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Topic: Signs

Showing 1 to 50 of 173.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-03 Miracles & Healings Today: Didn't Jesus come to not only save us but to show us our potential on earth? Shouldn't we be putting our hands on others to bring healing and other miracles? [1 Corinthians 12:29-30, 1 Corinthians 12:8-9, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 2:41-43, Mark 16:17-18, John 14:12].
2024-06-27 The Sign of the Cross: During the Reformation, why did Protestants give up the sign of the cross?
2024-06-26 Speaking in Tongues: How did we go from the tongues of Pentecost, a known language, to this current practice of speaking in an unknown language? [1 Corinthians 14:13, 1 Corinthians 14:27-28].
2024-06-21 Parable of The Fig Tree: What is the meaning of the parable of "The Fig Tree?" [Matthew 24:1-3, Matthew 24:32-36, Luke 21;29-31, Mark 13].
2024-04-24 The Millennium Has Already Passed: Is it possible that the millennium kingdom has passed already, based on the evidence of historical elaborate buildings? Could we be in the "little season" of Satan being loosed? Rec: Topical lecture series "When Shall These Things Be?" [Hebrews 2:14, Revelation 20:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2024-04-01 Looking Signs of the Lord's Return: Caller disagrees with Steve about Christians not looking for the signs of the return of Jesus. [Acts 1:6-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-11, Isaiah 10:11-14, Matthew 24, Isaiah 8:18, James 5:9].
Kingdom of God Coming in Stages. So what are the significant signs and stages of the coming of the Kingdom of God and the Second Coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:32-35, Luke 21:31, Mark 4:26-29, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-11, Matthew 24:42-44].
2024-04-01 Looking Signs of the Lord's Return: Caller disagrees with Steve about Christians not looking for the signs of the return of Jesus. [Acts 1:6-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-11, Isaiah 10:11-14, Matthew 24, Isaiah 8:18, James 5:9].
Kingdom of God Coming in Stages. So what are the significant signs and stages of the coming of the Kingdom of God and the Second Coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:32-35, Luke 21:31, Mark 4:26-29, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-11, Matthew 24:42-44].
2024-03-29 Current Events "The Branch": Caller shows concern about current events and the possible sign of the name of the ship being "The Branch" that hit the bridge. [Matthew 24:44-46, Luke 12:40, Matthew 25:13, Acts 1:7].
2024-03-25 "Sign of Son of Man in Heaven": What does "sign of Son of Man in heaven" refer to? [Matthew 24:30, Daniel 7:13, Acts 1:9, Ephesians 1:21-22 , Philippians 2:9-10, Psalm 110:1].
2024-02-21 Sign of Jonah: What is the "sign of Jonah?" [Matthew 16:4, Matthew 12:39-40].
2024-01-16 Matthew 24 "Days of Noah": Clarification of Matthew 24's "as in the days of Noah" referring to the normal activities of life, rather than the more common suggestion that would be paralleled to the evil activities in that culture at that time. [1 Thessalonians 5:3, Matthew 24:37-39].
2023-11-14 Cessationism (Ceasing of the Gifts): Does the Bible say that the gifts will cease (Cessationism)? [1 Corinthians 1:7, Romans 12:5-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 1 Corinthians 7:7].
Believers Will Speak in Tongues: If the gifts have ceased, doesn't that conflict with the fact that all believers will speak in tongues? [Mark 16:17]
2023-11-14 Cessationism (Ceasing of the Gifts): Does the Bible say that the gifts will cease (Cessationism)? [1 Corinthians 1:7, Romans 12:5-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 1 Corinthians 7:7].
Believers Will Speak in Tongues: If the gifts have ceased, doesn't that conflict with the fact that all believers will speak in tongues? [Mark 16:17]
2023-10-23 Other Religions & Miracles: Are there miracles recorded in other religion's holy books and records?
2023-10-19 The Lord's Army: Who is the commander of the Lord's Army? [Joshua 5:13-15].
Circumcision: Why did God choose something so unusual as "circumcision" to identify His people? [Genesis 17:11, Jeremiah 4:4].
2023-09-13 Prayer-"If it is Your Will": If we end our prayers with "if it is Your will," are we being fatalistic (showing a lack of faith)? [1 John 5:14, James 4:2].
Why Circumcision?: Why did God institute circumcision, rather than something that both men and women could exhibit as a sign of His covenant (such as piercing)? Is this a slight to women?
2023-08-21 Soul Prosperity=Health Prosperity: Where is the verse that says that if your soul prospers, then your health will prosper? [3 John 1:2, 3 John 1:14, 1 Corinthians 7:7-8].
NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) & Five-Fold Ministry: Would you give your opinion of the Five-Fold Ministries and the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation). [1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Romans 12:6-7, 1 Peter 4:10-11, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 2:41-42, Ephesians 4:11].
2023-07-31 Abrahamic Covenant (Circumcision): What was the purpose of requiring circumcision in Abraham's family before Issac? [Romans 9:2].
2023-07-26 Prophecy Relative to Today: If so much prophecy has already been fulfilled, where does that leave us today? [Matthew 24:46, Luke 19:13, Acts 1:7, Matthew 24:44-51].
2023-06-30 Those Raised from the Dead in the Bible: What was the significance of people being raised from the dead in the New Testament? Were they unsaved?
2023-05-25 "That Which is Perfect Comes": Why does Paul stick in the comment about "that which is perfect comes, now seeing darkly in a mirror, and being fully known" in the middle of the Love chapter? [1 Corinthians 13:9-12].
Strange Lips &Tongues: Could you comment on 1 Corinthians 14, and the use of tongues ....[1 Corinthians 14:21, Isaiah 28:11-12, 1 Corinthians 14:2-5, 1 Corinthians 14:28].
2023-04-28 Demons Worship: How can the man with the demon, Legion, worship, if scripture says you have to worship in spirit and truth? [Mark 5:1-20. John 4:24, John 6:37].
Jesus Says-"Don't Tell": Why did Jesus tell some recipients of miracles to not tell anyone, and other times, He told them to do so? [Mark 5:21-43, Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 8:40-56].
2023-03-29 Supernatural Events in Eucharist (Communion): You indicated that nothing supernatural happens during the Eurcharist because miracles are typically observed, but I thought of examples in scripture where there were miracles unobservable. [I Corinthians 14, Luke 22:19-20, Acts 10:15, 1 Corinthians 11:14, Matthew 26:26-28, 1 John 1:7, Isaiah 30:20].
2023-03-27 "Magic" vs "Mystical" in Communion: The use of the terms you used in an earlier call about communion, "magic" seemed to negate the supernatural and mystical element. [1 John 1:7, Ephesians 1:7].
Divine or Mystical in Christianity: Regarding the divine or mystical, do you think that the act of circumcision is valued equally done by a pagan or a believer?
2023-03-24 Symbolism of the Wedding at Cana: Why is the "Wedding at Cana" (in the seven signs in John), connected to Jesus' death and resurrection? [John 2, John 15, John 1:29, John 1:35].
2023-03-08 Supernatural Abilities: Do the verses about Jesus rebuking the unbelief of the disciples and promises of supernatural intervention and ability to work miracles apply to us? [Mark 16:14f, John 20:29].
2023-03-03 New Apostolic Reformation (NAR, Bethel Movement): What do you think about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR, Bethel Movement)? [Ephesians 4:11, Acts 4:33, 1 Corinthians 12].
2023-02-21 Christian Apologetic Books: Would you recommend Christian books on apologetics? Rec: "The Universe Next Door" (Sire) "What's So Great About Christianity" (D'Souza) "Total Truth" (Percy), Evidence that Demands a Verdict" (McDowell), "Basic Christianity" (Stott), "Mere Christianity" (Lewis).
NAR (New Apostolic Reformation): What do you think of the NAR and Bill Johnson (Bethel)? [1 Corinthians 13, Matthew 7:21-23].
2023-02-13 Converting the Evil Ones: Why didn't God do the miracles it would take to get Sodom & Gomorrah converted in light of Matthew 11? [Matthew 11:22-24, John 20:29, Proverbs 14:34].
2023-01-31 Cloth Prayed Over: What do you think about the church giving my daughter a piece of cloth that was prayed over? [Acts 19:11-12].
2022-12-20 Amillennial vs Dispensational: Is Amillennialism, by definition, not Dispensational?
Theologian, Spiros Zodhiates What do you know of the work of Spiros Zodhiates?
Charismatic vs Cessationist (Filling of the Holy Spirit): Can you clarify the definition of "Charismatics" and if it involves a "second work of grace?" Recommended topical lectures; "Charisma and Character." [Acts 8-9, Acts 19, Acts 1:5, Acts 2:4, John 20:22, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 5:18].
2022-12-08 Circumcision as a Sign: Could you talk about why circumcision-there? Isn't it a very strange place to have a sign indicating one's connection to God. [Genesis 17:10-14, Romans 2:25-29, Philippians 3:3].
Circumcision & Blood Suction: In the Jewish ceremony, why does the "mohel" use his mouth to suction the blood?
2022-11-16 What Are We Waiting For?: What signs are we waiting for to usher in the Second Coming?
Races: Where did all the races come from?
2022-11-08 Genuine "Tongues Speaking": How do you determine when "tongues speaking" is genuine? [I Corinthians 12:2, I Corinthians 14:2-5, I Corinthians 14:15-17, Deuteronomy 13:1-3, Deuteronomy 18:22].
2022-09-06 Gifts of the Spirit & Tongues: How is the gift of "tongues" beneficial for us today, in contrast to at the day of Pentecost? [I Corinthians 14, 4, I Corinthians 14:15, Jude 1:20, I Corinthians 14:22, I Corinthians 14:5].
2022-08-04 "Abomination That Causes Desolation": How is Jesus "the abomination that causes desolation" in the Daniel 9 prophecy? [Daniel 9:26-27, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, Mark 13:14].
Different Rewards in the Afterlife: Are there verses that indicate there will be different degrees of reward in the afterlife? [Luke 19, I Corinthians 3:15, Matthew 13:21, Mark 4:17, Matthew 25:30].
2022-07-29 Israel of the Old Covenant: Were all those in Israel in the olive tree, or just if they were faithful to the Old Covenant?
The Olive Tree: Could you help me understand the meaning of the illustration of the "Olive Tree?" [Romans 11:24, Jeremiah 11:16, Exodus 19:5, Hebrews 8:13].
Healing Miracles Today: Do you think that miraclulous healing is still taking place today, as it did in the days of the disciples and if so, where is it seen? [I Corinthians 12, I Corinthians 1:7, Acts 2:41, Mark 16:17, 2 Corinthians 12:12, I Timothy 5:23, 2 Timothy 4:20, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Revelation 21:4].
2022-07-04 Fleeces before God: Would you share your personal story of putting fleeces before God about about the girl who you would marry?
Demonic Forces at Work: What other forces, other than demonic forces, could have been at work in the experience of all your fleeces set before God?
2022-07-04 Fleeces before God: Would you share your personal story of putting fleeces before God about about the girl who you would marry?
Demonic Forces at Work: What other forces, other than demonic forces, could have been at work in the experience of all your fleeces set before God?
2022-06-30 Who Are 'They" in Acts 5?: When the apostles were working miracles in Acts 5, who is the "rest" that "did not join them"? [Acts 5:13-14, Acts 2:47].
Signs & Wonders: Where is the power of the "signs & wonders" of the New Testament days? [Acts 4:29, Acts 2:43, 2 Corinthains 12:12, Mark 16:20, John 17:21].
2022-06-24 Prophecy of Luke 21: Is the time that is being prophesied referring to that time, or in the future (to our time)? Could it be talking about both then and now? [Luke 21:5, Luke 21:32, Luke 21:21, Isaiah 13, Isaiah 34, Ezekiel 32, Joel 2].
2022-06-22 Astrology & Divination: How can books about astrology be tied to Christianity? Recommended; "The Gospel in the Stars." [Genesis 1, Psalm 19:1].
2022-05-03 Dispensational Preoccupation with Signs of End Times: Why are Dispensationalists so obsessed with the "signs of the times" preceding the Return of Christ? [2 Thessalonisans 2:1].
2022-04-29 Number Our Days & Current Events: Since scripture says to number our days, and watch for signs, how do you view current events relative to end times? [Psalm 90:12, I Chronicles 12:32, I John 4:1-3, Matthew 28:19, Matthew 23:23].
2022-04-07 Moses & the Magicians: Why did God allow the magicians to mimic the supernatural events of Moses, but did not allow them to produce the lice? [2 Timothy 3:8, Exodus 7:22, Exodus 8:7, Exodus 8:18].
2022-03-24 Olivet Discourse-Two Events?: Is Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse) about two separate events? [Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24, Matthew 24:34, Luke 21:23, Matthew 23:35, Luke 21:20, Romans 2:9-10, Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:15, Luke 17:22-37, Luke 11:51]. Lectures and notes are recommended. Notes at
2022-03-07 "Signs of the Times": Are we being warned to look for signs of the times relative to the Kingdom age, even though this passages is likely about 70 AD? [Luke 12:54-56].
2022-02-25 Why Circumcision?: Could you talk about why circumcision in particular was commanded? [Genesis 17, Genesis 12, Galatians 3:16, Jeremiah 4:4, Philippians 3:3 Romans 2:28-29].
The 8th Day for Circumcision: Is there any significance to the 8th day directive relative to circumcision?
2022-01-18 Fire-breathing Dragon: Caller makes a humorous clip about the fire-breathing dragon from Job that an atheist was talking about in a recent show.
Producing Miraculous Signs Today: Are we supposed to be producing miraculous signs, in addition to fruit (such as raising the dead)? [Mark 16:9-20, Romans 12, I Corinthians 12:29, Matthew 10, Luke 10, I John 3:22].
2021-10-15 Bad Times Before Jesus' Return (Tribulation): Are the Dispensational PreMillennialist and Amillennial Partial Preterists the only groups that tend to think that there is going to be some really bad things before the end of the world? [Revelation 20:3].
Postmillennialist View: Do postmillennialists see a specific marker beginning the millennium?
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