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Topic: Lot

Showing 1 to 16 of 16.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-09 Repentance from Teaching Dispensationalism: Have you repented from teaching Dispensationalism in your earlier life, because you lead people astray?
Lot's Wife as Pillar of Salt: Do you think that the "pillar of salt" in the story of Lot's wife, is a metaphor for being bitter, or salty? [Genesis 19:26].
2024-01-16 "As in the Days of Noah" ... and Lot: Caller shares scripture that "as in the days of Noah" may relate to "the days of Lot" also. [Luke 17:28-37, Matthew 24:37-39].
2022-11-02 Lot's Wife: Why did Lot's wife turn into a pillar of salt?
Bite the Dust: What does "bite the dust" mean?
2022-07-12 Angels Mating with Women: Regarding the theory that "sons of God" came down to mate with women and their offspring were the "Nephilim", you doubt that they could not, as spirits, mate with women ... but what about the story about Lot and the angels that men wanted to be with? [Genesis 6:4, Genesis 19:1-5, Genesis 18:1-2].
2022-06-20 Tragic Evil Stories in the Old Testament: Why was it acceptable to surrender one's daughters (and a concubine) to guest in the Old Testament? [Judges 19:24, Genesis 19:7].
2021-05-13 Lot's Drunken Incest: Could you bring clarity to the passage about Lot being so drunk that he didn't know he was having sex with his daughters? [Genesis 19:30].
2020-04-08 Lot-Unrighteous Man: Could you explain why Peter calls Lot a righteous man, when he was so dishonorable in his choices? {2 Peter 2:7, Genesis 19].
2019-07-12 Lot: How does one understand the nuances of the Bible especially in some of the distasteful stories about Lot (when he offered his daughter to the visitors, or when the daughters slept with their father)? [Genesis 19: 8, 30-38].
2018-08-20 Jesus in India as Youth: Did Jesus go to India in His youth?
Lot Offering Daughters: Why did Lot offer his daughters to the men at the door? [Genesis 19]
2017-06-28 Lot & His Hired Help: What happened to the cattle hands that Lot had when he had to flee the city sodom?
2017-03-16 Lot's Righteousness: How exactly was Lot righteous? [2 Peter 2:6]
2016-12-29 Lot, righteous or sinner: In some places it says it refers to Lot as "righteous" Lot… could that be when he did some elicit sins & lived in Sodom?
2016-07-13 Lot Giving over His Daughters: Caller thinks it's abhorrent about Lot’s bad behavior of giving his daughters to be used by strangers. [Genesis 19:8]
2014-11-05 Remember Lot's Wife: Lot's wife was "taken" but she wasn't really taken, but remained, even though she eventually turned into a pillar of salt, so isn't there basically 3 categories of what happens to people, one to the righteous, & 2 for the wicked? [Luke 17:32-37, Genesis 19:17,26]
2014-03-04 Lot's Children: Did Lot have sons? [Genesis 19:12]
2013-06-14 Lot Offering His Daughters: Why did Lot offer his daughters to the mob outside? [Genesis 19:6-11]
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