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Topic: Luke (Disciple)

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-10-31 Paul's Conversion: Can you help make sense of the three different accounts of Paul's conversion? [Acts 9:7, Acts 22:9, Acts 25:14, Matthew 27:5, Acts 1:18].
2023-08-24 Luke & Theophilus: Who was Theophilus, that man Luke writing to? It seems odd that he would write to someone unknown. [Luke 1:3, Acts 1:1].
2023-03-13 Author of Hebrews: Who wrote the Book of Hebrews? [Hebrews 13:23].
2022-09-23 The Narrow Path App: Appreciation given for the free app for The Narrow Path.
Luke & Theophilus: Do you think that possibly the Theophilus in scripture is actually a general term addressing any "lover of God?" [Luke 1:3, Acts 1:1].
2021-03-10 Date of Naming the Book of Matthew, Etc.: When did the book of Matthew, and the rest of thee books, get its name?
Gospels Not Written in the 1st Person: Isn't it odd that the gospels were not written in the 1st person?
Epistles: What is an epistle?
2020-07-28 Deadly Force in Defense: As a believer, do I have the right to defend myself and my family using deadly force? [Luke 6:29-30, Matthew 5:38-48].
2020-04-15 Authorship of Acts or Job: Could you talk about the oracles of God, who wrote Acts and Job? Did Luke write Acts? Were they Gentile? [Romans 3:2, Colssians 4:11].
2017-11-10 Power of God: Caller wanted to chime in about marriage on the other side of glory. He shares a story about having so much power from God that he had enough energy that he didn't have to sleep more than 10 minutes a day, & there was no interest in sex.
Luke & Paul: When did Luke join up with Paul? How soon after Paul's conversion?
2017-05-18 Paul & Timothy: Paul was a mentor to Timothy, so do you know what happened to Timothy after paul died, did he keep the faith? [1 Timothy, 2 Timothy]
Luke: What about Luke? Whatever happened to him?
Paul's defectors: Did anyone who worked with Paul end up leaving the faith?
2014-02-04 Luke: Luke was not one of the original apostles?
Concordances: What kind've Concordance would you recommend to help me find stuff that is not directly in the Bible?
2013-07-26 Not Really 12 Disciples: Why does it say there's 12 disciples when in reality, there was only 11, since Thomas & Judas Iscariot were not there? [Luke 24:9]
David Wilkerson: What do you think of David Wilkerson as a prophet?
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