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Topic: Humble (Humility)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-05 Not Entering the Kingdom as Children with Humility: Does this passage suggest that not many will enter the Kingdom because of the lack of humility? [Matthew 18:1-4, James 4:10, Matthew 16:24-26, Galatians 1:10, Luke 1:37-45].
2024-04-05 Recognizing Pride in Oneself: How does one recognize pride in themselves? [Proverbs 13:10, Philippians 2:1-4].
2024-02-15 "Unprofitable Servant" Parable: Can you help me sort the parable of "The Unprofitable Servant?" Rec: Topical lecture, "Refuse to be Offended." [Luke 17:5-10, 1 Peter 4:19].
2024-02-15 Book of Job: Who authored the Book of Job? What was the purpose of all the suffering of Job? [Psalm 34:7, Job 1:9-11, 2 Corinthians 12:7].
2024-01-19 Jacob & His Wrestling Match: Is there a reason that Jacob got into the wrestling match, instead of just being blessed? [Genesis 32:24-28, Genesis 28:21].
2023-08-17 Judgment on Our Nation: How does the verse "if my people will number themselves ... I will heal their land" apply to us today? [2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 Peter 2:4, Philippians 3:20-21, Jeremiah 29, 2 Corinthians 5:20].
2023-08-03 Sarah in Genesis vs 1 Peter: Can you enlighten me about Sarah in Genesis and Sarah in 1 Peter? [Genesis 16:2, Hebrews 11:11, 1 Peter 3:6].
Quiet and Gentle Spirit: How should one develop a " quiet and gentle spirit?" Do you have a lecture on that? Rec: Topical lecture series; "Charisma & Character." [1 Peter 3:4, 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, 1 Corinthians 14].
2023-07-10 Evangelizing & Witnessing: What do you think about using the Ray Comfort method ("The Way of the Master") of sharing the gospel because unless people are humble, the gospel was not shared with them in scripture? [Proverbs 15:23, Isaiah 50:4].
2023-05-18 Praying in Public Rather Than a Closet: How can you respond to evangelists praying in public, rather than in a closet as Jesus said? [Matthew 6:6, John 17].
2023-03-16 Ray Comfort's Evangelism: What do you think of the method of evangelism of Ray Comfort (The Way of the Master)?
Pride & Humility: Is it possible that some people have both pride and humility at the same time?
2022-09-16 Pride: Is pride always sinful, or is there a good pride?
2022-08-24 Atheist: Believers Compared to Children in Scripture: Atheist (former evangelist): How does one reconcile the two opposing verses about giving up childish things and being directed to come as a child? [I Corinthians 13:11, Hebrews 5:13-14, Matthew 18:3].
2022-07-26 "Haughty Spirit" (Pride) & Eve: What happened that caused Eve to have a "haughty spirit" that precipitated the fall? [Proverbs 16:18, Proverbs 3:34].
2022-04-04 Being "Bold" and Being "Meek": How do we manage two different things Jesus taught about being both "bold", but also "meek"? [Matthew 11:29, Acts 4:23-31].
Leaving Mormonism (LDS): How do I deal with the moral conflict in not submitting to the authority (lack of humility) when leaving the Mormon church?
Mormonism vs. Following Jesus: Former Mormon encourages: Please let Mormons know what it looks like to follow Jesus, instead of Mormonism, because they so often abandon God altogether and become atheists? Show them the alternative.
2021-07-15 Calvinism vs Arminianism: Caller shares an opposing view of Calvinism. [Proverbs 3:34, James 4:6, I Peter 5:5, Hebrew 10:29].
2021-06-11 Pride: Is pride really the root of all sin? [Isaiah 14:12-14].
Bondage vs Sinful Behavior: How does one distinguish being in bondage versus just falling to sin? [John 8:31-36].
2021-02-11 Learning From the Disciples in Heaven: When we go to heaven, so you think that we will still be learning from Paul, Peter, and James?
Authorship of Hebrews & Paul's Humility: Do you think that Paul wrote Hebrews? Why do you think he was so humble? [2 Corinthians 12:7-10].
Book on Dispensationalism: Have you considered writing a book about Dispensationalism?
2020-12-02 Satan Fell Like Lightening: When scripture talks about Satan "fell like lightening", is that about pride? [Luke 10:18, John 12:31].
2020-10-27 God Hiding From Us: Why does God hide from us? Is it to humble us? [Isaiah 50:10].
2020-10-02 God's Promise to Heal the Land: How applicable is the verse in Chronicles about God's people humbling themselves and His healing the land to us today? [2 Chronicles 7:14].
2020-07-09 Moses Meekest Man: It is hard to believe that Moses was the most humble and meek man, and odd that he wrote this about himself. Would you comment? [Numbers 12:3, Matthew 11:29, Deuteronomy 34:10-12].
2020-06-23 Humility as Heirs to the New Earth: How is it possible to be and stay humble, but also inherit the earth? [Romans 4:13, Matthew 5:5, Matthew 20:25, Psalm 8, Philippians 2:8, John 13:13-16]
2020-06-09 Rude & Opinionated Bible Teacher: If a Bible teacher is being rude, and not allowing alternate views to be considered, what would the Bible instruct?
2019-09-13 Incense Recipe: Does the incense in Exodus 30 have any significance to us today?
Humility: Does a humble people know they are humble?
2019-03-18 Jesus's Appearance: Why is Jesus depicted as a soft looking man when He would likely be darker and buff? Does this misrepresentation cause people to stumble?
2019-03-11 Foot Washing: Why is foot washing not practiced in the United States since it is clearly demonstrated in the Bible? [John 13:14-15].
2019-03-11 Foot Washing: Regarding foot washing, was there some more symbolic connection to the priest washings?
2019-03-07 Calvinism-The Elect: Are Calvinists similar to the Jews that assumed salvation based on their ethnic election-or chosen status? [Romans 9]. Are Calvinists more humble because they believe in total depravity?
2019-02-12 Enemies your Footstool: What enemies is the Hebrew's writer referring to & how are they going to be humbled? [Hebrews 1:13, Psalm 110:1]
2018-12-21 Humility & I don't know: I love listening to your program because sometimes you just say, "I don't know".
It is Finished: What does it mean when Jesus said, "it is finished"?
2018-10-23 John the Baptist & Humility: Is this is talking about John the Baptist & having humility? [Isaiah 40:4]
2018-10-19 Pride: What is pride? Is there a pride that is not a sin? How do we define it?
2018-06-19 Advise for Newly Married Couple: A funny discussion of marriage success; humility & "I was wrong".
2018-06-15 Donald Trump: Caller doesn't think Donald Trump is a Christian & is certainly not very humble.
Spiritual Warfare: What should we know about it? did you say that you've performed an exorcism before?
2018-04-25 Humility & Humiliated: What is the difference between humility & being humiliated?
2018-01-03 First Shall be Last & the Last Shall be First: What do these phrases mean: "The last shall be first, and the first shall be last" and "Many are called, few are chosen"? [Matthew 20:15-16]
2017-08-31 Jesus Baptizing John the Baptist: Was John the Baptist ever baptized by Jesus? [Matthew 3:14]
Not Worthy to Unlatch Jesus' Sandals: Why did he say he was not worthy to unlatch the sandal from His foot? [Matthew 3:11]
2017-08-02 Loving Ourselves: Where does it say in the Bible besides Matthew that we should love ourselves? [Matthew 22:37-39]
2017-06-26 Humbling Yourself Before God: How do you humble yourself before God? [1 Peter 5:6]
2016-12-09 Being at Peace: How to make peace, have humility, [Mark 9]
2016-09-07 Full Preterists Vilified: Why are Full Preterists believers so demonized? Or, having humility in the church even though differing views.
2016-04-18 Declaring Healing (Word of Faith): Ss decreeing & declaring healing from God instead of humbly asking & praying, is this a form of the Word of Faith doctrine?
2016-03-31 Kneeling to Pray: Do we need to kneel to pray?
Determining if you are Chosen: Is there a way someone can know they are Chosen?
2015-08-12 Being Gentle in Delivering Truth: How does Steve have the ability to be gentle & have humility w/ people who don't quite believe what we believe yet? How do we get people to read the Bible?
2015-08-03 Meekness: What does being meek mean? [Matthew 5:5]
Defending Yourself w/ Firearms: What does the Bible say about defending yourself w/ guns?
2015-07-30 The Miracle of the Cross: The Miracle of the Cross was that He was humble enough to come & die for us.
Dying on the Cross: If Jesus hadn't voluntarily died on the Cross, would He have lived forever? [John 10:17-18]
2015-06-02 Salvation (by Works): There's a required preconditional work, like saved by faith, but you have to have Fear of the Lord for instance.
2015-04-30 Teaching: Caller would like Steve's perspectives on teaching regarding being lauded or getting pride, or thinking you're pretty smart?
2015-04-29 Converted & Becoming as Innocent as a Child: What does Jesus mean by becoming a child, converting to an innocent child? [Matthew 18:3]
2015-04-01 Sheep & Goats: When do we become a Sheep or a Goat? Wasn't David's son who died at 2 years old a sheep? Are we all sheep & become goats? [Matthew 25:31-46]
People's Level of Importance: Why is the President esteemed so much more than a garbage man?
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