John 15 & 16, I Corinthians 12].
2019-08-27 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Where can I find details describing how you changed your eschatology and your position away from the "pre-trib rapture" ? [John 6:39-40, 44, 54, I Thessalonians 4:16-18, I Corinthians 15:51-52].
2019-08-07 The Rapture: What is your opinion of the timing of the rapture? [I Thessalonians 4, John 6:39, 40].
2019-07-25 Man of Lawlessness: Do you believe that "the man of lawlessness" was revealed in 70 AD, or do you believe that he, an individual person, will be revealed after the rapture? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-3].
2019-07-08 Tribulation Saints: Who are the saints that the dragon is making war against in Revelation 13? I thought the saints were all gone in the rapture. [Revelation 13:7, 19:7-8].
2019-05-24 Jephthah sacrificing his daughter: Jephthah said he'd give God the first thing that came out of the tent & had to sacrifice his daughter {Judges 11:31-39}
Rebuilding a 3rd Temple: Man of Sin being revealed, claiming he is God, won't he need a temple? [2 Thessalonians 2:4]
Secret Rapture: If all the Christians are raptured, who will be here to witness to the wicked? {Luke 17:31-37} 24, 6, 2, 1775
2019-04-30 Signs of End Times: Do you believe that all the Jews will be returned to Israel? Do you believe the two witnesses will be literal? You do believe in the rapture, right? [Luke 17, Matthew 24, Revelation 11]
2019-04-25 End Times: Do you believe in a future tribulation? And what about the rapture and the "Man of Sin" rising? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-10, Matthew 24:21].
2019-04-17 The Rapture: Are those "taken up" in the rapture, actually the sinners? [Luke 17: 27 & 34f & Matthew 24:37, Psalm 91:7]
2019-04-08 The Rapture: Will there be two raptures? What about "The Last Day" & the resurrection of the dead? [I Thessalonians 4:16-17, John 6:49]
2019-03-27 Rapture of the Wicked: What about The Rapture and the possibility of the wicked going away first, rather than the righteous [I Timothy 5:6, Mathew 13:24f]? Raising of the dead will first be whom? [1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Day (literal or symbolic): Is the word for "day", literal or symbolic?
2019-03-08 Second Coming-Rapture: Are these both these passages talking about the rapture and the resurrection [Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2:1f]?
2019-02-15 Trinity: Why does a person believe in a Trinity when 1), it's not in the Bible, 2) God never commanded us to refer to Him as that, 3) there's only one literal Holy Spirit & 4) it wasn't even part of the early church's dogma? (Argumentative call) Discussion about the Rapture comes up.
2019-02-04 Rapture: Where does the word, "Rapture" come from? What is Greek word for rapture, "caught up"?
70 Weeks: When does the start 70 weeks, which date do we start with? Daniel 9 & Ezra
2019-01-23 Rapture: Is it true that there is no rapture, but it only happens at the second coming?
2018-12-11 Fellowshipping with Dispensationalists: Since I disagree w/ dispensationalism, should I stay clear of them or can I still fellowship w/ them?
2018-12-06 Rapture & Further Eschatology Discussion: Do you believe in the Rapture? & further eschatological discussion/disagreement.
2018-12-06 Sugar-Coating the Gospel: (Caller tries to be funny) Are you diabetic? You don't sugar-coat the gospel.
Secret Rapture: Do you believe in the (Secret) Rapture?
2018-11-13 Rapture Questions: How close are we to the Rapture? How long will the people who stay after the Rapture be here? Who is the woman, the Harlot, in Revelation 17? [Revelation 17]
2018-11-05 Rapture: What is your view of the rapture? not tasting the sting of death
Not Tasting the Sting of Death Wouldn't it be nice to be alive when Jesus comes back?
2018-10-15 Rapture Obliteration: Total incineration of the population when the rapture happens?
2018-09-13 A Rapture foretold in Zechariah: Is there a rapture like Zechariah seems to say? [Zechariah 14]
2018-08-17 Secret Rapture: What are your views about the rapture?
2018-08-02 After the Rapture: After the rapture will there just be moral people? Or will there be immoral ones too?
2018-08-01 Death but Rapture: What happens upon death? How does 1 Thessalonians 4:13 work with meeting Him in the air? If we die, do we come back down with Him from Heaven?
2018-07-25 Pre-Pribulation Rapture: The Pre-Tribulation doctrine will make people not ready, catching them off guard.
2018-06-27 End Times View: What is your view of end times, pretrib rapture & will there still be tribulation?
2018-06-19 The Rapture (Second Coming): What happens when Jesus comes back, we just go up in the air?
2018-05-24 The First Coming the Rapture: Is the first coming of Christ the rapture of the church, is that right?
2018-05-07 Pretrib Rapture: Where does the Pre-Tribulation Rapture idea come from?
2018-05-07 Enoch, Elijah & Jesus Raptured: A pastor gave examples of people being translated, such as Enoch & Elijah, so doesn't that testify to a pre-trib rapture?
2018-03-19 The Pre-Trib Rapture: The 7th trumpet & Jesus coming on the last day, does this negate the pre-trib rapture?
Morality in the Old Testament: Is morality different in the Old Testament vs New Testament?
2018-03-08 Dispensationalism & Steve Gregg: What made you change your views about the pre-trib rapture?
Witnessing to Mormons: How do you convert Mormons, make them see the truth? 8, 1, 2, 83
2018-03-07 Rapture in Relation to the Tribulation: When does the rapture fit into the 3 views of the tribulation? (Pre trib, mid-trib, post-trib)
2018-03-02 Pre-Trib Rapture: (asked tongue & cheek) Who going to help Israel when the church is raptured up, Palestine?
2018-01-24 Day of the Lord being the Great Tribulation: Is the Day of the Lord the Great Tribulation?
The Rapture: What about the Rapture?
2018-01-24 Priest before the Aaronic Priesthood: Were there priests earlier than Aaron, because who went up with Moses to the Mountain? Pre-trib, Last Day, Millennium, Amillennial view [1 Samuel 2:27]
Amillennialism: Pre-tribulation Rapture, Last Day, Millennium & the Amillennial view.
2018-01-17 The Rapture: Caller offers an alternative view of what he heard about the Rapture & the man of sin.
2018-01-16 Pre-Tribulation Rapture My son is a strong pre-tribulation Rapture guy, but I align myself more w/ your beliefs, but could you give me some Scripture to give him to show that Dispensationalism is wrong? [Revelation 4, John 6:39-40, 44, 54, 12:48, Matthew 25:31, I Thessalonians 4]
2018-01-04 The (Secret) Rapture: Do you believe in the Secret Rapture? What are the ramifications for being wrong about it?
2017-12-06 The Term, The Rapture: When did the term "rapture" start & develop?
2017-11-27 Current Events Changing Steve's View on Eschatology: Considering your view of the rapture, have you changed your view, particularly relative to current events and the supernatural?
2017-11-21 Calvinism, Faith being a Work: Why is it that Calvinists say that having faith is a work? [John 6:28]
Steve's Lectures About Rapture: A lengthy discussion about Steve Gregg's lectures on about the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
2017-11-13 Pre-Tribulation Rapture: I was always taught that the rapture would happen BEFORE the tribulation. Is this true? [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18]
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