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Topic: Jesus' Crucifixion (Death)

Showing 201 to 250 of 251.
Episode Topic Audio
2014-09-10 Pilate's Wife dream: When Pilate's had a dream about warning Pilate not to have anything to do in the role of Jesus' death/trial, why would God be the one trying to warn her since He's the one who wanted it done, since that is why Jesus cane down here?
2014-09-09 Molinism Middle Knowledge analogy: Have you ever seen the movie, Next? It seems to be an easy example of Molinism.
6th Hour or 3rd Hour: Why the differing times of when Jesus was crucified, the 6th hour or the 3rd hour? [John 19:14, Mark 15:25]
Shane Wood: Do you know anything about Shane Wood? He seems to hold the same view as you in Revelation.
2014-09-09 Pilate's Wife, Claudia: Claudia told Pilate to have nothing to do w/ Jesus' trial because of a troubling dream. Was she a secret follower of Jesus?
2014-08-27 "My God, God My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me:" What if people on their deathbed shouted out, "My God, God My God, why hast Thou forsaken me"? Can you explain what Jesus was saying/doing when He said it? [Mark 15:34, Luke 22:44]
"Truly this was the Son of God": What was it that impressed the Centurion so much that he declared publicly that Jesus was truly the Son of God? [Mark 15:39]
2014-08-27 "My God, God My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me:" What if people on their deathbed shouted out, "My God, God My God, why hast Thou forsaken me"? Can you explain what Jesus was saying/doing when He said it? [Mark 15:34, Luke 22:44]
"Truly this was the Son of God": What was it that impressed the Centurion so much that he declared publicly that Jesus was truly the Son of God? [Mark 15:39]
2014-07-30 Descending to the lower parts of the Earth: What did Paul mean in Ephesians that Jesus went to the lower parts of the earth? [Ephesians 4:8-9, Psalm 139:15, 1 Peter 3:18-22]
2014-06-06 Jesus dying for Original Sins: Caller heard that Jesus only died for original sin, but our on going sins we have to ask forgiveness for at least once a year or they carry over.
2014-06-05 Expiation and Propitiation: Was Jesus' death more of a "Propitiation" (appeasing the wrath of God) or was it more of an "Expiation" (removing the guilt from our record)?
Wrath of God: Does God ever get angry at us?
No condemnation: But as long as we are in Christ Jesus, even though we do sin, just like when a child disobeys a parent, God doesn't condemn us, does He? [Romans 8:1]
2014-06-05 Expiation and Propitiation: Was Jesus' death more of a "Propitiation" (appeasing the wrath of God) or was it more of an "Expiation" (removing the guilt from our record)?
Wrath of God: Does God ever get angry at us?
No condemnation: But as long as we are in Christ Jesus, even though we do sin, just like when a child disobeys a parent, God doesn't condemn us, does He? [Romans 8:1]
2014-06-03 Sacrificial system reinstated in the Millennium: I've heard that the Bible says that the animal sacrificial system will be reinstated during Jesus' 1000 year reign, sort've to remind us of the sacrifice Christ made on the cross. [Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 40-48, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:18-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-25, Psalm 40, Hebrews 10]
2014-05-23 The Thief & Jesus in Heaven: Did Jesus & the thief on the cross go to Heaven the day they died? [Luke 23:43]
2014-05-19 Preached to the Spirits in Prison: What did Jesus actually do during His death? What is your interpretation? [1 Peter 3:19-21]
2014-05-15 Death Penalty & Dishonoring your Parents: Are Jews still supposed to be observing provision of the Death Penalty for being disrespectful to your parents in the Law of Moses? [Exodus 21:17, Leviticus 20:9, Deuteronomy 21:18-21, 27:16, Proverbs 20:20, 30:17, Matthew 15:4, Mark 7:10, Hebrews 8:13]
Binding of New Covenant: When did the New Covenant become binding? The day of the Cross or not until the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD?
2014-05-12 Blood for Atonement: Is Blood necessary for the atonement of sins? Some say it's not necessary, so they Jesus sacrifice was null & void. What do you think? [Leviticus 5:11]
2014-05-01 3 Hours of Darkness: What caused the 3 hours of Darnkness during the crucifixion of Jesus? [Matthew 27:45-53]
Jesus going to Hell: Did Jesus go to Hell during His death?
Taking on the Sins of the World: Doesn't it say somewhere that Jesus took on the sins of the world? [Mark 10:45, 1 peter 2]
2014-05-01 3 Hours of Darkness: What caused the 3 hours of Darnkness during the crucifixion of Jesus? [Matthew 27:45-53]
Jesus going to Hell: Did Jesus go to Hell during His death?
Taking on the Sins of the World: Doesn't it say somewhere that Jesus took on the sins of the world? [Mark 10:45, 1 peter 2]
2014-04-29 Vashti: Vashti was asked to where the crown & come to him & she refused, it that true? Was she an exotic dancer (dancing in the nude)?
3 literal Days: How could Jesus have been in the grave 3 literal days?
Relying on Theologians: Can we get everything we need to be a Christian from the Bible, or do we need a good theologian every now & then to guide us?
2014-04-29 Church is the Womb: The Church is the womb through which God brings forth his sons, so you remember saying that? When does it come to maturity? [Galatians 4:19]
Children of Promise: So the Promise is Christ? [Galatians 4:28]
The Mystery of God is accomplished: Is the mystery of God that is accomplished, is that when the Body of Christ is mature, or fully born? [Revelation 10:7]
2014-04-29 3 days & 3 nights Jesus in the Tomb: Caller wants to comment about the questions he heard about 3 days & 3 nights Jesus being in the grave, & give his theory.
2014-04-28 Jesus' Death 3 Days: How can it be 3 literal days that Jesus was in the tomb from Friday to Sunday? The math does not compute. Where does it say, "He will rise on the 3rd day"? [Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 28:63]
Preaching to the Spirits in Prison: What does it mean that Jesus went & preached to the souls that were being held captive? I thought Jesus' death was good enough for the penalty of sin. [1 Peter 3:19-21]
Getting a Handle on the Truth: Since teachers are to be held more accountable than the average person, I want to make sure i'm teaching truth, so how do I know i'm interpreting the Bible right? [Janes 3:1, 1 Corinthians 5:9]
2014-04-18 It is Finished: What did Jesus mean when He said, "It is Finished!"?
Satan being Bound: So you say Satan is bound. If that is true, what was Peter talking about the Roaring Lion then? [1 Peter 5:8]
2014-04-15 Duration of Jesus' Death: What was Jesus doing during His Death?
2014-04-07 Jesus Fighting Satan for the Keys: I've heard that during the 3 days of the death of Christ, that He fought w/ the Devil to get the Keys of Death & Hades. Is this true? [Psalm 16, Revelation 1:18 , Hebrews 2:14]
2014-03-13 By His Stripes we are Healed: In Isaiah 53, by His Stripes we are healed, do you believe it is talking about Jesus' SUFFERING on the cross as well as dying on the cross, His scourging? [Isaiah 53]
Jesus bearing our guilt: Did Jesus bear our guilt as well as our penalty on the cross?
2014-03-13 By His Stripes we are Healed: In Isaiah 53, by His Stripes we are healed, do you believe it is talking about Jesus' SUFFERING on the cross as well as dying on the cross, His scourging? [Isaiah 53]
Jesus bearing our guilt: Did Jesus bear our guilt as well as our penalty on the cross?
2014-01-07 Jesus' Atonement: Would Jesus needed to have died on the cross if Adam & Eve & their descendants hadn't sinned?
2014-01-07 Jesus' Death being a Surprise to Satan: Was Jesus' death on the cross a surprise to Satan? Is there a possibility he didn't know Jesus was going to rise again & really defeat him? [1 Corinthians 2:7-8, Psalm 16:10]
Wednesday Crucifixion: Is it possible Jesus was crucified on Wednesday & not on the traditional view of Friday?
Bible Translations & Andrew Murray: So do you think the NKJV is the best, & what do you think about Andrew Murray?
2014-01-07 Jesus' Death being a Surprise to Satan: Was Jesus' death on the cross a surprise to Satan? Is there a possibility he didn't know Jesus was going to rise again & really defeat him? [1 Corinthians 2:7-8, Psalm 16:10]
Wednesday Crucifixion: Is it possible Jesus was crucified on Wednesday & not on the traditional view of Friday?
Bible Translations & Andrew Murray: So do you think the NKJV is the best, & what do you think about Andrew Murray?
2014-01-07 Satan's Knowledge: The Devil is the opposite of the Fruits of the Spirit, so is it possible that he just gave in to murdering Jesus even though he knew it was going to hurt him in the end just because that is his nature?
2014-01-07 Binding Satan/the Strong Man: When did Jesus bind Satan? [Mark 3:27]
Prayer: Do you have any advice on how to spend quality time in prayer?
2013-12-31 Scripture too tough to believe-Ananias & Sapphira: What about Ananias & Sapphira? How is that story possible? [Acts 5:1-11,
Scripture too tough to believe-The Account of Jesus & Pilate: How was the account of what happened with Jesus & Pilate recorded since they were by themselves?
2013-12-03 Blessings: We receive blessings from being in Christ & being faithful in little.
Wrath of God: How can there be another wrath of God after Jesus appeased it on the cross? [1 Corinthians 11]
2013-10-22 Demons gloating About Jesus on the Cross: Where does it say in the Bible that the demons were rejoicing over Jesus' death? [Psalms 22:13, 1 Peter 5;8]
Caleb & Othniel - Brothers or Uncle & Nephew: Were Caleb & Othniel brothers or uncle & nephew? [Judges 3:9-11]
Jael & Sisera: Did Jael ever kiss Sisera or only kill him? [Judges 4:17-22]
2013-09-25 Pontius Pilate: Pilate was known to be a heartless tyrant, so are the gospel accurate when they make it seem he was sympathetic to Jesus?
2013-09-23 Glory of God (Shiloh): When did the glory of God Leave the temple? At the ripping of the Curtain?
2013-08-29 Aramaic Language & Jesus: What language did Jesus speak to His disciples, & how is it related to the Hebrew language? How come they didn't speak in Greek?
Eli, Eli, Lemasabachthani: What language was "Eli, Eli, lemasabachthani", "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" in?
Septuagint: Why would the New Testament writers reference from the Septuagint if it was written in Greek when they didn't speak in Greek?
2013-08-01 Satan Being Bound, the Resurrection & the Millennium: If your view of Satan being bound right during this "millennium", how do you deal with the resurrection that is in Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:5-6, Acts 24:15, Matthew 5:28-29, John 5:24]
Satan being Loosed: Wouldn't Satan being loosed nullify the Victory of Jesus in the end?
2013-07-31 Wrath of God Did Jesus drink the cup of wrath? Is He going to spew it out when He comes back? [Isaiah 21-23]
2013-07-26 Preaching to the Dead: Was Jesus preaching to the dead when He was dead? [1 Peter 3:18-19, 1 Peter 4:6]
2013-07-24 The term "Jew": What is the meaning of the term "Jew" in the New Testament? It seems to have a negative connotation for a group separate from the writers and audience. Would this be affected by the majority of the audience being Jewish? [John 1:20, John 18:39, Acts 14:2].
Sensitivty Regarding "The Jews Killed Jesus": It seems extreme, negative and potentially harmful to say that "the Jews killed Jesus" when it was actually only some of the bad leadership that encouraged it. [1 Thessalonians 2:14-15, Galatians 3:28].
2013-06-24 Jesus Dying for All or Just Those that Believe?: In what sense did Jesus die for the whole world, yet only for those who had faith in Him? [John 3:16, Romans 3:25, 1 John 2:2, 1 John 4:10, John 6:44]
2013-06-10 Sickness as the Will of God: Since Jesus had 39 lashes at His Crucifixion, does that mean that we should just accept illness as God's will? [2 Corinthians 11:24, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24]
2013-06-10 Special Sabbaths & Jesus' Resurrection: Caller points out about the special Sabbath besides just the regular Sabbath, which might explain the 3 days for Jesus' death & resurrection.
2013-05-30 Evidence for the Resurrection: What is the best evidence for the resurrection of Christ? [Matthew 10:8].
Looking for Jesus' Body: Was anyone actively looking for Jesus' dead body to disprove the resurrection?
The "Jesus Seminar": What was the goal of the "Jesus Seminar"?
2013-04-23 "Father, Forgive Them": For whom was Jesus asking forgiveness? [Luke 23:34].
Just Rotten Sinners: What about the cleansing we receive from the Holy Spirit, in contrast to when pastors say that we are all "just rotten sinners"? [Galatians 5:17].
2013-04-16 The Remorseful at the Crucifixion: Who were those at the cross that "beat their breasts" following Jesus' death on the cross? [Luke 23:47-48, Matthew 27:54, Mark 15:39].
Separation of Church & State: I agree with you about the "separation of church & state" because our citizenship is in heaven. What do you think?
2013-03-27 Baptism-Immersed in Knowledge, not Water: Is it possible that Matthew is saying that we should baptism (immerse) people in knowledge and the studies of God, Jesus and the Spirit, and not really be talking about water baptism? [Acts 2:38, Ats 19:5, Acts 4:12, Matthew 28:19, Colossians 2:9].
Last Words of Jesus on the Cross: What was the last words of Jesus on the cross, "into your hands I commend my spirit", or "it is finished"? [Luke 23:46, John 19:28-30].
2013-03-19 Where Jesus' Body Go?: Where did Jesus' body go after the crucifixion and resurrectioin? [Luke 24:39]
2013-02-21 "My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?": When Jesus said, "My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? was he just quoting the Psalm 22 or was it because He was taking on the sins of the world at that moment? [Psalm 22:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17, I Peter 2:24].
2013-02-11 Steve's Lectures & Books about Eschatology: Do you say the same stuff in your book about the 4 views of Revelation that you say in your 14 lectures, When Shall These Things Be? Do you have any more books written besides that one? (Answer: 3 views of Hell & 2 books on the Kingdom of God.)
70 Week Beginning: When does the 70th week begin? At the beginning of His ministry or the right before His crucifixion? [Daniel 9:27]
Fleeing from the 70 AD Siege: If all the people fled there'd be none left, all Israel & Christians leaving. Do you & Hank agree with each other about the events of 70 AD?
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