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Topic: Preincarnate (ion)

Showing 1 to 20 of 20.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-03-15 Jesus in the Old Testament: I disagree with you that God appeared on earth in the form of Jesus in the Old Testamen. [Genesis 18:1, John 17:5].
2022-06-02 Jesus as God: At any time in the past, was or is Jesus actually God, or known as God? [Genesis 1:26, Romans 10:9, John 10:30, James 1:13, Luke 11:20, John 14, I Timothy 3:16].
2022-01-06 Jesus Pre-incarnate State (Christophany, Theophany) Do you know anything about how Jesus looked in His pre-incarnate state (Christophany)?
2018-10-31 The Eternal Son of God: Was Jesus the eternal Son of God, pre-incarnate?
2018-10-17 Trinity: Trinity, disagrees about the "One", wasn't Jesus begotten prior to the Incarnation?
2018-10-15 Jesus Being God: I'm trying to figure out how God can become God in the Flesh, like the Jehovah's Witnesses don't think they do. [Revelation 4, Philippians 2:6]
2018-06-26 Melchizedek: Do you think that Melchizedek was the pre-incarnate Christ? [Hebrews 7]
No More Oceans: Why are there no more oceans in the new earth? [Revelation 21:1]
2018-04-23 Christology - Traditional View & Kenosis View: I've been reading, "Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology" by Gregory A. Boyd, & they were talking about the different view of Christology, the Traditional & the Kenosis View. Which view do you fall under?
2018-03-20 Pre-incarnate Jesus: Did Jesus have a body when he was in heaven before he was born? [Hebrews 10]
2017-11-01 The Pre-Incarnate Jesus: What form was Jesus in before He became flesh?
2017-07-18 Donating to The Narrow Path: How can one donate to you if they have no computer?
Pre-Incarnate Christ, to being made Man, to Glory Now: How did Jesus change from when He was w/ God before His birth & what is He now?
2017-05-25 Angel of the Lord: who was the first person to such that "Angel of the Lord" was actually the pre-incarnate Jesus? Only one rapture, OT examples
More than one Rapture: Caller thinks there's a possibility of more than one Rapture because Enoch was raptured right before the Flood, Elijah was raptured & other examples in the Old Testamant.
2016-09-09 Pre-existence of Jesus: Didn't Jesus exist before His incarnation?
2016-04-15 Jesus' Incarnation & being Omnispresent: Was Jesus omnipresent in His incarnation & can you comment on John 3:13 in relation to it? [John 3:13]
2016-04-01 The Word "Disciple": Why is the word "disciple" only used in the gospels & the book of Acts & not in the rest of the New Testament?
Son of God Pre-incarnation: Was Jesus the Son before the incarnation? [Romans 8:3, John 1:1-4, Hebrews 1:6]
2016-02-24 Trinity & Jesus being the Son of God: esus, the Son of God, distinction between being the Son & being God, how is God in the flesh?
2015-10-05 A Muslim Friend: Caller is trying to explain Christianity to a Muslim co-worker, & would like some advice on what to share to him, especially about the Trinity.
Pre-incarnate Christ: What about when Nebuchadnezzar thought he was seeing the Son of God in the fiery furnace? {Daniel 3:25]
2015-09-24 Melchizedek: If Melchizedek was the pre-incarnate Jesus, & was the King/Priest of Salem, what exactly was He the King/Priest of while He was here?
2015-03-16 The word "God": What does the name/ word "God" exactly entail?
Jesus the Son before Incarnation: So did Steve say Jesus was not the Son of God before the Incarnation in one of the lectures the caller heard?
2013-04-10 Preincarnate Christ: If God can speak without being a theophany or Christophany, when was becoming carnate necessary?
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