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Topic: God’s Personality

Showing 1 to 14 of 14.
Episode Topic Audio
2021-03-26 Holy Spirit as Person: Why do we describe the Holy Spirit as a person, when He is a spirit? [John 14:16].
2020-12-30 The Difficulty of Knowing God: Why does God make it so difficult to get to know Him, if the whole reason we were created was to have a relationship with Him (Rec lectures: Genuinely Following Jesus, How can I Know I am Really Saved?)?
2020-12-23 God's Emotions & The Judgment: Is it possible that since God has emotion, He could also be fallible when full of emotion during the judgment?
2020-07-03 The Trinity: What list of things to believe would we make regarding the essentials of the faith and the "Trinity"? [I John 4:15].
Inerrancy of the Bible: How should we be view the claim that the Bible is inerrant? [I Corinthians, 2 Timothy 3:16].
Character of God in Conflict with Old Testament: Can you help me with my struggle with some of the Old Testament passages that seem to conflict with the character of God? [Luke 24:25, John 5:46].
2020-06-11 God Loves Unconditionally: Dennis Prager says that God cannot love unconditionally? What do you say to that?
God Who Punishes, but Loves Unconditionally: In light of the idea that God loves unconditionally, but chooses to punish the sinful, doesn't make sense to me. We seem to unnecessarily ascribe human characteristics to Him. Can you clarify?
2020-06-11 God Loves Unconditionally: Dennis Prager says that God cannot love unconditionally? What do you say to that?
God Who Punishes, but Loves Unconditionally: In light of the idea that God loves unconditionally, but chooses to punish the sinful, doesn't make sense to me. We seem to unnecessarily ascribe human characteristics to Him. Can you clarify?
2019-11-05 God Laughing: Is there anything in the Bible that says that God actually laughs? [Zephaniah 3:17].
2019-10-21 God's Anger: Did God really get angry when Moses struck the rock? And what does that tell us about what it takes to anger God? [Genesis 8:1, Numbers 20:11]
Asking Questions in the Next Life: Will we be able to ask questions in the next life? [I Corinthians 13:9].
2017-07-05 God Bringing Good & Bad: Does God create good & bad, create terrible things & cause them to happen? [Jeremiah 29:11-12]
Knowing God's Ways: We can't know God ways, is that true?
2016-09-22 Mark on Cain: If there was only 3 people on the planet after Abel was killed, who was Cain afraid of that would kill him? [Genesus 4:9:15]
Impossible Things for God: Could God do things that are impossible for Him to do, such as making a rock that is too heavy to move?
2015-10-19 God Being for Us: If God is for us, who can be against us? What does that mean? We seem to be up against a lot of foes. [Romans 8:31-36]
2014-04-10 Earthly Father gives perception of God the Father: Picturing God as a Father of love, compassion, might be hard for someone who had a earthly father who was harsh.
2013-01-28 A New perspective of Genesis 1: Caller was listening to a program that says the reason Genesis 1 is there is not to give a literal interpretation of Creation, but that there's only one God, & He is it. [Genesis 1]
2012-01-04 Holy Spirit & Father as Persons: Caller disagrees with Steve about calling God a "person" indicating that "person" means "human," therefore inaccurate.
"Yoke is Easy" vs "Take Up Your Cross": Can you solve the apparent contradiction between the scriptures "my burden is light and yoke easy" vs "take up your cross" (preparing for trials and tribulation that is promised us)? [John 15:19, Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 23:4, John 16:33, Matthew 16:24-25].
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