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Topic: Reliable Bible Teachers

Showing 1 to 50 of 68.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-19 Revelation & Dispensationalism: Why did you dedicate your Revelation Commentary to Chuck Smith, since you disagree with his view of Revelation? ("Revelation Four Views," Commentary by Steve Gregg).
2023-09-15 "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth": How do we know when we are rightly dividing the Word of truth? [2 Timothy 2:15-19, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 17:17, 1 Corinthians 14:29, 1 John 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1, Acts 17:11].
2023-08-29 Reliable Bible Teachers from the 70s: How can we depend on current Bible teachers when so many of them came out of the hippie movement and took drugs (that may have damaged their brains)? [1 John 2:27].
2023-03-22 Prophets & Modern Teachers/Preachers: Are the old prophets and modern teachers or preachers equal in their ability to speak for God? [2 Peter 1:21, James 3:1, Ephesians 3:3-4]
2023-01-10 The Correct Doctrine: How does one know what the correct doctrine really is? Though I trust your views, there are other famous pastors who have alternate opinions? [1 Thessalonians 5:21, 2 Timothy 2:15, Acts 17:11].
Knowing Good or False Teachers: Do you think the Holy Spirit will alert us to bad teachers?
2023-01-10 The Correct Doctrine: How does one know what the correct doctrine really is? Though I trust your views, there are other famous pastors who have alternate opinions? [1 Thessalonians 5:21, 2 Timothy 2:15, Acts 17:11].
Knowing Good or False Teachers: Do you think the Holy Spirit will alert us to bad teachers?
2022-12-20 Amillennial vs Dispensational: Is Amillennialism, by definition, not Dispensational?
Theologian, Spiros Zodhiates What do you know of the work of Spiros Zodhiates?
Charismatic vs Cessationist (Filling of the Holy Spirit): Can you clarify the definition of "Charismatics" and if it involves a "second work of grace?" Recommended topical lectures; "Charisma and Character." [Acts 8-9, Acts 19, Acts 1:5, Acts 2:4, John 20:22, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 5:18].
2022-09-20 Communion Wine & One Shared Cup: Is it unacceptable to subsitute juice in place of wine for communion, and must we share one cup to do it scripturally? [I Corinthians 13, I Corinthians 11].
Baptized in Jesus' Name Only: Must one be baptized in the name of Jesus only? [I Corinthians 10, Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:20, Colossians 2:9].
Legalistic Teachers: Should I stop listening to someone who seems to be mistaken and overly legalistic?
2022-09-19 The "Correct View" of Scripture: If you were wrong in the past about the meaning of some passages of scripture, how do we know you are now teaching the right thing? What will happen to those that were taught the wrong thing? [ I John 2:27, Proverbs 25:2, Acts 17:11, Psalm 19:10].
2022-07-19 Other Christian Broadcasters & Teachers: Doo you listen to Christian radio? Are you familiar with Alistair Begg and Steve Brown? If so, what do you think of them?
2022-06-27 Any Other "Steve Greggs"?: Is there anyone else like you out there?
Steve Gregg's Church Attendance: Do you go attend a local church?
Guns: Should Christians own guns?
2022-01-26 Total Depravity: Some teachers teach some truth and some error, and I challenge their credibility, such as the doctrine "Total Depravity", like John McArthur's view. Is that view true? [Psalms 14:2, Romans 3:11, Genesis 6:5, Jeremiah 13:23, Isaiah 64:6, I Thessalonians 5:21-23].
2022-01-24 Abraham & Isaac: Comment about the Abraham and Isaac story.
What Teachers One Should Listen to: Where is the instruction to not listen to some teachers, but more to the quieter ones? [3 John 1:9-12].
Remitting & Retaining (Forgiving) Sin: How do you understand the verse about "remitting and retaining" sin and how the Catholics came to having a priest to forgive sin? Is this similar to "binding and loosing"? [John 20:22-23, Luke 24:46-47, Matthew 16:19, Matthew 18:18].
2021-11-04 Good Bible Commentators (Commentaries): Who are some good Bible commentators you respect?
2021-10-21 False Teachers & Doug Bachelor: Is Doug Bachelor a false teacher? Was my faith endangered? [2 Peter 2].
2021-10-08 Pastors, Teachers, Foundation Builders of the Body of Christ: Who are the pastors and teachers facing a stricter judgment, and is that relative to those who build the foundation in I Corinthians 3? [James 3:1, I Corinthians 3:9-12, Ephesians 4:12, I Peter 2:5].
Reward for Pastors or Teachers: Is there a greater reward for pastors or teachers?
2021-07-26 Hell-Annihilation: Regarding the view on hell where sinners are ultimately destroyed, do you think there is merit in it? Topical lecture recommended; Three Views of Hell, and Steve's book on hell.
Eternal Torment in Hell: How could eternal torment in hell bring God glory?
Bible Teaching: It seems to be lacking in Bible teaching where teachers don't present more than one fair view, unlike you.
2020-06-24 Women as Deacons or Elders: Why does Paul allow women to be Deacons, but not Elders? [1 Timothy 3, Titus 1]
2019-08-26 Calvinisim: How much should I be concerned about listening to someone who is a Calvinist, as I heard that Calvinism is not a good thing?
2019-08-01 Which Temple: Would you help me sort out how many times Israel was in and out of their land, in exile, and which temple is being talked about in these Old Testament passages?
Other Reliable Bible Teachers: Can you recommend other teachers that exegete as much as you do concerning why some people don't think the same things did or did not happen in Ezekiel.
2019-02-06 Teaching Different Beliefs: Teachers teaching different interpretations of scripture, different ideas, how far would you allow that to go?
Charles Spurgeon: Was Charles Spurgeon a Calvinist? He was talking about getting out of being lukewarm, so why would a Calvinist be saying that?
2018-11-15 Structure of the Church: Mormon caller, structure of the church, foundation of the apostles & prophets.
2018-11-02 Steve teaching the Gospel: How did you come to do what you do? What makes one qualified?
2018-10-30 David Hunt: is David Hunt a reliable Bible teacher?
Harlot in Revelation: Is the harlot the Catholic church? [Revelation 17]
2018-10-19 Feed My Sheep: "Feed My sheep", is this negative or positive connotation here?
2018-08-13 Bible Teachers: Why do we need teachers if the Bible says we don't need them because we have the Holy Spirit? [1 John 2:27]
2018-08-13 Teachers, False Teachers & the Holy Spirit: The previous call you had false teachers, that the Holy Spirit to teach us? Perhaps it's talking about False Prophets & Teachers such as Joseph Smith & Mohammed who say we need them in order to understand the Bible. [1 John 2:27]
2018-07-03 Preachers & Teachers Learning New Knowledge: Do preachers & teachers need to continue to study & grow in their Biblical insights? Do they need to be presenting new insights, new knowledge, from God?
Going to Seminary: Do you think pastors/teachers need/should go to Seminary for their training? [Luke 2:41-50]
2018-06-18 Gift of Teaching: If teaching is a gift, then why does Jesus tell us not to call anyone teacher? [Matthew 23:8]
2018-06-13 Dispensationalists' Credibility: Doesn't a person who believes Dispensationalism & it's proven wrong, make them lose their credibility?
Focusing on End Time Events: Doesn't beeing caught up in eschatology too much make your lose your sight of the Lord?
2018-04-30 Moral Lesson from Acts 25: I'm going to be teaching on Acts 25, but I was wondering if you knew, because I don't, what is the main moral lesson of Acts 25 that we can draw from? [Acts 25]
2018-03-12 Discipleship: When someone is discipling you, what does that mean? [1 john 2:27]
2018-01-23 Teachers are held to higher stand: What does it mean to be "not of many masters" [James 3:1]
Millennium & the SDA: I was listening to a ministry called, "Amazing Facts", & Doug Batchelor said that there will be no one on the earth during the Millennium. Is that biblical?
2017-12-19 Celebrating Halloween & other Pagan Holidays: What about Christians taking pagan holidays & turning them toward Christ, holidays such as Halloween & Christmas?
Good Teachers: Did you say we don't need Teachers?
Birth Control: A discussion about Birth Control ensues.
2017-11-13 Still asked to Teach even though Different View: We've been asked to teach even though we disagree about hell. (follow up to a call he made couple weeks before.)
Tongues of Fire & Consumed by Fire: There was the Day of Pentecost when the Flames of Fire were on people, & the animal sacrifices that were consumed by fire, are they somehow related? [Acts 2]
2017-10-31 Prophets & Teachers of the Bible: Regarding Prophets & Teachers of the Bible, what makes him a prophet or what disqualifies him?
2017-10-06 False Teacher: How are we to judge & treat false teachers/prophets? [James 3:1]
2017-09-06 Steve's Spiritual Gift: Regarding the Gifts of the Spirit, what is Steve's gift? (Teacher)
2017-07-26 Not Needing a Teacher: You don't need a teacher, is this what does that means? [1 John 2:27]
Spiritual Adultery: Have you ever heard of the term "spiritual adultery", where churches get annoyed that you are fellowshipping with another group even though you "belong" to them?
2017-07-18 Association with Masons: A friend wants me to an exercise program at an elks club connected to the masons.
A Biblically Accurate Pastor: My pastor doesn't seem to be biblically accurate. Should I be concerned about that?
2017-06-02 The Jesus Notes: The book, "the Jesus Notes" followup.
Women Teachers: Women teaching the Bible class, is that acceptable?
2017-05-10 False Teachers: Can a false prophet/teacher who's intentions are good but still false, can they still be saved? [James 3:1]
2017-02-16 Call No Man Father or Rabbi: So we can have spiritual father, can't have spiritual teachers & can't have spiritual pastors, but can't call them that? Where does it say we can call someone a Father? [Matthew 23:9] (followup)
2017-01-16 Opinion verses the Word of God: I disagree w/ you about sharing your "opinion. We can't all have different opinions of their interpretation of the Word of God.
2017-01-11 Woman Preachers: Are woman allowed to pastors? How about teaching?
2016-11-03 Truth of the Bible: Where can someone go to find the absolute, unadulterated truth? [The Narrow Path website?]
2016-08-15 Widow's Mite & John NacArthur: John MacArthur thinks the interpretation of the Widow's Mite story is wrong....that she should've given all of her money, that Jesus wasn't commending her but admonishing her. [Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4]
John MacArthur's & Reckless Teachers: Caller says that MacArthur thinks there's a lot of reckless Bible teachers out there. (again, audio cuts out a lot.)
2016-08-05 Hermeneutics: You have to study the hermeneutics of proper Bible Study, learning to properly interpret & not completely rely on your favorite scholar or Bible teaching alone because a favorite teacher can be wrong, is what this caller believes.
2016-07-07 KJV only: Caller thinks the KJV is the only way to go, that there's missing verses from the NIV. (very bad quality audio.)
The EVS by Calvinists: Was the ESV written by Calvinists?
Calvinistic Teachers: Should we listen to teachers who believe in Calvinism?
2016-04-14 Steve Having the Gift of Prophecy: Does Steve Gregg think he has the Gift of prophecy? Caller wants to talk about 2 kinds of prophesying.
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