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Topic: Daniel (Book)

Showing 301 to 319 of 319.
Episode Topic Audio
2013-04-10 Symbolism in Daniel: Could you clarify the symbolism of the feet of the statue being stuck seems to reflect the Roman Empire growing weak? [Daniel 2:31-45].
2013-03-22 70th Week of Daniel: What is your position on the 70th week of Daniel? [Matthew 24:4-14, Matthew 24:15-26].
2013-03-15 Second Coming, Rapture & Gathering: Is our gathering together unto Him, the same as the Second Coming? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, I Thessalonians 4].
Man of Lawlessness (Sin): Who is the "Man of Lawlessness (Sin)" and when will he be? [2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, Daniel 7].
2013-03-14 Anabaptists & "Separation of Church & State": Was it not the Guelfs that were the first ones to try to separate "church and state", instead of the Anabaptists?
Christian Responsibility in Government: Is it not the Chrisitan's responsibilty to participate in government? [Daniel 7, Isaiah 42:4].
2013-03-14 Adam Naming Eve: Did Adam name Eve in the same fashion or manner that he named the animals? [Revelation 2:17, Genesis 3:20, Genesis 5:2].
Morning Star: Could you talk about the "Morning Star" title? [Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 22:16, Daniel 2:37 ].
2013-03-13 Disciples Thoughts About the Second Coming: Is it possible that the disciples not only thought that 70AD was coming, but it would coincide with Jesus' Second Coming? [2 Thessalonians 2, Matthew 24, Acts 1:11, Matthew 24:3].
"Little Horn" in Daniel: Is the "Little Horn" not really a person so much as a political-religious system or power? [Daniel 7].
2013-03-07 Spiritual vs Physical Application of Prophesy: Since there are spiritual references to Zion, Israel, the temple, last days, etc., also going to see a physical and geographical fulfillment?
"All Israel Will be Saved": How will "all Israel will be saved" ? [Romans 9:23, Romans 9:27, Isaiah 10, Romans 11:17, Romans 11:26].
Third Temple & Abomination of Desolation: Will a third temple be built and is the" abomination of desolation" in our hearts? [2 Thessalonians 2:4, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, I Corinthians 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 6:19-20].
2013-02-20 Realized (Inaugurated) Eschatology: Could you explain "realized eschatology" (or inaugurated eschatology)? [Daniel 2:35, Colossian 1:13, Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:9-11].
2013-02-11 Steve's Lectures & Books about Eschatology: Do you say the same stuff in your book about the 4 views of Revelation that you say in your 14 lectures, When Shall These Things Be? Do you have any more books written besides that one? (Answer: 3 views of Hell & 2 books on the Kingdom of God.)
70 Week Beginning: When does the 70th week begin? At the beginning of His ministry or the right before His crucifixion? [Daniel 9:27]
Fleeing from the 70 AD Siege: If all the people fled there'd be none left, all Israel & Christians leaving. Do you & Hank agree with each other about the events of 70 AD?
2013-01-21 Special Revelation to offset such Violent Persecution: Isn't it as if people like John the Baptist & the Apostle Paul, who suffered such persecution, had God offset that by giving them special Revelation? [Luke 12:48]
Problematic Timeline of Daniel: How could Daniel give insight to Nebuchadnezzar in only his second year of training? Is that why Nebuchadnezzar didn't originally call on them? [Daniel 1:1, Daniel 2:1]
Chaldeans Speaking in Aramaic: Why did the Chaldeans speak in Aramaic? [Daniel 2:36-39, Daniel 2:4]
2013-01-21 Special Revelation to offset such Violent Persecution: Isn't it as if people like John the Baptist & the Apostle Paul, who suffered such persecution, had God offset that by giving them special Revelation? [Luke 12:48]
Problematic Timeline of Daniel: How could Daniel give insight to Nebuchadnezzar in only his second year of training? Is that why Nebuchadnezzar didn't originally call on them? [Daniel 1:1, Daniel 2:1]
Chaldeans Speaking in Aramaic: Why did the Chaldeans speak in Aramaic? [Daniel 2:36-39, Daniel 2:4]
2013-01-10 The Resurrection of the Dead: Can you explain the similarities of Daniel & Revelation about the resurrection of the dead? [Daniel 12:1-3, Revelation 20, John 5:28-29]
Daniel's People: Daniel 12 speaks of the resurrection of "his people", Daniel's people, the Jews, so is this talking about them or also Christians? [Daniel 12]
Jesus' Resurrection: Do we have any idea how many people were raised with Jesus during His resurrection? [Matthew 27:52-53]
2013-01-10 The Resurrection of the Dead: Can you explain the similarities of Daniel & Revelation about the resurrection of the dead? [Daniel 12:1-3, Revelation 20, John 5:28-29]
Daniel's People: Daniel 12 speaks of the resurrection of "his people", Daniel's people, the Jews, so is this talking about them or also Christians? [Daniel 12]
Jesus' Resurrection: Do we have any idea how many people were raised with Jesus during His resurrection? [Matthew 27:52-53]
2013-01-04 Confidence in & Efficacy of Prayer: How can we have confidence in prayer when things don't seem take change when we pray? [1 John 5:14, Daniel 10:12-14].
2012-01-11 Timeline- Captivity in Babylon: Would you help me work out the timeline of 70 years of Babylonian captivity? [Daniel 9, Jeremiah 25].
"Wing of the Abomination": Can you explain what "wing of abomination" might mean? [Daniel 9:27].
Greek Orthodox Study Bible: What do you think of this translation of Daniel 9 from the Greek Orthodox Study Bible? [Daniel 9].
2012-01-11 Timeline- Captivity in Babylon: Would you help me work out the timeline of 70 years of Babylonian captivity? [Daniel 9, Jeremiah 25].
"Wing of the Abomination": Can you explain what "wing of abomination" might mean? [Daniel 9:27].
Greek Orthodox Study Bible: What do you think of this translation of Daniel 9 from the Greek Orthodox Study Bible? [Daniel 9].
2012-01-11 Timeline- Captivity in Babylon: Would you help me work out the timeline of 70 years of Babylonian captivity? [Daniel 9, Jeremiah 25].
"Wing of the Abomination": Can you explain what "wing of abomination" might mean? [Daniel 9:27].
Greek Orthodox Study Bible: What do you think of this translation of Daniel 9 from the Greek Orthodox Study Bible? [Daniel 9].
2012-01-10 View of the Rapture: Are you "Pre, Mid, or Post" Trib (tribulation)? [Matthew 24:21].
Jesus-End of Sacrifices: Wasn't Jesus the final sacrifice? How does Jesus' ministry fit into the 70 weeks of Daniel? [Daniel 9:24-27].
2012-01-06 Bipolar: Caller shares his diagnosis of "bipolar" and the sensation of a chemical rush.
Michael the Archangel: Why do the Jehovah Witnesses think that Michael the Archangel is Jesus? [Jude 1:9, Hebrews 1:4-5, Malachi 3:1, Daniel 10:13, Joshua 5:13-15].
Jehovah Witnesses: What about the Jehovah Witness belief that Christians believe in a pagan mythology of the trinity?
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