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Topic: Incest

Showing 1 to 32 of 32.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-13 Adam & Eve: Were there any other people on earth other than Adam & Eve? [Genesis 4:17, Genesis 5:4].
Cain & Abel: Where did Cain & Abel's wives come from?
Dinosaurs: When were the dinosaurs created? Before or after man?
2023-03-20 Homosexuality: Regarding moral vs ritual law, where does homosexuality fit if it falls under moral law, then how does it violate God's character? [ Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 6:13, Jude 1:7, Matthew 19:4-5].
2023-02-15 Adam & Eve's Kids Marry One Another: Did Adam & Eve's children marry one another?
2022-12-19 Torah Observance for Christians: Can you give me some insight in responding to someone who has just become "Torah Observance?" Recommended topical lectures; "Torah Observance." [Galatians 5:4, James 2:10].
2022-06-24 Population After Creation & the Flood: Was the earth populated by incest after the creation and the flood? [Genesis 1].
2021-11-04 No Divorce and Remarriage Allowed-Under Any Circumstances: Does God not allow any divorce and remarriage at all, under any circumstances, and are there are any church fathers who thought this? [Matthew 5:32, Matthew 19:9, Deuteronomy 42:1-3].
2021-05-13 Lot's Drunken Incest: Could you bring clarity to the passage about Lot being so drunk that he didn't know he was having sex with his daughters? [Genesis 19:30].
2021-03-19 Cain & Abel Afraid of People: Were there more people than Cain & Abel, since scripture indicates that they were afraid of others? [Genesis 5:4].
Isaac Married His Cousin: Did Isaac marry his cousin? [Genesis 20:12]
2021-03-19 Cain & Abel Afraid of People: Were there more people than Cain & Abel, since scripture indicates that they were afraid of others? [Genesis 5:4].
Isaac Married His Cousin: Did Isaac marry his cousin? [Genesis 20:12]
2019-07-24 Cain & Abel's Wives: From where does the wives for Cain and Abel come? [Genesis 4:26f, 5:3].
2019-07-12 Lot: How does one understand the nuances of the Bible especially in some of the distasteful stories about Lot (when he offered his daughter to the visitors, or when the daughters slept with their father)? [Genesis 19: 8, 30-38].
2019-04-24 Nimrod: Did he marry his mother?
Easter: Are there pagan roots when celebrating Easter with eggs?
2019-03-11 Incest: Didn't Adam & Eve's children have incestuous relationships?
Polygamy: Where does the Bible indicate that we should not practice polygamy? [Ephesians 5:22-32, Matthew 19].
2019-03-08 Adam & Eve: Were Adam & Eve the only people on the planet when they were created? Where did the children get their spouses? [Genesis 5:4]
2018-05-22 The Bible Stories: How do help someone who thinks some stories in the bible are pretty far-fetched, like Jacob & Esau. Jacob was dishonest to Esau, but yet he was the chosen one.
Incest in the Bible: Why is there so much incest in the Bible?
2018-03-27 Divide the Water from the Water: Why does the Bible say that waters were separated from waters? [Genesis 1:6-7]
Destruction of the Flesh: Putting one out of the church & giving them over to satan, that his spirit might be saved, doesn't this sort've defend once saved, always saved? [1 Corinthians 5]
2018-03-23 President Donald Trump: Does donald trump claim to be a Christian, & if he thinks he is, he sure is a bad example of one, don't you think?
Abortions: Is there exceptions for abortions, such as violent rape, incest, the health of the mother?
2018-03-02 Mount of Transfiguration: What was the purpose for the mount of Transfiguration?
Separation of Church & State: Is there a separation of church & state conflict issue with having Billy Graham in Rotunda?
Adam's Curse having a lasting effect in Eternity: Caller feels there will always be a lasting effect of Adam's curse because people who were born out of wedlock or incest, they have a free will also, & will be able to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior even though they should've never been in existence.
2017-10-18 Church Embracing Homosexuals & Lesbians: What are we do to about churches allowing gays & lesbians in with open arms?
2017-10-10 Traumatized Children with Anger Issues: What about people who are severely traumatized as a child & have anger issues?
Suicidal if off Meds: What about people who are suicidal if off medicine?
2017-08-24 Marrying 1st Cousin: Is it legal or morally wrong to marry your first cousin?
2016-12-22 Cain's wife: Where did Cain get his wife? (Genesis 5:4-5)
2016-12-07 Cain's wife: Where did Cain & Abel get their wives?
Death - Presence of God or Soul Sleep: Caller doesn't think it makes sense that we go to heaven after we die since we are going to be resurrected when Jesus comes back?
2016-05-30 Different Man in the Corinthians Might've been a different person than the person in an incestuous relationship in 1cor 5? [2 Corinthians 2, 1 Corinthians 5]
2016-04-21 People on earth Besides Adam & Eve: Before Adam & Eve were there people on the earth because otherwise who did Adam & Eve's kids marry?
2016-03-14 Varying Degrees of Sin: Is sin sin? Is all sin the same? Is gluttony as bad as homosexuality? Are tattoos as bad as fornication? Are all things lawful?
2015-08-13 Demonic Signs & Wonders: Are the Lying Signs & Wonders of Satan in every case & where is that in the Bible? [2 Thessalonians 2:9]
Seducing Spirits: What about Seducing Spirits? Whenever the caller thinks of the term "seduction", she thinks of sex, so sexual sins. [1 Timothy 4:1]
Y2K: People thought y2k was the end of the world & it wasn't. All this time wasted worrying about stuff that had nothing to do w/ anything! It's like crying wolf one too many times!
2015-06-26 Fornication: Fornication means ANY sexual relationship that is not between a man & a woman that are married, so isn't a fallacy to say that Jesus never spoke about homosexuality, incest, bestiality? [Matthew 15:18-20, Mark 7:20-23]
2015-04-20 Adam & Eve's Children & Incest: How did Adam & Eve's children not have been in incestuous relationship when they got married, having children?
"You Do to the Least of These": Was Jesus talking to believers when He said, "When you've helped the least of my brethren, you have helped Me"? [Matthew 25:40]
2013-08-27 Tithing: Is tithing still mandated?
Fornication & Marriage: What are the defintions of Fornication & Marriages?
Incestuous Relationships in the Bible: Can't get married to people too closely related to you.
2013-08-01 Incest in the Bible a Stumbling Block: Caller has a friend who is an unbeliever & wonders how Christianity deals with the fact that incest had to happen in order for the human race to begin.
2013-06-18 Adam & Eve-Incestuous Relationships: How did Adam & Eve's family propagate without it being incestous which is forbidden?
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