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Topic: Christian Organizations

Showing 1 to 27 of 27.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-17 Free Masonry & the Shriners, etc.: What do you think about secret societies such as Free Masonry and the Shriners, etc.? [1 Corinthians 10:31].
2024-03-28 International Fellowship of Christians & Jews: Do you see any conflict with Christians being involved with the organization "International Fellowship of Christians & Jews?" [Colossians 3:17].
2024-01-12 Book on Forgiveness, Steve Gregg & A.W. Tozer: Caller recommends Tim Keller's book on Forgiveness "Forgive-Why Should I? How Can I?" He also compliments Steve on his submission in service to God, drawing on a passage from Tozer's writings.
Modern Israel's History & Terrorism: Would you comment on the historical progression of the current state of Israel? Did the Arab nations encourage the Palestinians to flee or did they just take it?
Organization-Bible Study Fellowship: Caller recommends that Bible Study Fellowship is an excellent fellowship and a good alternative to institutional church.
2023-10-10 Giving to the Church: If the money we give to the church is not finding its way to assist the poor and needy, should we stop giving to the church?
Worthy Charities: Steve mentions a couple of deserving charities that don't have highly paid staff (Shepherd's Heart, International, Cleveland TN and Christian Response International).
2023-10-10 Giving to the Church: If the money we give to the church is not finding its way to assist the poor and needy, should we stop giving to the church?
Worthy Charities: Steve mentions a couple of deserving charities that don't have highly paid staff (Shepherd's Heart, International, Cleveland TN and Christian Response International).
2023-03-16 Good Charities: Which charities do you think are good and you give to?
2023-01-26 Shriners & Masons: What do you know about the Shriners and the Masons? [Colossians 3:17, Matthew 5:16, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18].
2022-12-28 Led Zepplin & "Stairway to Heaven": Caller comments on the rumor about Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven" giving Satanic messages?
Giving to the Needy in a More Personal Way: Do you think that it is more gratifying to give personally to those in need rather than giving to organizations to do so?
2022-08-29 Faith Bible Institute: Do you know anything about Faith Bible Insitute, because a woman taking classes there seemed really overly critical of us?
2022-08-09 Freemasons (Masons): Have you ever been a Freemason? What do you know about them? [I Corinthians 10:31].
2022-06-06 Museum of the Bible in D.C.: Have you heard of the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C.?
2022-06-03 Worthy Charities: What are some of the ministries you trust and support? Recommended; "Shepherd's Heart, International" (Cleveland, TN) and "International Christian Response (ICR-Lynden WA)"
2022-05-30 Complimentarian vs Egalitarianism: Could you comment on the theological views of "Complimentarianism and Egalitarianism", not only in marriage, but in ministry? [Luke 2:50-51, John 13:1-17, Ephesians 5, I Samuel 5:29, Acts 5:29].
2022-05-09 The Oddfellows: Do you know anything about the Oddfellows?
2022-02-25 Spying on Fellow Christians: What do you think about Christians spying on other Christians-as if for God (Eyes of God)? Would they still go to heaven?
2020-12-14 Falling into Sin: Is it a lack of faith if someone keeps falling into sin and allows himself a pass on the error of his ways?
Recommended Charities: Can you recommend some good charities that you trust? [Shepherd's Heart International, The Salvation Army, Mercy Ships, The Narrow Path, Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors USA, Food for the Poor].
2020-07-29 Christian Science & Word of Faith: Could you clarify the differences between Christian Science and the Word of Faith? [2 Corinthians 4:17, Psalm 119:71].
2020-07-17 So Many Religions and Denominations: Why are there so many religions and denominations, and how do I know which is correct? [Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Romans 10:9, Matthew 25:34].
2020-04-17 Defining One's Faith: What do you tell people about your faith, without aligning to a particular group, movement, or theology?
Calvinism: Comment on Calvinism and how their theology maligns the character of God.
2020-01-17 Christian Charities: Are you familiar with the organization called "Persecuted Church"? What is the one you mentioned with "Martyrs"? (Voice of the Martyrs).
Women & Circumcision: How to women fit into the circumcision symbolism?
Thoughts into Obedience: How do you bring your thoughts into obedience to Christ? [2 Corinthians 10:5].
2019-09-17 Tithing-Christian Requirement?: Are Christians today required today to give a tithe to the local church? [Acts 4:32, Matthew 23:23].
2019-06-06 Giving Your Extra Funds: After you pay your bills, how do you save and disburse your extra money? [Matthew 6:19f, Matthew 10: 17-27].
2019-04-26 Amish (Mennonites, Hutterites, Anabaptists): What can you tell me about the Amish?
2018-08-10 The Brethren: What do you know about the Brethren movement?
2015-09-15 Church Buildings & Organization: Caller has just read, "Pagan Christianity" & was wondering about Church buildings & organizations, & fundraising for it. What does Steve think about that?
2014-09-03 Home Church as Opposed to Organized Church: Is there a Scripture that says it's wrong to leave organized church to go back to a grass-roots home church?
2014-07-21 Apostolic Church & the Trinity: So what does the Apostolic Church believe about the Trinity, & how would you share the Trinity w/ them? [1 John 5:7]
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