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Topic: Torture(rs)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-20 Escaping in the Rapture: Will those who truly believe be caught-up in the rapture before the tribulation? [John 16:33, 1 Thessalonians 3:4, Revelation 2:10].
2024-02-22 Book on Preterism: What do you know about the author Jay Rogers and his book on preterism, "The Prophecy of Daniel in Preterist Perspective?"
God Glorified by Hell: Is there anything in the Bible that says God gets glory by sending people to hell?
2024-01-26 Tribulation & Perseverance: Do you think that those who give up their faith in persecution and tribulation are the "great falling away." [2 Thessalonians 2:3].
2023-12-27 Various Views of Hell: Is it possible with the "annihilationist" and the "universal reconciliation" views of hell, that we could be misunderstanding God's perspective and His view of justice? Rec: Book, "Three Christian Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg. [2 Peter 3:8-10, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Ezekiel 33:11, Colossians 1:20, Ephesians 5:1, Matthew 5:44, Romans 5:10, John 15:13].
2023-12-22 Hell (Lazarus & the Rich Man): Could you expand on the idea that "Lazarus and the Rich Man" may be a parable rather than a depiction of an actual event? [Luke 16:19-31]
Hell (Eternal Torment): Would you expound on the scripture saying those who take the mark will be tormented forever? [Revelation 14:6-11, Revelation 9:17, Isaiah 34:9-10, Revelation 19:3, Genesis 19:28]. Rec: "Three Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg or topical lectures.
2023-12-14 Facing Torture & Denying Christ: If Jesus forgave Peter when he denied Him, wouldn't we be forgiven for denying Him under torture should we face that in our future? [Luke 17:33].
2022-11-02 David Tortured Others or Demanded Labor: Could you clarify the meaning of the verse in Samuel about what David did to the people-did he torture them, or put them to work? Why would translator choose such different ways to translate this? [2 Samuel 12:31].
2022-08-29 Facing Fear & Persecution: Is scripture indicating that damnation awaits, those that simply fear social ostracism, not just those of us who may fear facing physical torture or death at the hand of persecutors? [Proverbs 22:3, Proverbs 27:12, Revelation 12:11, Galatians 1:10, Luke 17:33, Matthew 16:25, Hebrews 2:14-15, Matthew 10:29, Acts 21:13, Philippians 1:12-26, Revelation 2:11, Revelation 21:8].
2021-11-11 Your Character Develops Your View of God & Hell: Is it not true that people project their own character and who they are onto God, particularly in their view of hell? [2 Peter 3:8-10, Matthew 5:43-48, John 3:16, John 14:9, Luke 23:34].
2021-10-15 The Catholic Inquisition: Caller argues that the Catholic Inquisition has been vastly overblown.
2021-07-30 Slavery: What about the Bible condoning slavery? [Ephesians 6:9]
Jesus Seeing a Slave Being Abused: Is there a story of Jesus seeing the abuse of a slave and Jesus not saying anything against it?
2021-07-26 Hell-Annihilation: Regarding the view on hell where sinners are ultimately destroyed, do you think there is merit in it? Topical lecture recommended; Three Views of Hell, and Steve's book on hell.
Eternal Torment in Hell: How could eternal torment in hell bring God glory?
Bible Teaching: It seems to be lacking in Bible teaching where teachers don't present more than one fair view, unlike you.
2021-05-18 Get Ready for Persecution: Do you think that we should be not continue preaching how to escape tribulation, rather how to endure, as we are called to be overcomers.
2021-03-31 Disagree that God has the Right to Our Lives: I disagree with your position that because God created us, He can do whatever He wants with us?
God Torturing Us: If God can't go against His character, than can He torture us?
God's Right to Tell Us What to Do, or Suffer Consequences: Does God have the right to make people do whatever He wants them to do, or make them suffer consequences?
2021-03-31 Disagree that God has the Right to Our Lives: I disagree with your position that because God created us, He can do whatever He wants with us?
God Torturing Us: If God can't go against His character, than can He torture us?
God's Right to Tell Us What to Do, or Suffer Consequences: Does God have the right to make people do whatever He wants them to do, or make them suffer consequences?
2020-11-30 Neither Will Your Father Forgive Your Trespasses: Could you clarify what is meant by "if you do to forgive, neither will your Father forgive you"? [Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:34].
2020-11-19 Promises to Unbelievers: Are the promises to unbelievers the same now as it was in the Old Testament days?
No Eternal Hell, Then No Eternal Life If we don't understand the word for "eternal" in regard to hell, then can we still understand the idea of the after life as being eternal? [Matthew 25:46].
2020-10-23 Levels of Hell: Could you talk about the scriptural implication that there are different levels or punishments in hell? [1 Thessalonians 1:9, Luke 12:47, Matthew 11:24].
2020-10-15 Preaching the Traditional View of Hell: How can preachers can continue to preach the traditional view of hell as they do, without it affecting their entire lives? [John 15:13, Luke 6:27-36, Matthew 5:43-48].
2020-10-15 Torment in Hell Might not be Physical: Could the torment in hell be more about mental and emotional rather than physical?
2020-09-14 Annihilationist View of Torment in Hell: In the parable of the tares, from an annihilation point of view, how would they respond to the "weeping and gnashing of teeth" if the condemned are annihilated? [Matthew 13:41-42].
2020-06-15 Various Views of Hell-Conditional Immortality or Annihilation: Regarding the various views of hell, what is the argument that gets them around the reference to everlasting pain or torment? [Matthew 25:46, Ezekiel 18:20].
2020-05-29 Hell: Could you talk about the concept of hell, particularly the unacceptable idea of "eternal torment"? [John 3:16].
2020-05-15 Some Heroes of the Faith Were Tortured & Slain: Could you explain the shift in the description of the heroic men of great faith who achieved great things, and then the fact that others were tortured and slain? [Hebrews 11:32-34].
2020-05-07 Hell Must be Eternal: How is hell possibly not eternal, particularly in light of reference to "tormented day and night, forever"? [Revelation 20:10, Revelation 14:11, Revelation 15, Matthew 25:41 & 46].
2020-04-27 Wailing, Gnashing Teeth, Fiery Furnace for Christians Today: Why are Christians today being put in the same torturous circumstances described for the wicked in the Bible, such as wailing, gnashing teeth, and the fiery furnace? [Matthew 13:42, Luke 13:28, I Peter 1:7]
2020-03-17 Denying Christ: Didn't Peter deny Christ, but was still allowed to follow Christ? If we try to save someone by denying Christ, like our child, God would know we didn't mean it, right? [Matthew 10:33, John 21].
2016-01-07 Taking Up Your Cross Daily: What exactly does Jesus mean to take up your cross & follow Him daily? Does that mean living a holy life? Is it talking about day-to-day activities & life, such as who you are going to marry? [Luke 9:23]
Addictive Behavior or Living Sin: We don't have to torture ourselves, our body, in order to get out of a life of sin, do we?
2015-12-17 Being Tortured in Hell: Where do we get that idea that demons torture people in Hell?
The Unforgiving Servant Parable: What about the parable about the unforgiving servant sort've being tortured? [Matthew 18:21-35]
2015-02-11 Hell - Eternal Separation: How can Steve not know the answer to, "How can we be in Heaven worshipping God if our loved ones are being tortured by Him?"
2013-07-08 "Perish": In some Bible dictionaries, the word "perish" can mean "ruin" & "loss". What do you think? [John 3:16]
"Eternal" Since the word for "eternal" doesn't necessarily mean "forever", thereby implying that torment in hell might not be actually forever, couldn't that change how we then see "eternal" life as not "forever"? [Matthew 25:46]
Eternal Punishment in Hell: Doesn't the idea of eternal torment in hell cause many not to believe in God?
2013-05-21 Traditional View of Hell: If people remain alive in hell, then is not God the one keeping them alive and thereby perpetuating the existence of sin? [Romans 5:12-15, I Timothy 6:16]
2013-03-04 The Rapture vs the Pre-trib Rapture: Could you talk about the various views of the rapture and scripture about it, particularly the pre-trib rapture? [I Corinthians 15:51-53, I Thessalonians 4:15-17, John 6:49, 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9]
Martyrdom, Tribulation & Persecution: Does not even the martyrs throughout history indicate great hope (Foxes Book of Martyrs)? Recommends topical lectures; "When Shall These Things Be?" [John 16:33, I Thessalonians 3:4].
2013-02-25 Hell: What difference does it make how God uses hell and which view of hell is correct?
The Incentive of "Eternal Torment": Are we losing the incentive of "eternal torment" if we consider the possible other views of hell? [Proverbs 28:5]. Steve's book; "Hell-Three Views"
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