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Topic: Divorce

Showing 151 to 200 of 341.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-03-16 Divorce between Two Christians: As two believers going through divorce after 30 years of marriage, can one draw comfort and counsel from the story of the prodigal son? [Luke 15:11-32].
2020-03-12 Stuck With an Unfaithful Husband: Am I stuck with an unfaithful husband ? [I Corinthians 7:10-15].
2020-02-28 Marriage Without Intimacy & Overt Anger: How do you handle marriage conflicts according to Matthew 18, especially when one partner is withholding intimacy or have a bad temper? [Matthew 18, I John 4:19].
Justification for Withholding Sex in Marriage: Is it justifiable to withhold sex, if the partner is not loving, using i John 4:19 to justifiable? [I John 4:19].
2020-02-28 Marriage Without Intimacy & Overt Anger: How do you handle marriage conflicts according to Matthew 18, especially when one partner is withholding intimacy or have a bad temper? [Matthew 18, I John 4:19].
Justification for Withholding Sex in Marriage: Is it justifiable to withhold sex, if the partner is not loving, using i John 4:19 to justifiable? [I John 4:19].
2020-02-27 Divorce-God's Will: Do you think that God would cause a marriage to fail in order to get a woman to take her family off a pedestal and focus more on God?
2020-01-23 Marriage & Divorce: Could you speak to a previous marriage & divorce before one converts to Christ? [I Corinthians 7:12-13].
2020-01-21 Abuse, Abandonment, Divorce: Is abuse and abandonment legitimate reasons for divorce?
2020-01-03 Marriage & Divorce: If my wife divorced me without grounds many years ago, and I remarried, should I go back to her? [I Corinthians 7:15].
2019-12-12 Grounds for Divorce: If a wife who has exhibited many extreme destructive behaviors throughout a marriage will not change, is a divorce then justified on grounds of desertion? [I Corinthians 7:15].
2019-12-09 Marriage, Divorce, Addiction & Abuse: Does a woman have grounds for divorce if her husband has become very abusive, even though his wife had forgiven him for his infidelity & his addictive behavior at an earlier time? [I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2019-12-09 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Are there any scriptural references that state it's okay for a believer to remarry after a divorce? [Deuteronomy 32:21, Romans 10:19, John 4:18].
2019-11-08 Wedding Vows & Separation: Is breaking vows (short of immorality) made at a wedding ceremony, reason to separate or divorce? And are separations acceptable?
2019-11-08 Marriage & Divorce: How do I repent of my choice to divorce my drunkard, violent husband, when he had not been unfaithful?
2019-11-04 Marriage & ReMarriage: If two people divorce, but decide to remarry, what considerations are there if they had gotten involved with other, or married someone else, in the interim? [Hosea].
2019-10-21 Marrying a Divorcee Equals Adultery: Can you clarify thoughts about one marrying a woman who is divorced, then commits adultery? [Matthew 5:32, 19:9, I Corinthians 7:10-15, 39].
2019-10-17 Marriage & Divorce: Were Luke and Mark ignorant or negligent of the exception for divorce listed in Matthew? And why did they not mention many other obvious reasons or grounds for divorce? [Luke 16:18, Matthew 5:32, 19:9, Mark 10].
2019-09-04 Marriage Until Death: Are you bound to your spouse until death, no matter what? [Matthew 5:32, 19:9, I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2019-08-14 Grounds For Divorce: Is it adultery, and grounds for divorce, if a man simply lusts in his heart? [Matthew 5:27-28].
2019-08-06 Alcoholism - Reason for Divorce: Is alcoholism a legitimate reason to end a marriage by a divorce?
2019-07-17 Marriage, Remarriage: If a unbelieving spouse leaves, is the one left behind free to remarry? [I Corinthians 7:12-15].
2019-07-15 Pornography: Is pornography grounds for divorce? [Matthew 5:28-32].
2019-07-12 Divorce & Remarriage: Is this pastor presenting a false teaching of the Sermon on the Mount, particularly about marriage and remarriage (reads quote)? [Matthew 5: 31 & 48, 7:2, Luke 6:36, John 12:48].
2019-06-27 Divorce & Remarriage: Do the Old and New Testaments contrast on remarriage and grounds for divorce? [I Corinthians 7:9-15].
2019-06-27 Moses & Divorce: Didn't Moses indicate that one should give a written bill of divorce when putting away his wife? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
Defiling the Body (The Temple): What does it mean to defile the body (the temple)? [I Corinthians 6:19, 3:17].
2019-05-14 Marriage & Divorce: How long is one bound to their spouse? What allows for a divorce? [Matthew 5:32, 19:9, I Corinthians 7:15].
2019-04-11 Divorce & Remarriage: Would you clarify the stipulations and extenuation circumstances surrounding divorce & remarriage?
2019-03-18 Divorce & Remarriage: What are God's thoughts about divorce? [Deuteronomy 24, Malachi 2]. When and under what conditions is one free from their obligation to the marriage []. Is restitution required? Will God forgive me if I'm the one guilty? [Matthew 5:31-32, I John 1:9].
2019-02-26 Marriage & Divorce: What to do about counseling a Christian couple who are about to get a divorce?
2019-02-07 Marriage, Divorce & Inheritance: Caller is about receive quite an inheritance & wondering if he has to or should give some it to his wife who is divorcing him.
2019-01-08 Grounds for Divorce: Is actual adultery, as opposed to carnal knowledge, desertion & physical abuse, grounds for divorce?
Date of Writing of the New Testament: Were all the books of the new Testament were written before 69 A.D.?
Reincarnation: How do you view reincarnation?
2019-01-04 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Is a person in continuous adultery by being married to a 2nd wife after leaving his 1st wife? What if the person left the first wife before becoming a Christian?
2018-12-26 Marriage & Divorce Question: I got a divorce in my 20s, but was an unbeliever & my ex-wife got remarried, so will God honor the marriage i'm in right now?
2018-12-12 Marriage, Divorce & Adultery: Ny mother remarried without having a cause for having left her husband, how do I deal w/ this? WHat does Deuteronomy 24 say about this? Should I forgive her?
2018-09-26 Marriage & Divorce: Is Desertion or Abuse grounds for Divorce? A lengthy discussion about Marriage & Divorce scenarios.
2018-09-26 Marriage & Divorce: What if 2 believers get a divorce just because of unreconcilable differences? How would God view breaking the contract?
2018-09-25 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Remarriage, abusive relationship, partner divorced discussion.
2018-09-24 Marriage & Divorce: What does the state have to do w/ marriage, divorce & licenses?
2018-07-27 Marriage and Divorce: Biblical constraints on marriage and divorce [Deuteronomy 24]
2018-06-29 Marriage Problems: Husband thinks that wife is committing adultery, but she claims she isn't.
2018-06-26 Law of Jesus Higher Standard than Law of Moses: Was Jesus' standard higher than the law of Moses because Moses allowed divorce, but Jesus doesn't? Is divorce allowed?
2018-06-22 Marriage, Divorce, Adultery & Repentance: What happens after a divorce & remarriage, & then repent? What about restitution?
2018-06-21 Marriage & Divorce: I'm committing adultery if I marry someone else even though my husband is the one opting out of our marriage? [Matthew 5:32]
2018-06-15 Abuse Grounds for Divorce: What should a spouse do of an abusive spouse? Is that grounds for divorce, a violent husband?
2018-05-22 Divorce & Remarriage: A couple friends who have both been married before but who both got divorced not for fidelity are being told they can't get married by a pastor. What do you say?
2018-05-22 Divorce: Divorce is it not allowed at all? You are always committing adultery if you remarry someone who is divorced?
Adolph Hitler: Why would God allow an Adolph Hitler to happen?
Worshipping God all day in Eternity: why should we want to sit in heaven all day worshipping God?
2018-05-07 State has more power than church for Marriage: Caller thinks the State only has the authority to hold couples accountable to their marriage rather than the church.
2018-04-19 Grounds for Divorce: Adultery, Abandonment, Abuse are they all grounds for divorce? A person who does remarry even though they were they cause can stay in that relationship as long as they show true repentance & restoration. What Do you agree? [Matthew 18:15]
2018-03-28 Bride Claiming to be a Virgin but not: What if you Bride to be claims to be a Virgin, you get married & it turns out she isn't?
Marriage & Divorce: What if a wife is divorced for just causes? Is the person still marrying her committing adultery because she was already married even though it was for right causes?
2018-03-28 Bride Claiming to be a Virgin but not: What if you Bride to be claims to be a Virgin, you get married & it turns out she isn't?
Marriage & Divorce: What if a wife is divorced for just causes? Is the person still marrying her committing adultery because she was already married even though it was for right causes?
2018-03-27 Marriage & Divorce Situation: Not rightly divorced previously, has remarried & thinks he's in a pickle now. He explains his situation. Wants Steve's input.
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