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Topic: New Age

Showing 1 to 47 of 47.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-01-09 "Word of Faith" (Faith Declarations): Are you familiar with "faith declarations" and is it biblical?
2023-10-06 Timeline of the Last Supper & Passover: Could you help me with the timeline of the Last Supper? [John 18:28].
Steven Bancarz (Former New Ager): What do you know about the former New Ager, Steven Bancarz? Rec: YouTube
2023-08-24 New Age: How do I gently approach and interact with my friend involved in the New Age way of thinking?
2023-08-24 Calvary Chapel & Lonnie Frisbee: Why don't Calvary Chapel websites refer to Lonnie Frisbee? How do churches become so prosperous if they fail to mention their originators?
Hippies & Eastern Religions: Why did the hippies get so involved in the eastern religions and philosophies?
2023-01-09 Jesus' Younger Years: Do we know anything about Jesus' younger years (from 12-30s)-often called 'the lost years"? [Luke 2:51-52, Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3].
2022-12-14 A Non-Christian Employer: Should a Christian return the money they were paid, if they find that they have worked for a company that promotes New Age ideas?
"Enneagram" Personality Tests: Can the "doctrines of demons" just be that which distracts us from God, such as the personality tests called "enneagrams"? [2 Corinthians 13:5].
2022-04-15 Spiritual Beings on God's Side: Who are Christians to say that those in various religions and cults who interact with other spirits, sometimes in nature, are wrong? [I John 4:1-3].
2022-03-24 Ungodly Parental Influence on Step Children: Could you advise regarding my step daughter who is influenced by our culture and an ungodly mother? [Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 9:10].
2021-10-25 Eastern Religions: Is there any reference in Christian writings to some of the things like the seven energies in eastern religions (Kundalini, chakra, etc.)?
2021-09-09 Jesus' Life Before His Ministry: What was Jesus doing during those earlier years, and before he entered His ministry? [Luke 2].
2021-09-09 Ontological Aspects of Christian Theology: Would you discuss the ontological aspects of the Christian theology and if He is the source, then isn't all of God, as in Monism?
2021-07-16 Experience vs Concept of the Divine: Is the Divine we experience different than what our concept of the Divine may be?
2021-05-25 Meditation for the Christian: Are you familiar with "The Practice of the Presence of the Lord" by Brother Lawrence". What parallel can be made between meditation for the Buddhist and the Christian? [Psalm 1:2-3].
2021-05-04 Roy Masters: What do you know about Roy Masters?
2021-02-26 God Speaking: As I am going through a difficult marriage with an adulterous wife, how does one know when God is speaking to you? [Colossians 3:15].
Satan Getting into Prayer: Can Satan get a hold of people through their prayers to a more generic God, and use it to mislead?
2021-02-19 Auras: Did you know that a link to something about one's "aura" is on There is nothing in the Bible about "auras, right?"
2021-01-07 The Book, "The Secret": Have you read the book, "The Secret"? (Rec Lectures: Steve Gregg's "Word of Faith".)
2020-11-24 New Age vs Christianity, Self & Selflessness: Caller comments on Steve's assessment of the difference between New Age and Christianity being one is about "self" and one is about "God" and "selflessness".
2020-11-11 Greek Rule in Bible Times: Comment about the Greek rule in Biblical days.
Revelation & New Age: Caller comments on the harlot in Revelation its relationship to the New Age Movement. [Revelation 17:6-8].
2020-11-04 "A Course in Miracles": What about the book, "A Course in Miracles"- which seems to sound really good, but seems compromised?
2020-09-28 Jesus Touching Unclean Things & People: Could you explain how healing a leper would establish Jesus as The Messiah, since touching him would have made Him unclean? [Matthew 8:3, Luke 5:12-16].
2020-08-06 New Age vs. Christianity: Would you talk about the differences between the "New Age Movement" and Christianity?
New Age & the Antichrist: Would you clarify if the deception of the New Age Movement can be linked to the beast? [ I John 2, 2 Corinthians 11, Revelation 13, 2 Thessalonians 2, Daniel 8-11].
2020-07-15 Healing & Quantum Physics & Chakras: Do you think that quantum physics and Chakras have anything to do with the woman who was healed in the Bible?
2020-06-09 Heaven-Unity in the Trinity: Does this statement indicating that heaven will be us "living in unity with the trinity?" Is this a little too new age, or is it fairly accurate?
2020-05-04 Memorizing the Bible: Comment; Should Christians find 65 friends and each memorize a book of the Bible, then we would have it when in prison together.
The Imagination: What do you think about one using their imagination?
2019-11-12 Bible Translations: Which Bible is best to use?
New Age Bible Translations: Can you talk a little about the "new age" Bible translations?
2019-10-07 Christian Television: Have you ever been interviewed on Christian television network shows?
Street Ministry: Have you ever witnessed on the street, holding up signs?
New Age Higher Consciousness: Have you ever reached a higher state of consciousness?
2019-07-10 Christian Myth: Isn't there evidence that supports the idea that Christianity is a myth and Christians actually unknowingly worship the sun, rather than the son? (Non-believer calling about the differences between his Gnostic belief and Christian beliefs).
2018-08-20 Jesus in India as Youth: Did Jesus go to India in His youth?
Lot Offering Daughters: Why did Lot offer his daughters to the men at the door? [Genesis 19]
2018-08-03 Inner Healing: Would you have any problem working with people who did "inner healing"?
2018-07-25 My ex-wife going to Bethel: My ex-wife going to a Bethel church, & I want to help her, & called the pastor if he would do counseling with us, & he said I had to go through a program called, Sozo, an inner healing program. What do you think?
2018-05-09 Inner Healing: Have you ever heard about Inner Healing using something called, Splankna & Sozo? It's sort've New Agey.
2017-05-08 Prophecy & Fortune Telling: How do we tell the difference between real genuine prophecy & fortune telling?
2017-01-17 New Age is the Christianity: There seems to be a New Age emphasis in Christianity & the new apostolic movement prophetic ministries
2016-09-06 IDMR Movement: Is Steve familiar with the IDMR (Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research) group?
Mennonites & Anabaptists: What do you know of the Mennonites & Anabaptists?
2016-05-13 Yoga & the New Age Movement: I was wondering what you thought about New Age movement & Yoga?
2016-03-03 Demonology & Auras: A fortune teller told me that I had a darkness, a lot of demons surrounding me. Is there anything to this?
2015-06-11 Landmark Forum (Education): Caller was invited by a neighbor to go a Landmark Forum seminar & he looked into it before he went, & he thinks it's just a rehash of Werner Erhard's Est, & would like to know if Steve knows anything about it.
2014-12-03 Visualization & Affirmation: Is it wrong to use Visualization & Affirmation because according to Johanna Michaelsen, it is not a good idea to do that.
2014-11-13 New Thought - Metaphysical: (Call is very garbled) Have you ever heard of Emmit Fox & his book on the Olivet Discourse, which is about New Thought, Metaphysical?
2014-08-27 Deja Vu: Is there such a thing as Deja Vu?
God's Foreknowledge: Jesus slain from the foundation of the world, By His Stripes we are healed, & He knew us before we were formed in the womb, is all that the same as Deja Vu?
2014-08-15 Eating & Drinking the body & blood of Jesus: Caller is concerned about people preaching that we need to literally eat & drink the body & blood of Christ. Can Steve explain what's really going on about that? [John 6]
Deja vu Is the word Deja vu New Ageish or Occultic?
2014-04-23 Jesus' name in Aramaic: Do you know what Jesus' name in Aramaic?
Inner Healing: What should I be cautious of regarding inner healing?
2014-04-08 One World Religion: Do we know what the One World Religion will be? I heard it was the New Age Movement.
Islam: If any religion is going to take over the world & be the anti-Christ, it sure seems like it's going to be Islam religion.
2013-12-23 Oneness Pentecostal & Trinity: Can you say how the Trinity came into being in the Christian church? Is Steve a Trinitarian?
Speaking in Tongues: We'll be Speaking in Tongues, won't we, if we are really baptized in the Holy Spirit? [John 3:5]
Mandatory Baptism: Are we required to be baptized?
2013-08-20 Jesus' "Lost Years": What was Jesus doing between the ages of 12 & 30 years old?
2013-05-06 Premillennial View: Thank you for commenting that having a premillennial view of the return of Christ doesn't necessarily mean one is not aware of our calling.
Made in the Image of God: What is the proper view of being "made in the image of God" and the charge to become more like God, both in contrast to the danger of thinking ourselves like God (or gods), as in the New Age philosophy? [2 Peter 1:3-11, Genesis 3:5].
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