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Topic: Wesley (John)

Showing 1 to 13 of 13.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-01-25 Sinlessness (Entire Sanctification): Can you clear up the question if we can become sinless? [John 8:11, Romans 8:3-4, 1 John 2:1, 1 Corinthians 10:12-13].
2023-10-27 Denominations: From where and when did denominations come? [2 Corinthians 3:17].
2022-12-20 Amillennial vs Dispensational: Is Amillennialism, by definition, not Dispensational?
Theologian, Spiros Zodhiates What do you know of the work of Spiros Zodhiates?
Charismatic vs Cessationist (Filling of the Holy Spirit): Can you clarify the definition of "Charismatics" and if it involves a "second work of grace?" Recommended topical lectures; "Charisma and Character." [Acts 8-9, Acts 19, Acts 1:5, Acts 2:4, John 20:22, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 5:18].
2022-03-01 Missions & Missionaries: Where in church history did we start sending out missionaries? [Acts 13].
2021-08-13 John Wesley: What do you think of John Wesley's theology?
2021-05-06 The Matthew713 Website: What is wrong with the website lately?
Wesleyan Theology: Could you review Wesleyan Theology? [2 Corinthians 3:18].
2021-05-03 "Entire Santification" (Eradicationism or Perfect Sinlessness): What do you think of the idea in the Wesleyianism called "entire sanctification" (Eradicationism or perfect sinlessness)? [2 Corinthians 3:18, I Peter 1:14-16].
2021-04-12 Our Responsibility Over Earth by Prayer: Do you agree with the statement of Wesley's that God does nothing on earth except in response to prayer? [Matthew 6:10, Genesis 1:26-27].
2020-10-21 Sanctification: Regarding sanctification, is it a one time event, or a process? Does God do the sanctifying? [I Peter 1:14-15, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Peter 3:18, Philippians 2:13, I Thessalonians 5:16].
2016-11-21 George Whitefield: & John Wesley: Caller would like Steve's thoughts on George Whitefield & John Wesley.
U.S. Constitution: U.S. Constitution being effective because of these Christians?
Kingdom of God & USA Patriot: Any thoughts on Patriotism?
2016-11-16 Nazarene Church: Caller wondering if Steve has an opinion about the Nazarene Church. Are they Dispensational?
2015-02-09 Wesleyanism - Wesleyan Theology: What are the distinctives of the Wesleyan Church? I know they believe in "Total Sanctification", & they ordain women, but what else?
2013-02-06 Entire Sanctification: Salvation is a continuing, life-long process, that you aren't just made holy by saying a sinner's prayer at an altar call.
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