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Topic: Health

Showing 1 to 50 of 161.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-07 Mental Illness: Regarding both your comments and MacArthur's about mental illness, do you think that a Christian shouldn't have anxiety and depression?
2024-02-20 Resurrected Bodies: Do you think that our resurrected bodies are going to be like our highest peak level of condition here?
Adam & Eve's Bodies: Do you think that the bodies of Adam & Eve changed when they sinned?
2023-10-31 Grief & Guilt: Does the word "grief" in Hebrew also mean "guilt?" And does the word for "sorrows" also mean "sin?" [Isaiah 53:4-6, Isaiah 1:5-6, Isaiah 3:7, 1 Peter 2:23-25]?
2023-08-25 Near-Death Experiences: What do you think of near-death experiences? Reference to "Case for Heaven" by Lee Strobel?
Christians Suffering Illness: Why do Christians suffer illness like unbelievers do?
2023-08-21 Soul Prosperity=Health Prosperity: Where is the verse that says that if your soul prospers, then your health will prosper? [3 John 1:2, 3 John 1:14, 1 Corinthians 7:7-8].
NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) & Five-Fold Ministry: Would you give your opinion of the Five-Fold Ministries and the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation). [1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Romans 12:6-7, 1 Peter 4:10-11, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 2:41-42, Ephesians 4:11].
2023-07-06 Our Authority & Power Over Illness: Do we have authority over and have the power to heal our physical illnesses? [Luke 10:17-19, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Matthew 19:24].
2023-05-01 Renewing Our Minds: What do you think about this pastor's explanation of what scripture means about the "renewing of our minds," particularly as it related it to science and the physical restoration of the brain? [Romans 12:2, Romans 6:7-8].
2023-05-01 Faith & Religion: How do you tell when your religion is out of balance and becoming unhealthy? [James 1:27, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 9:13].
2023-04-10 Medicines, Vitamins and Doctors: What do you think about going to doctors and using medicines and vitamins, etc.? [Luke 5:31-32, Mark 2:17].
Getting Back to Scripture: How do I get back to the peace and joy of being in and memorizing scripture? [John 14:27, John 16:33].
2023-04-07 Books for Atheists Caller recommends books for Atheists that come from a Scientific approach.
Eating Better-Diet: Caller shares his views on the typical diet and notes that Seventh Day Adventists do better at their choice of food. [I Corinthians 10:31].
2023-01-30 Physical Healing in the Atonement: Is there physical healing in the atonement? Is it faith that heals us? Rec:Topical lecture; "Word of Faith"series-"Is Healing in the Atonement?" and "Healing on Demand." [Isaiah 53:4-6, Isaiah 1:6, 1 Peter 2:24-25, Matthew 8:17].
2022-12-14 Yoga: What do you think about "Yoga"?
2022-10-20 Atheist: Religious Exemption for Vaccines: Atheist caller; What is the religious justification to take a religious exemption for not taking a vaccine?
2022-06-27 Organ Donation: Is there anything wrong with "organ donation"?
2022-06-23 Acupuncture: Is there anything in the BIble about acupuncture?
2022-03-28 Artificial Fragrances Worn at Church: Since fragrances and artificial scents can be dangerous and a problem to others, should not church leadership inform their congregants?
2022-03-25 Care of One's Body and General Health: Does this verse in I Corinthians 6 apply to the general care of your body? [I Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 2:10].
2022-03-08 COVID Vaccine Requirement: How should I handle the request from my doctor that I get a COVID vaccine when I don't want to get one?
2022-02-01 Vaccine as the Mark of the Beast: What do you think about the possibility of the vaccine being the mark of the beast?
2022-01-18 Non-Christian Counselors: Since we are told not to listen to the counsel of the ungodly, should I be continue to go to the counselor I see who indicated that they are not Christian? [Psalm 1:1].
2022-01-17 Mental Illness in Family Member: How do I look at a diagnosis of my ex-wife's mental illness (Bipolar) in light of scripture, particularly relative to my daughter? Topical lecture recommended; "Biblical Counsel for a Change".
Thanks to Steve & The Narrow Path Ministry: Caller thanks Steve for causing him to reexamine what he has been taught, which has made him grow in his faith. [Proverbs 18:17].
All Prophecy Fulfilled: Do you think that all prophecies have been, or where, fulfilled by 70A.D.? [Daniel 2:35].
2021-10-27 COVID Vaccine & Ethics: Should we refuse to take the COVID vaccine simply to stand with others who are resisting on ethical reasons?
2021-10-27 Church Mandates Vaccine: What do you think about my church not allowing me to attend unless I get the vaccine? [Matthew 16:25, Luke 17:33].
2021-10-22 Sickness in Believers: Why would God let people get sick? Is there some purpose or meaning to it? [2 Corinthians 12:9, James 1:2-4, I Peter 1:7, Romans 5:5].
2021-10-20 Healed by His Stripes: Could you clarify the meaning of being "healed by His stripes"? [Isaiah 53:5, Isaiah 1:5, I Peter 2:24-25, 2 Corinthians 12:9].
2021-10-18 Sexual Relations While on Wife's Menstrual Period: Is a Christian man supposed to be having sexual relations with his wife when she is on her menstrual period?
2021-10-15 Jesus Not Stating He was the Messiah: Did you say that Jesus never said He was the Messiah?
Current Events: What do you think about what is going on in current events?
COVID Vaccine: Do you think the vaccine is safe?
2021-10-11 Vaccine Mandates: What are the biblical arguments for and against taking the vaccine and the idea that it could be motivated to protect others?
2021-10-11 Alternate View of the Vaccine: Caller shares her alternate view of the vaccine.
2021-09-30 Jesus "Born Again": Was Jesus "born again" (possibly in Hades)? [Romans 8:29, Revelation 1:5, I Corinthians 15:23].
"Mark of the Beast" & the Vaccine: Is the vaccine the "Mark of the Beast", particularly in light of the restriction of buying and selling? [Revelation 14:1].
2021-09-15 Aborted Fetus' for Vaccines: Is there a moral issue with taking the vaccine, since they have been created at the expense of aborted fetuses?
2021-08-27 Religious Exemption for Vaccine: Prayers for someone who filed for COVID religious exemption and whose husband suffers from having gotten a debilitating vaccine previously.
Mark of the Beast & COVID Vaccine: Do you think that this COVID vaccine could be related to the "Mark of the Beast"?
2021-08-24 Choosing Not to Get the Vaccine: What would you say to my son who prefers not to get the vaccine, but his wife wants him to? [I Peter 3:7].
2021-08-24 Trusting God (COVID): Caller shares his choice to trust God in whether he and his wife would get COVID.
2021-08-24 COVID Vaccine Mandates: Would you advise me about the taking of the vaccine, in light of the government forcing it upon us?
2021-08-19 Being Forced to Take the COVID Vaccine: How should we handle being forced to take the COVID vaccine?
2021-08-11 COVID Testimony: Caller shares his experience in growing through COVID and how it has been good for him. Also how much we can disagree, but still have unity.
2021-08-04 Vaccine & Loving Your Neighbor: Caller shares her view that getting the vaccine is practicing "love your neighbor as yourself." [Mark 12:31].
2021-08-04 Vaccines & Obeying Government: Regarding the vaccines, is it not correct to obey government officials? [Romans 13, Jeremiah 17:5, Psalm 2:1-2].
2021-08-02 Vaccine Mandates: How should Christians respond to the vaccine mandates? Is there any relevant scripture? [Psalm 118:8].
The Vaccine for COVID: Is it more loving to take the vaccine?
2021-08-02 Vaccine Mandates: How should Christians respond to the vaccine mandates? Is there any relevant scripture? [Psalm 118:8].
The Vaccine for COVID: Is it more loving to take the vaccine?
2021-07-30 Call for Prayer: Caller requests prayer for his case of COVID.
2021-07-29 Having Enough Faith for Healing: It seems like scripture indicates that if we believe, having enough faith, we will be relieved of all our pain and be healed, yet don't we learn most from some of our trials? [Mark 11:24, James 1:2-4, 2 Corinthians 12, I John 5:14, Mark 11:22, Mark 2:17, James 4:3, John 14:13-14].
2021-07-21 Submission & COVID Vaccine: If my sister doesn't want to get the COVID vaccine, but her husband wants her to, should she do so out of submission?
2021-07-19 Assisted Suicide (Medical Interventions): Would you comment on "assisted suicide" and medical interventions?
2021-06-30 Coronavirus Vaccine: What do you think of not taking the Coronavirus vaccine if I am being warned by my own sister that I am taking a huge risk with my health?
2021-06-11 Religious Exemption for COVID Vaccine: Is there biblical support for not taking the COVID vaccine?
2021-06-04 Coronavirus (COVID) Vaccine: What do you think about the Coronavirus (COVID) vaccine?
2021-05-19 Healing on Demand: What do you say to someone who says that every illness can be healed? Recommended lecture: "Word of Faith" Series-"Healing on Demand" & Healing in the Atonement". [Acts 3, 2 Timothy 3, 2 Corinthians 12].
2021-05-17 Healthcare & Vaccines: Is there a biblical basis for not wanting to take the vaccine because of the complexity in the balance of our body?
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