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Topic: 70 A.D.

Showing 251 to 300 of 305.
Episode Topic Audio
2016-02-10 Paul & Wrath: Paul uses the word "wrath" 3 times. what is this wrath he is talking about & is it still future? {1 Thessalonians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:9]
2016-01-15 Destruction of 70 AD: How can this Scripture be talking about 70 AD since there's been so much worse destruction since then? [Matthew 24:21-22]
2016-01-06 Harmonizing End time Event Scripture: Are these connected in any way? [Daniel 12:10, Revelation 22:11]
2016-01-06 The Resurrection: "Many of them that sleep" in Daniel as opposed to "All" will come out of their grave. [Daniel 12:2, John 5:28-29]
The Resurrection involving Isaiah: Is this passage from the OT talking about the Resurrection? [Isaiah 26:20-21, Isaiah 27:1]
2016-01-05 Harmonizing Scripture of Jesus' Coming: Trying to understand 2 Scriptures, & phrases like the blood of Christ, & the vengeance of Christ. [Isaiah 63:1-6, Revelation 19]
Anabaptist, non-violence: How should an Anabaptist deal with these passages in Isaiah about violence?
2015-11-11 Write the things thou hast seen, which are, which shall be hereafter: Are things involving that verse, the things John has seen, the things which are & the things will still have yet to take place, talking about things in chronological order? Revelation 1:19
2015-11-02 Healing: Caller comments on previous call about healings.
Russia & the Middle East: With Russia & other allied countries setting up in the Middle East, are we at the time that what Jesus was talking about when He said when you see Jerusalem being surrounded by Rome, we'd know the end was near? [Luke 21:20]
2015-10-15 The Olivet Discourse & the Book of Revelation: Why would the Holy Spirit need to give John a very cryptic, apocalyptic book about the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD if Jesus had already explained it to Jews in Jerusalem while He was still here? It'd just seem to be counterintuitive. [Matthew 24 & 25, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 1-20]
2015-10-13 Strong-hold & Foot-hold follow-up:: What are they again, since Steve didn't get a chance to answer the first time?
Jacob's Trouble: How is it that the children of Israel experienced Jacob's trouble & are saved out of it, but how were they experiencing distress of it if they left before 70 AD? [Jeremiah 37]
2015-09-22 "Eat the Little Book": Is the little book in Revelation that John is asked to eat, is it the book he is dictating to him? [Revelation 10]
2015-09-15 The Dating of the Book of Revelation: What is the ONE thing that makes Steve think the book of Revelation was written before 70 AD?
2015-09-09 Partial Preterism: Is there any documentation that the early church fathers actually believed 70 AD WAS indeed the fulfillment of Revelation since you think it was?
2015-08-28 Hebrew Roots Movement: Doesn't Dispensationalism feed into the Hebrew Roots Movement?
New Testament Books Written after 70 AD: Were ANY books of the Bible written after 70 AD?
Old Testament Prophets: Steve believes that all the OT prophets wrote in a prophetic/symbolic/poetic language, but which ones wrote in the LEAST amount of poetic language?
2015-08-25 Signs of Jesus' 2nd Coming: Were there any signs that were referring to both 70 AD & His actual 2nd Coming or is there anything that was written later by the Apostles that talk about signs to watch out for Jesus' 2nd coming?
2015-08-25 Olivet Discourse: The first chunk of the Olivet Discourse is talking about 70 AD & the second chunk it is talking about His 2nd Coming, is that right?
2015-08-24 End Times, Signs of the Times: Newspaper Eschatology, Nation Against Nation, Race Wars, Overturning Governments, Famines, Pestilences, Earthquakes, how can we NOT think we are at the end of the world because all these things seem to be increasing? [Matthew 24:8]
Two Phases to Jesus' Coming: It's said that He's talking about 2 different events, 70 AD & His 2nd Coming.
2015-08-12 All Prophecy Fulfilled in Relation to 70 AD: 70 AD suggests that all the prophecies have been fulfilled. Is there ANYTHING in Revelation (or Daniel or any other eschatological chapter of the Bible) that has NOT been fulfilled yet?
Signs of the Times: It says in the Bible that when you see the clouds approaching that you'll know it's about to rain & that's what the caller thinks, you can see it all culminating together. [Matthew 16:32-33, Revelation 17:10-11]
2015-08-07 70 AD Holocaust: How many Jews were living in Judea right before the 70 AD Siege? How many died? Does it having any bearing on [Zechariah 13:8]?
12 Tribes of Israel: Steve said the 12 Tribes of Israel couldn't be identified after Babylon, but if that's the case, what about the 144,000 in Revelation?
2015-08-04 Day of the Lord: Are we to take 1 Peter 3 literally or apocalyptically? Was it talking about 70 AD or the end times? {1 Peter 3]
2015-07-13 Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD: Is there a verse in the verse in the Bible that talks about all the Christians being spared from the 70 AD Siege? The Jerusalem War, is that the same thing? (Jewish War) [Matthew 12:14, Luke 21:21]
2015-06-01 Scripture Referring to 70 AD or Second Coming: Is this passage of Scripture referring to 70 AD & the Destruction of Jerusalem, or the Second Coming? [Matthew 16:21-22,27, John 21:21-23]
70 AD as part of 1st Coming: Is His coming in 70 AD the same thing as part of His 1st coming, sort've like a phase 2 of it?
Verses That Apply To 2nd Coming & leaving Dispensationalism: Do you have listed all the verses that talk about the actual 2nd coming? Did you get a lot of flak for leaving Dispensationalism?
2015-06-01 Scripture Referring to 70 AD or Second Coming: Is this passage of Scripture referring to 70 AD & the Destruction of Jerusalem, or the Second Coming? [Matthew 16:21-22,27, John 21:21-23]
70 AD as part of 1st Coming: Is His coming in 70 AD the same thing as part of His 1st coming, sort've like a phase 2 of it?
Verses That Apply To 2nd Coming & leaving Dispensationalism: Do you have listed all the verses that talk about the actual 2nd coming? Did you get a lot of flak for leaving Dispensationalism?
2015-04-07 Gospel of Mark Date of Writing: When is it believed that the Gospel of Mark was written & distributed?
Abomination of Desolation: What is the Abomination of Desolation, when did it occur & how did it occur? Were the Disciples still alive when it happened, & IF they were, how come they didn't say anything about it? [Mark 13:14, Daniel 9, 10, 11]
2015-04-07 Gospel of Mark Date of Writing: When is it believed that the Gospel of Mark was written & distributed?
Abomination of Desolation: What is the Abomination of Desolation, when did it occur & how did it occur? Were the Disciples still alive when it happened, & IF they were, how come they didn't say anything about it? [Mark 13:14, Daniel 9, 10, 11]
2015-01-29 The Parousia (Full Preterism): Caller has been reading the book, "Parousia" by J Stuart Russell, & that there was a "dead zone" after 70 AD, & people were resurrected/raptured then.
2014-10-10 "Not One Stone Left Upon Another": Jesus said that not one stone would be left upon another, but what about the Wailing Wall? Was He just talking in hyperbole, exaggerating, not being literal? Why do people cry in front of it?
2014-09-22 No Dispensationalism, no 1948 Israel: Didn't some of the church fathers believe in a restoration of the land of Israel?
A future war of surrounding Israel: Caller has his Scripture ideas as to why there is going to be a future onslaught of Israel: "Redemption draweth nigh", there's no redemption in 70 AD; "There shall be a tribulation such as has never been before", & he feels 70 AD pales in comparison to the Holocaust. And then Satan makes war w/ the woman, caller correctly point out that the woman is remnant Israel. [Luke 21:20, Matthew 24:15, Revelation 12:17]
2014-08-21 This Generation shall not pass away: The Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 is just talking about the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, isn't it?
2014-08-19 Olivet Discourse & Birth Pains: A lengthy discussion about the Olivet Discourse & Birth Pains referring to 70 AD &/or the end of the world. [Matthew 24]
2014-05-15 Death Penalty & Dishonoring your Parents: Are Jews still supposed to be observing provision of the Death Penalty for being disrespectful to your parents in the Law of Moses? [Exodus 21:17, Leviticus 20:9, Deuteronomy 21:18-21, 27:16, Proverbs 20:20, 30:17, Matthew 15:4, Mark 7:10, Hebrews 8:13]
Binding of New Covenant: When did the New Covenant become binding? The day of the Cross or not until the Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD?
2014-05-12 4 Blood Moons: What is the phenomenon or frenzy over the blood moons? Some Christians don't seem very Christian in churches.
Prophecy in Joel: Do you think the prophecy in Joel is talking about 70 AD?
2014-04-01 7 churches of Asia: If the Book of Revelation was written for the event of the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, why was it written to 7 churches in Asia, churches so far away from the main event?
2014-03-13 Transition between Jesus' death & 70 AD: If we are saying the temple system became kaput & obsolete when Jesus died & rose again, & therefore there's no use for it in the future, premillennialists will say, "well, if that's true, there was no use for it between the time Jesus died & the time it was destroyed in 70 AD then either". [1 Corinthians 9:19-22]
Abomination of Desolation: So what was the Abomination of Desolation? [Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21:20]
2013-12-26 Full Preterism: How do they know what the consummation is? How do they rationalize?
2013-12-06 "Everlasting Covenant" in Isaiah: In this passage in Isaiah, God refers to the "Everlasting Covenant." It doesn't appear to be either the Old or the New, as it appears to be worldwide, so to what is this referring? Could it be at the end of the world? Is the city referred to, Babylon? [Isaiah 24:1-6, Luke 1].
Satan a Fallen Angel: Caller comments on his belief that Satan was Lucifer, who was originally an angel. [Job 1, Revelation 12]
2013-11-07 Partial Preterism Falling like a Stack of Cards: How would Partial Preterism be affected if it was proven that the Book of Revelation was written after 70 AD, such as 95 AD, which is the date most people believe?
2013-10-14 Parallels Regarding the Olivet Discourse: The parallel passages about the Olivet Discourse seem to not match when they are talking about 70 AD destruction of the Jerusalem & His actual Second Coming. Can you help me out? [Matthew 24, Mark 17, Luke 21]
2013-08-22 70 AD Judgment: Are all these passages of Scripture talking about the 70 AD judgment also? [Romans 16:20, 1 Peter 10:13, 1 Peter 4:7]
7 Letters to the 7 Churches: What did the 7 churches in Revelation have to do with 70 AD?
2013-08-20 Animals having Souls: Caller thinks animals might have souls.
Jesus "Coming": The angels told us that Jesus would "come" in the same way He went, so how could He have come back in 70 AD? [Acts 1:11]
2013-07-09 3.5 Years in Revelation: Can you explain the 3.5 years described in Revelation?
God taking the Jews out of Jerusalem: Why did God take the Jews out of Jerusalem and Israel?
2013-07-03 "Mountain, Be Thou Removed": What does this verse mean about being able to move mountains? [Matthew 17:20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:22-24]
2013-06-12 Apostle's Expectation of the Soon Return of Christ: Is there any evidence that the apostles thought Jesus was coming back in their lifetime?
Signs of the Second Coming: Signs seem to be increasing that indicate that Jesus' Second Coming is near. [Matthew 24:7-8, Luke 21:28]
Tribulation Since AD70: Is it possible that the "tribulation" could be from 70AD until Jesus comes back. [Daniel 12:1-2, Matthew 24:21]
2013-05-15 Date of the Writing of Revelation: What date of writing do you support, and what are some of the most important points to consider? Recommends book by Steve; "Revelation-Four Views." [Revelation 11:1-2].
2013-04-26 70 A.D. & Second Coming in Luke 21: Could you help me sort out how we know which parts to apply to the "Second Coming" vs "A.D.70" (Destruction of Jerusalem & the temple)? [Luke 21:5-7, Luke 21:20, Luke 21:25, Mark 13, Matthew 24:2-5, Zechariah 14, Isaiah 19:1, 2 Peter 3, I Corinthians 15, I Thessalonians 4].
2013-04-17 "Salt" & Avoiding "Gehenna" (Hell): Could you comment on the last verses in Mark about "salt" and avoiding "Gehenna"? [Mark 9:49-50, Matthew 5:13, Leviticus 2:13, I Peter 1:7, Job 23:10].
2013-03-18 Symbolism of the 3.5 years in Revelation: Could you talk about the symbolism of the 3.5 years discussed in the book of Revelation? [Revelation 11:1-2, Luke 21:24].
2013-03-08 Jesus Not Omniscient & the Trinity: Does Jesus not knowing some things prove that the "Trinity" may not be true? [Matthew 16:27-28, I Timothy 2:5, Ephesians 4:4-5, Romans 8:29, I Corinthians 11:7, Colossians 1:18, Matthew 24:36, Luke 2:52].
"Lord" (Curios): Does the use of the word "Lord" (curios) indicate one must accept the trinity view to be saved? [Romans 10:9-10].
"Son of Man Coming in His Kingdom" & the Millennium: Do you believe that the "Son of Man coming in His Kingdom" refers to the coming millennial reign? [Romans 16:27-28, Colossians 1:13, Mark 4:28, Matthew 24:33-34].
2013-02-25 Universal Reconcilation View of Hell: Are you open to the Universalist (Universal Reconciliation) idea of hell-that people may still be able to be saved after death? [Matthew 25, Luke 16, Revelation 14:11, Isaiah 66:24, Mark 9:48, Revelation 19:3].
2013-02-11 Steve's Lectures & Books about Eschatology: Do you say the same stuff in your book about the 4 views of Revelation that you say in your 14 lectures, When Shall These Things Be? Do you have any more books written besides that one? (Answer: 3 views of Hell & 2 books on the Kingdom of God.)
70 Week Beginning: When does the 70th week begin? At the beginning of His ministry or the right before His crucifixion? [Daniel 9:27]
Fleeing from the 70 AD Siege: If all the people fled there'd be none left, all Israel & Christians leaving. Do you & Hank agree with each other about the events of 70 AD?
2013-01-18 Warning of the Coming of Lord: Why did John send the Book of Revelation to people outside the region of Jerusalem?
Date of the Book of Revelation: When do you think the Book of Revelation was written?
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