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Topic: Eastern Religions

Showing 1 to 50 of 61.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-03-26 Christianity vs Other Religions: What separates Christianity from all other religions? [Romans 8:9].
The Atonement: Why did Jesus have to die? [Isaiah 53:6, 1 Peter 2:24, Revelation 12:10, John 8:34, Romans 8:33, Mark 10:45, 1 Timothy 2:6, 1 Corinthians 5:19-21].
2024-02-23 Appreciation for Steve & The Narrow Path Show: Caller shares her appreciation for the show and Steve.
The Quran (Koran): Does the Quran (Koran) really say to kill Jews and Christians?
2024-01-25 Comment on Hinduism: Converted from Hinduism to Christianity, caller comments on the lack of evidence for Hinduism.
Both God and Human: How can God be both man and human?
Dying for the Sins of Others: If any man was sinless, could he die for the sins of others?
2024-01-10 Comment-Hinduism & Old Testament Events: Caller comments on the previous call from the Atheist about the origins of Hinduism and various thoughts about the Old Testament timeline (the Flood and Tower of Babel).
2024-01-09 Hinduism's Timeline: Does the Hindu religion predate creation?
Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): What do you think about the "once saved, always saved?" [John 15:6].
2024-01-08 Quran, Islam & Judaism: Do you think that Islam is closer to Christianity than Judaism since they revere Jesus as a great prophet? Shouldn't we evangelize them?
2023-12-19 Condemnation of the Ignorant or Repentant Evil: What if someone who has never heard of Christ, would they go to hell? If Hitler repented, would he have gone to Heaven? What about Islam or other religions?
2023-12-15 World Religions & Cults: Is Christianity the only real religion, or do some of the other religions have merit also? [Psalm 19:1, Romans 1:20].
2023-11-17 Judging About Yoga Practice: Could you talk about judging others and in particular, regarding yoga practice? Do you have a lecture regarding this? [Matthew 7:1, John 7:24, Romans 14, 1 Corinthians 2:15, John 7:24, Psalm 1:1, Romans 14:5].
2023-11-09 Holy Ground (Shoes Off)-Ethiopia: Caller shares that in Ethiopia you must take off your shoes before you go into church because it is considered holy ground.
Learning About Different Religions: Should I be learning about other religions? Does God object to this?
2023-10-23 Other Religions & Miracles: Are there miracles recorded in other religion's holy books and records?
2023-10-03 Jesus, Confucious & Buddha: What are the differences between Christianity and all the other religions, particularly in how is Jesus different than Buddha or Confuscious?
2023-08-24 New Age: How do I gently approach and interact with my friend involved in the New Age way of thinking?
2023-08-24 Calvary Chapel & Lonnie Frisbee: Why don't Calvary Chapel websites refer to Lonnie Frisbee? How do churches become so prosperous if they fail to mention their originators?
Hippies & Eastern Religions: Why did the hippies get so involved in the eastern religions and philosophies?
2023-01-27 Husband Who Has Apostatized: How should I and my church proceed when my husband has left the Christian church and returned to the Bahai (Sufi) Faith-including teaching his faith to the children? [1 Peter 3].
2022-11-01 Nestorius (Church of the East): What do you know about Nestorius and the controversy in the Church of the East?
2022-10-04 Parallel between Christianity & Hinduism: Have you ever looked into Hinduism and its parallels to Christianity?
2022-09-02 Bereans: What is a Berean? [Acts 17:11].
Chuck Smith: Did you know Chuck Smith? Where was the first Calvary Chapel? What did he do before? When did you start attending?
Eastern Religions & Jesus Movement: Did Chuck Smith specifically gear his ministry toward the young people and an alternative to the eastern religion's influence during that time?
2022-08-26 Atheist; Apostasy-Conversion to Another Religion is Compromise of Integrity: Atheist; What does it say about one's integrity if they were born in Hinduism and converted to Christianity? Isn't that compromising your committment?
2022-06-23 Acupuncture: Is there anything in the BIble about acupuncture?
2022-05-16 God Enlightening Pagan Cultures: Do you think that God's has endowed unbelieving, other religious cultures with wisdom, morality, and guidelines? [Mark 12:30-31, Leviticus 19:17-18].
2021-11-18 Pursuit of Buddhism & Self Awareness: Buddhist caller shares his conviction to measure things according to his heart and to assess by self.
2021-10-25 Eastern Religions: Is there any reference in Christian writings to some of the things like the seven energies in eastern religions (Kundalini, chakra, etc.)?
2021-09-09 Jesus' Life Before His Ministry: What was Jesus doing during those earlier years, and before he entered His ministry? [Luke 2].
2021-09-09 Ontological Aspects of Christian Theology: Would you discuss the ontological aspects of the Christian theology and if He is the source, then isn't all of God, as in Monism?
2021-08-31 Identifying the False Prophets: If those in other religions are our brothers and sisters, then who are the false prophets in the New Testament?
2021-08-26 A Christian Continuing Buddhist Meditation: Do I need to drop my Buddhist meditation practice if I were to pursue Christianity? [Philippians 4:6-7, John 16:33, Psalm 1:3, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Proverbs 4:23].
2021-08-24 Cremation: What do you think about cremation? Does the Bible say anything about it?
Christianity Alone has Witnesses: Is it true that Christianity is the only faith that actually has witnesses?
2021-07-16 Experience vs Concept of the Divine: Is the Divine we experience different than what our concept of the Divine may be?
2021-05-25 Meditation for the Christian: Are you familiar with "The Practice of the Presence of the Lord" by Brother Lawrence". What parallel can be made between meditation for the Buddhist and the Christian? [Psalm 1:2-3].
2021-05-03 "One Way" Through Jesus: If there is only "one way", through Jesus, then is there no provision for all those that never heard of this way or Jesus? [John 14:6, Ezekiel 18:32, 2 Peter 3:8-10, John 1:9-10].
2021-04-27 Comment on Demon Possession vs Oppression: Caller clarifies the idea of being possessed by demons would be different from by influenced by demons.
Deep-breathing for Anxiety: Why is the practice of deep-breathing for anxiety looked down upon as if it is pagan. [Philippians 1:4].
2021-03-11 Taoism (Daoism): Could you help me understand how to discuss Taoism (Daoism)?
Heaven: Won't heaven be a blast?
2021-03-11 Taoism (Daoism): Could you help me understand how to discuss Taoism (Daoism)?
Heaven: Won't heaven be a blast?
2021-02-19 Auras: Did you know that a link to something about one's "aura" is on There is nothing in the Bible about "auras, right?"
2020-11-12 Am I Really Saved: Since I still believe some eastern traditions, like reincarnation, and hell not being what some claim, etc., am I really saved? [John 5:28].
2020-05-04 Memorizing the Bible: Comment; Should Christians find 65 friends and each memorize a book of the Bible, then we would have it when in prison together.
The Imagination: What do you think about one using their imagination?
2020-05-04 Using Eastern Influenced Tai Chi Practice for Health: Having just recovered from COVID-19, I need to gain some strength back. Is it outside biblical guidelines to use Tai Chi?
2019-12-11 Going To Heaven & Back at Will: What do you think about someone who says that they can travel to and from heaven at will? [2 Corinthians 5, 12, Philippians 1:23].
2019-12-06 Abraham Hebrew or Jewish: Was Abraham Hebrew or Jewish? [Genesis 14].
Confucious Who was Confucious?
2018-01-02 Middle Eastern Oral Tradition: (Followup to 4th question) Oral tradition in the Middle Eastern culture.
2017-10-26 Eastern Orthodoxy: What can you tell me about the Eastern Orthodox church as I've been hearing a lot about it since Hank Hanegraaff moved over to it?
2017-09-27 Similarities in Christianity & Pagan Religions: Caller says that a friend says there are parallels in Christianity & other pagan religions, Egyptian, Zeitgeist, 10 commandments, 49 confessions.
2016-12-30 Jesus No Different than Other Religious Leaders: Adult daughter of caller suggested Jesus taught the same thing as other religious leaders, & so is no different.
2016-01-15 Reincarnation, Hypnosis & Eastern Religions: What can you tell me about Reincarnation, Hypnosis, Evil Spirits & the like?
2015-09-10 Eastern Philosophy infiltrating the church: What is Steve's opinion about incorporating Christianity with Buddhism, Hinduism, Metaphysics, Transcendental meditation and so on?
2015-01-08 Jesus & Eastern Religions: Wouldn't Jesus have been aware of all the Eastern Religions during His day?
2013-07-10 America Prohibiting Buddhism: Buddhist caller voiced his opinion about a previous call suggesting that only Christianity being allowed in America.
Destroying Buddhist Relics: Buddhist shares his disappointment to hear that a Christian ought destroy Buddhist relics.
2013-07-09 Statutes & Relics from Eastern Religions: What should I do wth my statutes & relics from the eastern religions to which I belonged? [Acts 19]
2013-06-05 Christian Ethics: What is the difference between the ethics of Christian & other world religion?
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