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Topic: Prayer (Asking)

Showing 251 to 300 of 469.
Episode Topic Audio
2018-12-27 Praying for Non-Christians: Should you pray for NON-Christians to be alleviated of their problems?
Praying on our Knees: When should we pray on our knees?
2018-12-27 Praying for Non-Christians: Should you pray for NON-Christians to be alleviated of their problems?
Praying on our Knees: When should we pray on our knees?
2018-12-13 Hung up on "Amen": I'm a new Christian & studying about the word "amen", & it has 2 different meaning, one referring to the Egyptian Deity. Is it possible people are praying to the Egyptians Deity when they say amen?
2018-12-04 Praying in Jesus' Name: What would you say of a pastor who says, we are not saved by grace, but we are the sons of God & we don't need to pray "in Jesus' name"?
Jesus Calling Book: What do you think of "Jesus Calling" book?
2018-11-20 Praying to Mary: Caller was listening to a Catholic radio show, & they were talking about a book called, "Rethinking Mary", a book explaining why you should be able to pray to Mary. Will praying to Mary affect people's salvation?
2018-11-15 Praying for your Enemies: Praying for your enemies, does that include satan?
2018-11-09 Contradiction about Judging in the Bible: Scripture seems to contradict itself about judging one another [John 8:15-16, John 9:39]
Apostolic Authority: Jesus & His Disciples just commanded healing & casting out demons. [John 14:12]
2018-11-06 Purgatory: Is there really a purgatory like the Catholic church says there is?
Praying to Mary: What about praying to Mary?
2018-11-01 Praying to the Saints: Is it biblical to pray to the saints?
2018-09-20 Sabbath Keeping Catholic: Keeping the Sabbath as a Catholic. I don't keep the Sabbath day very well, but what do you think about the importance of that?
Praying to Mary: I pray to Mary as a Catholic. What do you think about that?
2018-09-11 Crossing Yourselves: How come protestants don't cross themselves?
Communion of the Saints (Praying to Saints): Why don't protestants do communion w/ the saints?
2018-09-06 Book of Enoch & Judas: I learned about the books Enoch & Judas.
Prayers: Is it okay to say the prayers from the Old Testament or only the New Testament?
No Place to Lay His Head: the Son of Man having no place to lay His head. [Matthew 8:20]
2018-08-17 Fasting: How do you do fasting correctly?
2018-08-07 21 Days to Get to Daniel: If God is all powerful then why did it take 21 days? [Daniel 10]
2018-07-02 God Ordaining Ever Step: Does God ordain every step of our life?
2018-06-20 Elders Praying over the Sick: The elders praying for sick, & they will be forgiven, aren't you ALREADY forgiven? Aren't they 2 different things? If his sins weren't forgiven how does the elders praying over him do it? [James 5:15]
2018-06-19 Jesus' Temptation: Why was Jesus able to resist temptation?
Praying to Jesus: Why do we pray to Christ (instead of God the Father)?
Church Named After Christ: Why is His name in the church?
2018-06-19 Imprecatory Prayers verses Forgiving People: How do we reconcile the imprecatory prayers in Psalms with forgiving people in the New Testament?
2018-06-14 Holy Spirit interceding for us: What does it mean that we don't know what we ought to pray for, & so consequently the Holy Spirit is going to do it for us? [Romans 8:26-27]
2018-06-12 Praying to Mary: Where does the Roman Catholic Church get the idea of praying to the Mary, the mother of Jesus?
2018-05-30 Victory over Smoking: God gave me complete victory from smoking.
Praying According to God's Will: How do we know that we are actually praying according to God's will?
2018-05-29 Praying God's Will: Sometimes prayers are not answered because they are not God's will, but what if you pray that you really want to be saved, & other people are praying for that same person, does He answer that?
2018-05-22 Prostrating Yourself 3 Times a Day: What is the Biblical idea of lying prostrate to pray, & praying 3 times a day? Daniel did it. Peter prayed prostrate while on a roof.
2018-04-13 Sinner's Prayer: What is your opinion about the Sinner's Prayer?
Methodist Church: What's your opinion about the Methodist church?
2018-03-28 21 days to get an Answer: Why did it take an angel 21 days to get to where Daniel was, him having to deal w/ a blockage of the king of persia? Why couldn't God had just blown him out of the way?
2018-03-23 God Preordaining everything & Prayer Changing it: Does God preordain everything? But does Prayer sometimes change it?
2018-02-08 Praying to Saints: What motivated prayer to saints?
2018-02-08 Praying for God: Is there anywhere in scripture that tells us to pray for God?
2018-02-05 Praying in the Spirit: Is praying in tongues the same as praying in the Spirit and is that a perfect prayer? [Ephesians 6:18, Jude 20, 1 Corinthians 14:14]
2018-02-01 Prayer: Does prayer have to be according to God's will? [1 John]
2018-01-22 System of prayer: Do you have any systems of prayer that you recommended?
2018-01-10 Doubting God: James says not to doubt when you pray for something, that a person who doubts is like a person who is being tossed by the ocean, a double-minded person, but everyone has a crisis of faith once in awhile, questioning events and why God is allowing something, even John the Baptist did, so what exactly is James saying here? [James 1:5-7, Matthew 11:3, Ephesians 6:16]
2018-01-10 Fasting: Is fasting still for today? [Matthew 9:14-17, Matthew 17:21]
2018-01-09 Prayer Request: Caller asking for prayer about addressing a board on transgender issues.
2017-12-27 Sin, Transgression, Iniquity: Is there different definitions degrees of sin? ? is this how we should pray?
2017-12-20 Miracles on Demand: miracles on demand like the apostles did as opposed to just praying, is that still possible?
2017-11-21 Angel Traveling Speed of Thought: Gabriel's immediate action regarding Daniel's prayer, & how long does it take to get answers to prayer? [Daniel 8:14]
2017-10-03 Watch & Pray: We are about to have an all night vigil but I don't think I'll be able to stay up all night, but is that what "watch" means, staying up?
2017-09-26 Mormonism: Mormonism, LDS discussion, the only way to convert a Mormon is on the spiritual level, but also trying to create doubt, & a true prophet would always be right, otherwise they are false prophets.
Figuring out God's Will every Decision: How do we determine what decisions to make as a Christian when it's not clear from the Bible?
2017-08-23 Paul & Tongues: Is Paul talking about tongues in both Romans & 1 Corinthians? [Romans 8:26-27, 1 Corinthians 14]
2017-08-18 Praying to Jesus or the Father: Should we pray to Jesus or to God the Father?
2017-08-17 Jews Still God's Chosen People: are the jews still God's chosen people?
Praying for the Jews: rphould we be praying for them?
2017-08-07 Marriage Problems: The caller & his wife are separating for the time being, & have been to a mental hospital, & he just seeks prayer from Steve Gregg.
2017-06-26 Prayer Language & Spirit Gifts, Talking in Tongues: Having the gift of tongues & speaking them but confused in church services
2017-05-25 Effectiveness of Prayer: Have you ever reviewed the effectiveness in prayer in medical publications?
Hell: Can you tell me about hell? I'm just getting to the point that I just want everyone saved!
2017-05-19 Self-Defense with a Gun: Is it okay to have a weapon to defend yourself?
Praying to Mary: My wife is Catholic, & prays to Mary. What do you think about that?
2017-05-17 The Kingdom of God: "Understanding the purpose & power of prayer" by Myles Monroe, is a book about the Kingdom of God. Have you ever heard of or agree with him?
2017-05-15 Hallowed be Thy Name: "Hallowed be Thy name", what does that mean? [Matthew 6:9]
2017-05-11 Asking in Jesus' name or God the Father's: When we pray, do we ask in Jesus name or in the Father's? [John 14:6 & 13, 16:23 & 26]
2017-05-09 Praying for Everyone: Can we pray for everyone?
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