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Topic: Books & Authors (Christian)

Showing 1 to 50 of 401.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-07-11 Help from Angels (St Germain): Are you familiar with St. Germain and the book "The Magic Presence" (by Ray Godfre King and Guy Ballard)?
The "Single Eye" (Greed or Generosity): In the verses that follow The Lord's Prayer, there is a reference to the "single eye." Can you clarify? [Matthew 6:22-29].
2024-07-03 Refuting Albert Schweitzer: Do you know of any writings that refute Albert Schweitzer's eschatology?
2024-07-02 Full Preterism: Do Full Preterists believe that the physical death of Jesus did not have to occur, only a spiritual death? If so, how do they get around verses like "Let this cup pass from me?" Rec: "Why Not Full Preterism?" book by Steve Gregg. [Matthew 26:39, Romans 4:19, Hebrews 11:12].
2024-07-02 "Christian" Books "Trilogy": What is your opinion of the "Christian" books called "Trilogy" by Calvin Miller?
2024-06-25 Book for Catholics: Caller recommends book "Preparing Catholics for Eternity" by Mike Gendron.
Water Baptism vs Spiritual Baptism: Is Romans 6:3-4 talking about spiritual or water baptism? [Romans 6:3-4].
2024-06-19 Steve's Book on Hell: Steve reminds listeners of his updated book on hell "Why Hell? Three Christians Views Critically Examined."
2024-06-11 Eternal Conscious Torment (ECT): Though I don't believe in Eternal Conscious Torment, there are verses that sound like some people (goats) will be in eternal fire. Can you comment? Rec: Why Hell? (Three Views) book by Steve Gregg or topical lectures "Three Views of Hell." [Matthew 25:41, Matthew 25:46, Jude 1:6-7, Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:14, 1 Timothy 6:16, John 3:16].
2024-06-10 Former Dispensationalist: Former Dispensationalist comments on Hal Lindsey's book "Late Great Planet Earth."
Book of Enoch: Why was the "Book of Enoch" not put in the Bible?
2024-06-04 "Born Again" vs "Baptism of the Spirit": Is being "born again" and "baptized with the Holy Spirit" the same event? Caller refers to "The Normal Christian Birth" by David Pawson. [Hebrews 6:1-4, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 5:18, Acts 1:5, Acts 2:4, Acts 8].
2024-05-22 Dr Michel Brown: Is the Dr Michael Brown that wrote "Turn the Tide" the same one of the NAR movement?
Letters Written to Others (in New Testament): Why do we assume that ancient letters written to others apply to us in these times?
2024-05-20 Steve's Book "Empire of the Risen Son": Caller commends Steve for his important book as one of the most complete Christian book on the faith. "Empire of the Risen Son," Vol 1 & 2.
Churches Failing to Preach "Lordship": Why doesn't the modern church preach the "Lordship" of Christ?
2024-05-20 Important Reading: Caller recommends two sources "Preparing for Eternity" (Preparing Catholics for Eternity) by Mike Gendron and the Council of Dort (Synod of Dort).
2024-05-16 Steve Gregg's Audio Books: Do you have any more audio books available?
Personalizing Scripture for Today: What do you think about a preacher who takes scripture and says it applies to us today, even when it may not?
2024-05-15 Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church: Why have I not heard you recommend churches that promote the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Ref: "Empire of the Risen Son" by Steve Gregg.
2024-05-15 Amillennialism, Preterism & Post-Millennialism: Having moved from Dispensationalism toward Amillennialism, I still have some confusion. How does Preterism tie into Postmillennialism? I hope Jesus is coming back again. Rec book: "Why Not Full Preterism" by Steve Gregg.
2024-04-30 The Book "Experiencing God" (Holman Bible): What do you know about the book "Experiencing God" by Richard & Mike Blackaby? The author refers to the Holman Bible. What do you think of it?
Books Recommendation for Those Inquiring into Christianity: What materials or books would you recommend for adults that are recently showing interest? Rec: "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis, "Basic Christianity" by John R.W. Stott, and Steve's book "Empire of the Risen Son" (vol 1 & 2).
The Lesson of the Exorcism Repossession Story: What is the story about the demon who goes out and comes back with other demons teaching us? [Matthew 12:43-45, Revelation 9:7].
2024-04-30 The Book "Experiencing God" (Holman Bible): What do you know about the book "Experiencing God" by Richard & Mike Blackaby? The author refers to the Holman Bible. What do you think of it?
Books Recommendation for Those Inquiring into Christianity: What materials or books would you recommend for adults that are recently showing interest? Rec: "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis, "Basic Christianity" by John R.W. Stott, and Steve's book "Empire of the Risen Son" (vol 1 & 2).
The Lesson of the Exorcism Repossession Story: What is the story about the demon who goes out and comes back with other demons teaching us? [Matthew 12:43-45, Revelation 9:7].
2024-04-30 Speaking in Tongues (Filling with the Holy Spirit): Can you help me sort out the idea of being "Filled with the Spirit" and "Speaking in Tongues?" I am feeling a little pressured and am not sure what to make of it all. Ref: "They Speak with Other Tongues" by John Sherrill. Rec: Topical lecture "Charisma & Character." [Luke 11:9-13, Romans 5:5]
2024-04-25 New Apostolic Reformation: Can you recommend a good book about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)? It seems like there is a lot of false teaching in it. [Job 1].
Declaring, Decreeing or Commanding Something: What about the practice of "declaring" "decreeing" or "commanding" something to happen?
2024-04-02 Extrabiblical Book: "Acts of Solomon": Is there a book called "The Acts of Solomon?" [1 Kings 11:41, 2 Chronicles 29:29].
2024-03-25 Eric Metaxas' Book & Speaking Out Against Government: What did you think about Erick Metaxas' book, "Letter to the American Church?" We don't see Paul speaking out against Rome, do we? [Luke 12:48, 1 Corinthians 15:12-13].
2024-02-22 Book on Preterism: What do you know about the author Jay Rogers and his book on preterism, "The Prophecy of Daniel in Preterist Perspective?"
God Glorified by Hell: Is there anything in the Bible that says God gets glory by sending people to hell?
2024-02-21 Flat Earth: Caller shares that the Hebrew word for "earth" refers to "round" or "sphere" and recommends "The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution" by A.E. Wilder-Smith, particularly for flat earthers. [Isaiah 40:22].
2024-02-05 Demon-Possessed Swine: Was it Jesus' intent that the demons that went into the swine would run off the cliff to be destroyed, or was that behavior controlled by the demons? Could the demons go out and into others afterward? [Matthew 8:32, Matthew 10:29-31, Matthew 12:43-45, Acts 1:7].
Christian Author: David Pawson: Are you familiar with the author of the book "The Normal Christian Birth" by David Pawson?
2024-02-05 Steve Gregg Getting Listeners Excommunicated: Caller comments that it was funny that Steve indicated that listening to his show can cause people to get kicked out of church.
Jonathan Cahn & False Prophets: My church is hosting Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (author of "The Harbinger"), but isn't it a problem to have a false prophet speak?
2024-01-24 Charitable Giving & Discretion: Can you help me harmonize scriptures that indicate we should help the needy, when some seem to be taking advantage? [Galatians 6:10, Luke 6:30-33, 2 Thessalonians 3:10-13, Matthew 5:40-42, 1 John 3:17-18].
Giving to Charities: What do you think about giving to charities generally, specifically in light of the book, "Toxic Charity, How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help" by Robert D. Lupton ?"
2024-01-22 Timetable-Nebuchadnezzar: About the book "Wonders of Bible Chronology" and the timetable surrounding Nebuchadnezzar? [Jeremiah 25:1].
"Until the Times of the Gentiles": When did (or will) the "times of the Gentiles" prophecy be fulfilled? Is this until Jesus returns? [Luke 21:24].
2024-01-19 Confidence in God: What about my tendency when I get stronger and more confident in myself, I don't feel as close to God.
The Didache: What do you know about the "Didache?":
2024-01-12 Book on Forgiveness, Steve Gregg & A.W. Tozer: Caller recommends Tim Keller's book on Forgiveness "Forgive-Why Should I? How Can I?" He also compliments Steve on his submission in service to God, drawing on a passage from Tozer's writings.
Modern Israel's History & Terrorism: Would you comment on the historical progression of the current state of Israel? Did the Arab nations encourage the Palestinians to flee or did they just take it?
Organization-Bible Study Fellowship: Caller recommends that Bible Study Fellowship is an excellent fellowship and a good alternative to institutional church.
2024-01-03 Christian Author, Philip Mauro (Opposing Dispensationalism): Have you heard of the Christian author, Philip Mauro? What is his primary subject? Rec: "Gospel of the Kingdom?" and "The Wonders of Bible Chronology."
2024-01-03 Evangelizing a Jewish Skeptic: Any advice about evangelizing a Jewish friend who is open to learning about Christianity, but he heard about the water in the flood being over 20 feet above all the mountains, thus he is very skeptical? Rec: "The Genesis Flood" by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris
Turning Your Life Over to Christ: What does it look like when one "turns their life over to Christ?" Rec: Book by Steve Gregg. "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 2."
2024-01-03 Self-Control (Fruit of the Spirit): Where can I get a good study on the "Fruit of the Spirit," specifically, self-control? Rec: Books, "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 2," by Steve Gregg and "The Disciplined Life" by Richard Taylor. Also, two topical series: "Cultivating Christian Character" and "Charisma & Character."
2023-12-27 Various Views of Hell: Is it possible with the "annihilationist" and the "universal reconciliation" views of hell, that we could be misunderstanding God's perspective and His view of justice? Rec: Book, "Three Christian Views of Hell" by Steve Gregg. [2 Peter 3:8-10, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Ezekiel 33:11, Colossians 1:20, Ephesians 5:1, Matthew 5:44, Romans 5:10, John 15:13].
2023-12-18 Book: "The Last Reformation": Have you heard of Torben Sondergaard and his book, "The Last Reformation?" Sondergaard spent a year in U.S. prison.
Wording in Genesis about Creation: Is there any significance to the way the creation story in Genesis mentions "the evening and the morning it was the day?" [Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 30:13].
2023-12-08 Book of Jubilees: Do you give any credit to the "Book of Jubilees?"
2023-12-07 Book Recommendations: Do you have book recommendations for group Bible studies? Book Rec: “Pursuit of God” by Tozer & “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis.
2023-11-20 Lucifer's Sin: During the time Lucifer was pondering his upcoming sinfulness, why would not God come to him to help him? [Isaiah 14:12].
An Eternity in Hell: Why would God make people who live 1-70 years have to suffer eternally in hell? It doesn't seem reasonable. Rec: Steve's book, "Three Views of Hell."
2023-11-13 Discipleship: Can you enlighten me about "Discipleship?" What it is, how to become one, etc.? Rec: "Empire of the Risen Son", Vol 2, "All the King's Men." or topical lectures series. "Genuinely Following Jesus." [Matthew 28:19-20, John 8:31, Acts 11:26].
2023-11-08 Dispensational vs Alternate views: Could you recommend some books that would compare Dispensational views with others that is fair and balanced? Rec: "The Meaning of the Millennium" by Robert Clouse. "Israel and the Church" by Oswald T. Allis, "Revelation Four Views" by Steve Gregg. Lectures, "When Shall These Things Be?" and "What are We to Make of Israel?"
2023-11-02 Redemption Planned Before the Fall: How could redemption have already been planned, if Adam & Eve had not yet fallen? Ref: "Jesus on Every Page" by David Murray. [2 Corinthians 4:6, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Genesis 1, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
2023-10-09 Book of Enoch: Because the Bible references the Book of Enoch, is there any benefit (or harm) in reading it? [Jude 1:6, Jude 1:14-15, 2 Peter 2:4].
2023-10-05 Fruit of the Spirit's Development: Does developing the "fruit of the spirit" take a long time, or can they be evident immediately. Reference to "Spirit-led Living In An Upside-down World, by Stephen E. Strange. [Romans 5, James 1, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
2023-10-05 Premillennial View: Are you familiar with the book, "Theocratic Kingdom" by George Peters, and his view of the millennium?
Pre-Trib Rapture & Premillennialism: Can you premillennial and believe in the pre-trib rapture, but not be Dispensational?
2023-09-28 Reincarnation: What do you think about reports of previous lives from Lee Strobel's book "Case for Heaven?"
2023-09-25 Robert Morris & "Blessed Life" (Book): What do you think of Robert Morris' book "The Blessed Life" and his notion that we should give God all the first fruits and mammon is a spirit, not money? [Genesis 4:3, Proverbs 3:9, 1 John 3:17-18, Colossians 3:4, Philippians 1:21, 1 Corinthians 6:20, Malachi 3:8-12, Luke 14:33].
2023-09-22 Book Recommendations: Caller recommends books: "Last Days Madness" by Gary DeMar and "I Want to Be Left Behind."
The Last Day: Could you go over the sequence of events of the "Last Day?" [John 6:39-40, John 6:44, John 6:54, 2 Peter 3:10].
2023-09-21 Preterism (Full vs. Partial): What is the difference between a partial preterist and a full preterist?
Revelation Difficulty: Why didn't God make Revelation easier to understand? Rec: book against Full Pretersism "Why Not Full Preterism?" by Steve Gregg. [Revelation 13:18].
Revelation & the Two Witnesses: Would you explain Revelation Chapter 11 about the two witnesses?
2023-09-20 Atheists & "Confirmation Bias": Caller mentions previous atheist caller's objection to the faith referring "confirmation bias." He recommends the book "Cold Case Christianity" by J. Warner Wallace. Rec: Books by Josh McDowell, C.S. Lewis, Lee Stroebel.
2023-09-20 Wayne Grudem (Christian Book): Do you think that Wayne Grudem's book "Systematic Theology" is a good way to study?
Rebaptism: Should I be rebaptized if I feel as though I have been legitimately baptized in the Catholic church? [Acts 18:8, Acts 16:33, Acts 19:1-7].
Apostle's Baptism: Am I correct in thinking that there is no biblical record of the apostles being baptized after the baptism of John? [John 4:1-2].
2023-09-20 Wayne Grudem (Christian Book): Do you think that Wayne Grudem's book "Systematic Theology" is a good way to study?
Rebaptism: Should I be rebaptized if I feel as though I have been legitimately baptized in the Catholic church? [Acts 18:8, Acts 16:33, Acts 19:1-7].
Apostle's Baptism: Am I correct in thinking that there is no biblical record of the apostles being baptized after the baptism of John? [John 4:1-2].
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