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Topic: Following Jesus (Christ)

Showing 251 to 300 of 304.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-04-15 Sinner's Prayer, Repentance & Obedience: Do you think that someone who says "the sinner's prayer" but doesn't really repent or change his behavior and dishonest business practices is really saved? [Luke 19:8, Matthew 1:21].
2020-04-03 Kingdom of God: What would be the impact within the church of recognizing that the "Kingdom of God" has come and is present now on earth? [2 Corinthians 11, Galatians 1:8, Matthew 16:24-26].
2020-04-02 Take Up Your Cross: Does take up your cross mean, take up your sins? [Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24].
One-World Religion: Do you think that we will prime for a one-world religion? [Revelation 7].
Tribulation & Sinners Repenting: Do you think that if we are in the tribulation, sinners will still be able to repent?
2020-03-17 Denying Christ: Didn't Peter deny Christ, but was still allowed to follow Christ? If we try to save someone by denying Christ, like our child, God would know we didn't mean it, right? [Matthew 10:33, John 21].
2020-01-08 Emulating Jesus: Should we not live more like what is demonstrated by Jesus and Paul in the Bible, such as, avoid eating shellfish, etc.? [I Corinthians 11:1f, I Peter 2, I Peter 4:19].
2019-06-25 Keeping One's Zeal: Do you have advice for someone who wants to never lose their zeal and commitment for the Lord.
2019-06-03 Authentic Salvation: Are the people described in these scriptures authentic Christians? [Matthew 7:21-23, John 11:49-50, II Thessalonians 2].
2019-03-12 The Narrow Path Why is it a "narrow path"? Why is it taking so long for people to find Christ? Is it because the path is so narrow? [Matthew 7:13].
2018-10-15 Receiving 100 Times: Receiving 100 times for following Christ, leaving your family, what did Jesus mean by that? [Mark 10:28-31]
2018-07-05 More Sinful the Closer to Christ: It sort've seems the closer i'm getting to Jesus, the more sinful i see myself.
2018-07-03 Any Good Books about Living Through us: Can Steve please recommend some good books for inspiring growth in the Lord, living through Jesus. (A.W. Tozer)
2018-05-25 King Asa: It says Asa was pleasing to the Lord all the days of his life, but he did a few things in his life where he wasn't pleasing to the Lord. [2 Chronicles 16:12]
2018-04-24 God drawing Everyone: Do you think God draws every man to His Son? [John 6:44]
2018-02-19 Salvation through Christ: Can you resolve perceived tension between the following biblical statements: salvation is through Christ alone, the only way you can come to Christ is to be drawn [John 6], God is seeking people to worship him in spirit and in truth [John 4]?
2017-11-30 Making it to Heaven: New believer wondering how one becomes a committed disciple, how do you make it "up there" (to heaven)?
2017-09-25 Denying Jesus Is God: Is denying that Jesus is God the spirit of anti-Christ?
Losing one's Salvation: Can one lost their salvation denying Jesus is God?
2017-08-24 Following the Light: Continuing a conversation the caller previous had about being saved according the light you have (follow, 8/33, 3rd q).
2017-08-22 Nicodemus' Salvation: Can we say if Nicodemus was saved or not?
Not Accepting Jesus: What if people don't accept the Man Jesus, but live by the Light they have, isn't that good enoug?
2017-08-21 Rejected by Family for Christianity: I'm trying to handle being rejected by own family because I'm a believer. Trying to figure out how to deal with it.
2017-08-04 Disagreement or Unity Among Brethren: Can there be disagreement among believers & still be saved? What is the purpose of life, is it just to escape hell?
Purpose of Life: What is the purpose of life? Is it just to escape hell?
2017-07-31 153 Fish Significance: Was there any significance to the number "153", the number fish that were caught? [John 21:11]
2017-05-09 A False Christ: Would disproving Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, & Adventists have a false Christ endanger your salvation? (The person called several times seeming to have a vendetta against SDAs.)
2017-05-09 Seeing a Different Jesus in the Paradigm of Adventism: Seventh Day Adventists preach a different Christ. (follow-up)
2016-07-25 Sincere Believers in wrong Faith: Sincere believers in the wrong faith will be viewed by God how?
2016-04-14 10 Commandments as an Evangelistic Tool: Nicaean council, ray comfort, said we need to use the law/10 commandments to evangelize
My Yoke is Easy & Burden Light: What made the Law of Moses so hard when Jesus said to come to Him because His yoke was easy & His burden light?
2016-04-04 Transfer of Wealth: Caller has been learning about something called, "End times transfer of wealth". Has Steve ever heard of it? [Proverbs 13:22, Proverbs 28:8]
Learning about Christ from Deuteronomy: I was talking to a Calvinist the other day & he said a bizarre statement that, "everything I learned about following Christ, I learned in Deuteronomy", Can this be true?
2016-04-04 Followers of Christ Considered Disciples: As followers of Christ are we considered Jesus' disciples too?
Everything Jesus instructed to His Disciples: Are we supposed to do EVERYTHING Jesus told His disciples?
Spiritual Gifts like the Disciples: Are we supposed to be able to have spiritual gifts like the disciples out, such as healing, or only the spiritual gifts Jesus gives us?
2016-04-04 Followers of Christ Considered Disciples: As followers of Christ are we considered Jesus' disciples too?
Everything Jesus instructed to His Disciples: Are we supposed to do EVERYTHING Jesus told His disciples?
Spiritual Gifts like the Disciples: Are we supposed to be able to have spiritual gifts like the disciples out, such as healing, or only the spiritual gifts Jesus gives us?
2016-03-21 Christian but Gay: Can you still be a gay Christian & go to heaven?
2016-03-17 People following the Lamb (144,000): Who are the people who follow the Lamb or just who are the 144,000? [Revelation 14:4]
2016-03-07 Baptism Mandatory: Is getting baptized required?
2016-02-23 Receiving Christ: Is there a proper way to receive Christ?
2013-12-13 Intimate Relationship with Jesus: What does the Bible say about having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, having complete unity with Him?
2013-12-09 Learning to Love Jesus: Caller really wants to know what it means to love Jesus, & it makes her question her faith because she isn't sure if she does love Jesus.
"The Cloud of Unknowing": Has Steve ever read "The Cloud of Unknowing" that really teaches a person to love Jesus?
2013-12-09 Love of Christ: Caller wanted to comment about a previous call & the love of Christ. [2 Corinthians 5:14]
The Amplified Bible: What does STeve think of "The Amplified BIble"?
2013-12-04 Christians being Demon Possessed: Is it possible for Christians to be demon-possessed?
2013-11-14 Jesus the Only Way: Michael the Buddhist has a hard time grasping that Jesus in the only way to the truth.
2013-10-28 Following the One True Christ: All denominations & cults claim to believe in Jesus, but won't eventually God call them out of the quagmire they are in, to unadulterated truth? [Hebrews 11:6]
2013-09-16 Michael the Buddhist Having a relationship with Jesus, becoming more spiritual, will make the things that happen here, make everything else secondary...michael saying this even though he hasn't converted to Christianity....yet.
2013-09-11 "Above that which is Written": What did Paul mean when he said, "don't believe above that which is written" in 1 Corinthians? [1 Corinthians 4:6, 1 corinthians 1:31, Jeremiah 9:23]
Oral & Written Instruction: Did Paul expect the Corinthians to obey his oral instructions just as much as his written instructions & was it to be passed on to future generations as his tradition?
2013-08-13 Nominal Christians: What is a "nominal" Christian?
2013-08-05 "Deny Yourself & Take up Your Cross Daily": What did Jesus mean when He said, "Deny yourself & take up your cross daily"? Is Christ warning that this will affect our salvation? [Luke 9:23-24]
2013-08-02 Billy Graham & Going to Heaven without Jesus: Did Billy Graham really say in a Youtube video that people can be saved without Christ? If he did, what do you think of that idea, that major shift?
2013-07-19 Doing the Will of God: What is the will of God besides accepting Jesus as our Lord & Saviour? [Matthew 7:21-23]
Being Saved: What exactly does "being saved" mean?
2013-07-19 Doing the Will of God: What is the will of God besides accepting Jesus as our Lord & Saviour? [Matthew 7:21-23]
Being Saved: What exactly does "being saved" mean?
2013-06-05 Practical Application of the "Kingdom of God": How do we practically apply the "Kingdom of God"?
2013-05-15 Various "Causes" & Exaggeration: Caller shares his concerns about Christians greatly exaggerating and how we get so sidetracked. How do we find balance, get involved, and not get distracted? [I John 2:22].
2013-04-08 Leaving Dispensationalism & Disappointment in Mistaken Teachers & Preachers: How do you deal with the disappointment in former pastors and teachers when you realize how mistaken they were when they were teaching you (Dispensationalism & Calvary Chapel? [John 8:31-32].
Church of Christ & Baptism: It seems that every time I attend the Church of Christ they always talk about Acts 2 (baptism). [Acts 2:38].
2013-03-28 Saying "God Bless You": I have noticed that you say, "God bless you" to everyone at the end of the show.
What is Really Important - to Steve Gregg: What question would you like to hear asked? What is important to ask about?
2013-03-20 Being Saved Without Knowing Jesus: Can some ignorant people be saved without knowing about Christ, but still saved on the merits of Christ, as in nthe Old Testament or the heathen who has never heard? [Acts 17:30, John 14:6, John 1:9].
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