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Topic: Disagreeing Callers

Showing 301 to 350 of 401.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-01-18 Steve Gregg in Danger of Not being Saved: Caller expresses concern because he thinks Steve is in danger of losing his salvation and is taking away from the book of the Revelation.
2020-11-13 Addictions, 12-Step, Masks, Vaccines: Caller thinks that people with addictions should go to a 12-step program, and follow medical advisories (masks & vaccines) adding that she doesn't think Steve follows the Holy Spirit.
2020-02-11 Doctrinal Differences & Contrary Opinions: Why do we believers all have such different beliefs and convictions? How do we know we have the right opinion?
2020-01-06 King James Only: Caller comments that he is KJV only and why. [Revelation].
AD 70 or Second Coming: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about interpreting Zechariah 14 as AD 70, as I think it is clearly about the second coming of Christ. [Zechariah 14].
2019-01-30 Charles Fox Parham & the Gospel of Peter & Paul: (Disagreement) Have you ever heard of Charles Fox Parham? Peter & Paul seem to have taught 2 different gospels. We are saved by grace. We need to follow Paul's gospel & not Peter's, which is only directed towards the Jews.
2018-12-11 Disagreement Calls: Steve makes an announcement about what he means by disagreeing when you call in.
2018-12-10 Millennial Reign: 1000 year reign discussion.
2018-12-10 Disagree about Steve's Eschatology: Caller also thinks there's inconsistency in Steve's eschatological model.
2018-12-06 Rapture & Further Eschatology Discussion: Do you believe in the Rapture? & further eschatological discussion/disagreement.
2018-11-26 Disagrees about the Trinity: I disagree about the Trinitarian doctrine (she was very articulate, organized in her thoughts). [Mark 12:28-34]
2018-11-15 Flat Earth: Caller believes the earth is stationary, & doesn't describe a round earth.
2018-05-10 Disagreement Calls: Why do you not seem overly irritated with people who disagree with you?
2018-04-13 Disagreeing Eschatologically: What if someone says you can't be their Christian brother if you don't believe them the same eschatologically? What if they say that person is disagreeing with Jesus if they don't agree with them?
2018-04-02 No Liberty in New Church: You don't seem free to think for yourself in the church i'm attending, can't really follow your own conscience.
2018-02-07 Predestination, Calvinism, Arminianism: Caller dislikes Steve's defense of and conclusions on Arminianism.
2017-12-19 Partial Preterism Debate: Caller challenges Steve partial-preterist view on end times prophesy, Israel, & unconditional covenants. (cont after break)
2017-11-02 Critiquing Steve's Criticism: Caller comments on Steve's inappropriate criticism of someone.
2017-07-12 Not Accepting Gifts from God: Caller thinks you can't refuse gifts from God, especially gifts of healing,
2017-06-08 Reformed Welfare: I disagree w/ you w/ what you said about welfare, as it has completely changed.
2017-03-15 Romans 9: Caller shares a difference of opinion than you about Romans 9. [Romans 9].
2017-02-16 Prayer & Disagreement: Asking for prayer & disagreement among the body of Christ in secondary issues
2017-01-16 Opinion verses the Word of God: I disagree w/ you about sharing your "opinion. We can't all have different opinions of their interpretation of the Word of God.
2016-10-10 Literal Creation Story: Caller doesn't believe a literal account of creation [Genesis 1-6].
2016-09-28 Disagreement with Steve about how he handled Alien Encounter Call: Caller thinks Steve should have let him talk longer.
2016-09-20 Restoration of Israel: Caller disagrees with Steve about the Kingdom of God being restored right now, but that it's talking about ethnic Israel in the future. [Acts 1:6]
2016-09-01 Annoyed at Disagreement Calls: Why don't you ever get irritated with people who disagree with you?
2016-08-22 Televangelists Should be Taken off the Air: Caller was offended about Steve’s comment saying that all Christian televangelists were bad & that they should be taken off the air.
2016-08-11 Home Church: What do you do if you have disagreements? [2 Peter 1:12, 2 Timothy 2:1,
2016-03-11 Cruising Ministries: Caller disagree with Steve about cruise ministries, suggesting it's too worldly, too luxurious for the Christian for the Christian to be participating in.
2016-03-08 The Law Remains: So the law remains according to a lot of Bible verses, the caller thinks. [Hebrew 8, Jeremiah 31]
2016-02-16 Steve's Wrong about Preterism: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about preterism, & the 7 churches are Dispensations of time in light of read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. [2 Timothy 3:1-7]
2015-09-16 Steve Gregg makes a comment Re: Question about Communion: Re: the last Q, Steve makes an announcement that a lot of people might disagree w/ him about what he just said about Communion (or might disagree on something for that matter), & wants people to call in & say what their disagreement is on that or ANYTHING & is not saying it w/ any bravado.
2015-09-11 Disagreement about Canon of Bible: Little convoluted in what his actual disagreement w/ Steve was on the Canon of Scripture....slavery, & other stuff.
2015-07-29 Listening to the Holy Spirit: How come Steve doesn't listen to the Holy Spirit as to when to end a conversation w/ a caller?
Referring to the Holy Sprit: How come he doesn't refer to Him when people call w/ their problems, or what Bible to use, or what church to go to?
2015-05-29 Asking Money for Radio: Caller thinks Steve contradicts himself by saying he never "begs" for money.
2015-05-13 Jesus Doing Away w/ the 10 Commandments: Jesus didn't do away w/ the 10 Commandments, but as a matter of fact, ENHANCED them, made adultery even MORE than just the act.
Binding of Satan: All the Binding of Satan is is him being alone for 1000 years by himself. [Revelation 20:1-3]
Hell not being Forever: Caller believes that we don't burn forever, but are annihilated.
2015-05-05 Disagrees, but Love's the Narrow Path: The caller disagrees w/ Steve Gregg, especially the regarding the last days, when it comes to eschatology. She wants to make sure he stays on the air.
2015-01-26 Disagreement Callers: Caller thinks Steve does a good job debating with people who disagree with him, handling it with grace.
Baptism: Caller wants to get re-baptized even though he was baptized as an infant. He wants to ever since he repented. Should he?
2015-01-16 Perseverance of the Saints: Caller doesn't understand why Steve doesn't camp on the words of Jesus, "All that the Father gave Me, I will not lose one" from a previous call. [John 6:37-39, John 18:9]
2015-01-15 False Teacher Accusation: Caller is saying Steve said that Jesus said in Matthew 7:23, "I knew you, but not anymore", but that's a false gospel. [Matthew 7:23]
2015-01-05 Disagreement - Eternal Hell: Caller concerned Steve is wrong about not believing in the traditional view of hell of eternal torment.
2014-12-11 Contradiction in Romans: Paul seems to be saying 2 different things: "Obeying the law makes us right in His sight", & then "we can not be made right by the law". What are your thoughts? [Romans 2:13, 3:20]
Marriage & Steve's Ex-Wives: You seem to bring up marriage & divorce a lot, & your stance on them, & you keep hashing out stuff about your former wives. How does you current wife put up with it all the time?
2014-07-28 Sovereignty of God (disagreement): You said that your wife being killed was perhaps the Sovereignty of God. That's stupid. You say many other false teachings on your show as well. What did Jesus & Paul say about false teachers?
2014-07-28 Disagreeing w/ the Disagreement: Caller disagrees w/ the previous disagreement that Steve just got done reading.
Rodney Howard-Browne & Kenneth Copeland Speaking in Tongues: What do you think of Rodney Howard-Browne & Kenneth Copeland speaking in tongues to each other?
2014-05-16 Learn Directly from the Bible: Why would you want to listen to somebody's hashed up version of what the Bible says as opposed to just reading it for yourself?
Disagreeing Views: Caller actually enjoys listening to people of opposing beliefs than what he believes.
2013-12-23 Dealing with Caller who Disagree: Caller loves how Steve deals with callers who disagree with him.
Going from Sound Doctrine to Error: What if i had a person who guided me in the Christian faith who is now herself going off in left field with the Hebrew Roots stuff? Should i pray for her or confront her about it?
2013-09-06 The Nation of Israel: Isn't there anything involving ethnic Israel in light of "this mystery"? [Romans 11:25]
2013-07-31 Millennial Reign: Why don't you believe in a literal 1000 years? [Revelation 20]
Defending Dispensationalism: Discussion Defending Dispensationalism.[Daniel 9:24]
2013-06-24 Original Sin: Does you disagree with R. C. Sproul about "original sin"? [Romans 5:12-21]
2013-06-13 Salvation-Clarification of Conscience: Buddhist caller; Isn't Salvation just the clarification of the Conscience?
State of Mind is Heaven or Hell: Buddhist caller suggests that Heaven or Hell might be the state of mind you are in.
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