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Topic: Supersessionism or Fulfillment Theology (also called, Covenant or Replacement [pejorative]Theology)

Episode Topic Audio

New Covenant or Progressive Theology: I don't think you are Covenant Theology, but are you more of a New Covenant or Progressive Covenantal Theologian?
Covenant of Grace: Do you think that it is fair to say there is one covenant of grace throughout history that goes through different administrations?

Antisemetic (Amillennial, Replacement Theology, Partial Preterism): Since you are Amillennial and partial preterist, are you antisemitic? It seems that those who hold those views are often accused of that. [Romans 7:4, Hebrews 8:13, Galatians 3:28-29, Exodus 12:48].

The Special Place of the Jewish People Today Before God: What is your best case for, or against, the idea that the Jews still have a special place before God? [Jeremiah 31:35-37, Ephesians 2-3, Exodus 19, Hebrews 8:13, 2 Corinthians 3:6, Romans 9:27, Isaiah 10:22, 1 Peter 2:9-10, Romans 11:1, Jeremiah 31:37, Romans 9:5].

Replacement Theology: Regarding political Israel and the faithful remnant, do you follow the replacement theory (New Covenant replaces the Old)?
The Faithful Jew: What about the faithful Jew who follows the Old Covenant as he knows it? [Romans 11:25-26, John 5:23].

Paul's Life in the Balance: Paul's choice about living or dying in Philippians is a little unclear. Can you help? [Philippians 1:22].
Jack Hibbs Ministry: Have you heard of Jack Hibbs and his ministry? Is he on the up and up? Some of what he says didn't seem quite right. Rec: YouTube - "Replacement Theology? Steve Gregg Responds to Pastors Hibbs, Hitchcock & Wilkinson."

Amillennialism=Antisemitism: Why do people equate Amillennialism with Antisemitism? [Revelation 20:30, Hebrews 8:13, 2 Corinthians 3:11, 1 Peter 2:9].
Dispensationalists Replace Christ with Israel: Isn't it almost as if Dispensationalists worship Israel instead of Jesus?

The Kingdom Has Come and is Developing: Though the Kingdom has come, is the Kingdom not fully realized, like our salvation is not fully realized yet? [Philippisans 2:10-11, Revelation 14:15].
AntiSemitism Among Supersessionists: So how is it that some think that those who believe in Supersessionism (Replacement Theology) are also antisemitic?

Futurist, Non-Dispensational View: Are there any resources you could recommend that review the Futurist view of Matthew 24, that is not Dispensational (George Eldo Laden)? [Matthew 24].
New Covenant Theology: Are you familiar with New Covenant Theology?

Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): Would you comment on John MacArthur's claim that "Replacement Theology" encourages mistreatment of Jews? [Exodus 19:5-6, Hebrews 8:13].

Dispensationalism vs Replacement Theology: Could you elaborate on the view of the postponement of the Kingdom in Dispensationalism and their opposition to Replacement Theology? [John 6:15, Matthew 28:18, Colossians 1:13, Hebrews 8:13, Luke 22:20, Matthew 26:28, Exodus 10:5-6, Jeremiah 31:31-34].

"Dispensationalism" vs "Covenant Theology:" Could you talk about "Dispensationalism" vs "Covenant Theology" to help me know which way to lean?

Books of I John: Caller shares more about the books of I John.
Futurist vs Partial-Preterist: Don't you think that one can over-spiritualize the way the images are understood in the Olivet Discourse? [Matthew 24, Luke 21, Luke 17, Mark 13,Hebrews 8:6].
"Never Before and Never Again" Hyperbole or Not?: Discussion of the use of hyperbole in scripture, particurlary "never before and never again", when it does happen again. [Matthew 24:21, Ezekiel 5:9, Exodus 10:14, Joel 2:25-26].

Dispensationalism as Heresy: Where would you place Dispensationalism on the scale of heretical doctrines? [Luke 17:20-21, Matthew 12:28, Colossians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 11:4].

Once Saved, Always Saved (Eternal Security): Is "Once saved, always saved" a true statement? [Matthew 15:1-6, Romans 11:22, I John 5:11-12, Hebrews 3:12].
Dispensationalism: Would you define "Dispensationalism"? Recommended resources: for the topical calls.
Replacement Theology: What is "Replacement Theology?" [Hebrews 8:13].

Anti-Semitic Replacement Theology: What do you think about the claim that is actually anti-Semitic, to believe that the church is Israel ("Replacement" or "Fulfillment" Theology, or "Supersessionism" and not Dispensationalism)? [Matthew 8:11-12].

Supersessionism, the Kingdom of God & Spiritual Family in Christ: Could you give me feedback on a brief statement regarding the spiritual family we have in Christ as the church, the Israel of God, the Kingdom of God, and Supersessionism?

The Word, "Israel", Removed in New Bible Translation: What do you think of Olivier Melnik's (Chosen People Ministries), report that The Bible 2020 by Danish Bible Society removes "Israel" from the Bible?

Supersessionism & the New Covenant: Doesn't most of the Postmillennialists accept the "Supersessionist" view?
"Oh, My God": Is saying "Oh, my God" swearing or taking His name in vain?

Supersessionism: If you are you supersessionist, would you exegete Jeremiah 33? [Jeremiah 33:14-16, Luke 1:68-73].
Daniel's Prophesy Sealed: Could you help me understand the limiting to that generation and the sealing of that book? [Daniel 12:4, I Peter 1, Daniel 10-12].

Calvary Chapel's View of End Times: Could you clarify what differences you have with Calvary Chapel and why they would consider some of your views as heretical?
Angels Could Fall Again: If angels have fallen in the past, what prevents them from falling again? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6].

Revelation Mostly Fulfilled (Partial Preterist): Could you comment on your view that most of the book of Revelation has been fulfilled? [Revelation 11:1-2, Revelation 1:1-3, Revelation 22:10, Revelation 13:18].

Steve's Favorite "ology": Do you have a favorite "ology" (eschatology, soteriology, etc.)?
Romans 11:25 (Olive Tree & Israel): Would you exegete Romans 11:25 (the olive tree, Israel)? [Romans 11:25-26].
Supersessioinism: Are you a Supersessionist? Do not the Jews get a second chance as seen in Hosea? [Hosea 6:1-3].

Replacement Theology: Can you explain Replacement Theology, regarding Israel? [Romans 9-11]
Gentiles Falling Away: Is it possible for Gentiles who fall away, to ever come back? [Hebrews 6:4-6]

Against the Future Establishment of Israel & Davidic King: What is the best argument against the future establishment of the land of Israel and Davidic King? [Acts 2:36, Acts 13, Mark 11:10, Luke 17:40, Exodus 19:5-6, Deuteronomy 26 & 28:45-46, Leviticus 18:28].

Partial-Preterism: Are you a Preterist or a Partial-Preterist? [Micah 5:2].
Preterist, Partial-Preterism, Historicism, Supersessionism: Discussion of Preterism, Partial-Preterism, Historicism, Supersessionism.

Church replacing Israel: If the church was to replace Israel, why is it not mentioned in the Old Testament (old vs new covenants? [Jeremiah 11:16, Galatians 3: 14-16].
Old Testament Saved by Works: In the Old Testament, were the faithful saved by works rather than grace? [Hebrews 11, Micah 6:6-8, Psalm 51:17, Psalm 40:6-8].

Dispensationalists & AD 70: Why don't the dispensationalists believe Revelation is about AD 70?
Land or Earth: How does the word for land or earth apply in the book of Revelation?

Resurrection of Unbelievers: Is there a physical resurrection of unbelievers? [John 5:28-29, Revelation 20, Acts 24:12-15]
Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): Why do some use the term as a pejorative? What do they mean by it? So how does it fit in with the New Covenant vs Old Covenant [Hebrews 8:13]?
Baptism: Who has the authority to baptize? What about when a church does not recognize another denomination's baptism?

Replacement Theology: What is Replacement Theology and Supersessionism? Did the New Covenant replace the Old Covenant? [Leviticus 26 & 28]
Scientology & Ron Hubbard: What is Scientology? Who is L Ron Hubbard? What are engrams?

Replacement Theology: In the new covenant, have the gentiles replaced Jews now or what?
Speaking in Tongues: I looked in your statement of beliefs & didn't see anything about tongues. Do you still believe they are for today?

Old Covenant & New Covenant: What does it mean to be under the old covenant or the new covenant (replacement theology)?

Replacement Theology: Do you believe in replacement theology?
Keith Green: Did you personally know Keith Green? What did you think of him? His music?

Replacement Theology Video: Did you ever debate w/ anyone from Cavalry Chapel, or did anyone ever accept your invitation to debate?
Videos on Website: Do you not have any videos on your website besides Youtube?

Covenant Theology: Would you say you follow covenant theology?

Mass Conversion of Jews: What is your opinion of a mass conversion of Jews? [Acts 1:6]

Systematic Theology and New Covenant Theology: Does Steve have a preferred book that talks about Systematic Theology?
New Covenant Theology: What about New Covenant Theology?

Preterism: So you don't agree with all of Revelation is the model of Preterism, relative to 3.5 year? [Revelation 10-13]
Replacement Theology: Salvation of the Old Testament was the same as the New Testament, was it?

Replacement Theology & Dispensationalism: All Israel shall be saved, the Olive Tree, what was Israel chosen for? [Romans 11:25-26]

Lectures on Covenants: Do you have any lectures dealing w/ the covenants?
Different Kinds of Covenants: What can you tell me about the different kind of covenants right here & now?
Mosaic Law: People say that the Mosaic law reveal the character of God.

Replacement Theology: Replacement Theology, covenant theology, reformed theology

Replacement Theology: You were recently talking about your rebuttal video to jack hibbs on replacement theology; can you actually defend you position?

Israel coming back to God in the Last Day: The Holy Spirit & God saving Israel, etc (talk about the video that was just taken of YouTube re: jack hibbs) [Ezekiel 36-37]

Replacement Theology: Caller wonders if Steve agrees w/ supersessionism, & why.

Replacement Theology: Why is this considered so derogatory & why is it so threatening? (AKA Supersessionism)

Replacement Theology: Promised Land of Israel & Ephraim.

Narrow Path Website: Caller really enjoys the Narrow Path Website, & talks a little bit about Steve's belief in Replacement Theology.
Liberal Democrat Christian: Can a person be a true follower of Christ & be a true liberal democrat that the same time?

Jack Hibbs Video: No fellowshipping in the Calgary Chapel if you don't agree w/ Dispensationalism. What is a hyper-dispensationalist compared to a garden variety Dispensationalist, & what would be the danger of going that direction?
Hanegraaff - Hitchcock Debate: They discuss the debate Hank Hanegraaff & Mark Hitchcock had about the dating of the book of Revelation, or actually, Dispensationalism verses Preterism.
Chuck Smith: What about Chuck Smith, would he have ever debated preterists?

Jack Hibbs Video: You just announced about the Jack Hibbs video, but do you have just an audio version of it?

Jack Hibbs Video: Steve Gregg comments/announces about the Jack Hibbs video.

Covenant Theology - Covenants: Does the New Covenant cover all the other covenants that ever existed in the Old Testament?

Covenant Theology: What is Covenant Theology?
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB): Caller gives his insights re: the Holman Christian Standard Bible - HCSB.

The Jack Hibbs video on Replacement Theology: Comment on Jack Hibbs response about partial Preterism & replacement theology.
Mark Hitchcock gloating over Debate Victory: At the end of the Hibbs replacement video, Mark Hitchcock gloated about the victory he had over Hank Hanegraaff on the debate about the Date of the Book of Revelation.

Replacement Theology - Supersessionism: Did Steve say he believes in Replacement Theology (Supersessionism)? What is that?

Teaching Steve's book on the 4 views of Revelation: Caller is about to teach a class using Steve's book & wants some pointers on how to do it, Revelation, Dispensationalism, Replacement theology, Supersessionism.

Supersessionism (Replacement Theology) & Judaism: Steve equates Judaism w/ Islam & Satanism, Judaism was instituted by God, Islam & Satanism never were. By Steve's logic, reading the Torah would be the same thing as reading the Qua'ran or a Satanic Bible.

Praying for the Sick: Jesus never prayed for the sick, but is it okay for US to pray for the sick? Should we command it out like Jesus & the Apostles did? Did Paul ever pray for the sick? [James 5:14-15]
Replacement Theology: Did God divorce Israel? Should the caller stop using the phrase, "Replacement Theology"? [Jeremiah 3:8]

Ekklesia/Ecclesia in the Septuagint: Caller was listening to a debate Steve had w/ Tommy Bertoli, & wondered if Steve studied the word Ekklesia in the Septuagint. Were they deliberately using this word that applied to Israel before?

Making a New Lecture about Israel: Caller heard that Steve is re-doing some lectures on Israel. Are they going to be put on the website?
New Covenant Theology: What does Steve know about "New Covenant Theology"?

New Covenant Theology: Does Steve know about New Covenant Theology? Signs & Wonders happening. (more clicking)

Replacement Theology (Superssetionism): What is Replacement Theology? What are your views about it? Is it a defensible position?

Speaking of Tongues: Is there 2 different kinds of tongues, one, just an unknown prayer language between you & God, and then two, a version that is a gift for the edification of the church?
Replacement Theology: What is Replacement Theology?

Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): Is what you were just talking about to the previous caller, would you call that Replacement Theology? What would be the opposite of that then, Dispensationalism? How would John Hagee deal w/ the verse in Hebrews you were just talking about? [Hebrews 8:6-13]
Go & Sin No more: How is it possible to sin no more like Jesus told the woman caught in adultery? [John 5:14, 8:11]
Fire from the Holy Spirit: How can I re-ignite the fire from the Holy Spirit like I used to have?

Replacement Theology: Have you had a chance to read an article by John Piper on "Replacement Theology"? Israel rejecting Jesus the Messiah, they've broken their covenant w/ God, & because the Gentiles share the inheritance of Abraham, we share in the inheritance of the Jews.

(1) Jesus Crucifying Animals in the Millennium: There won't be future animal sacrifices like Dispensationalists purport, right? [Ezekiel 25:22, Ezekiel 40-48]
(2) Jesus as Lord & God (His dual nature): So what do you think about Paul & Thomas calling Jesus Lord & God?
(3) Replacement Theology & (4) The Body of Christ (Church): (3) We are to have nothing to do w/ the Old Covenant, isn't that right? (4) Do you think of the Body of Christ - His Church - going to ultimately prosper?

Charismatic Movement: Is John MacArthur right that the Gifts of the Spirit have ceased?

Replacement Theology: Caller suggest that people who believe in "Replacement Theology" borders on being anti-sementic, & he defends why the plan involves the nation of ethnic Israel. [Genesis 17:7, Zechariah 12:2-11, Matthew 23:39, Romans 11, Revelation]
Israel & Jerusalem the Apple of God's Eye: Israel & Jerusalem are still God's special people, the apple of His eye. [Zechariah 2:8]
Romans 11 & Israel: What about Romans 11 where it says God will NOT cast away his people?

Israel Replaced: Could you clarify your position on Israel being replaced? [Deuteronomy 32:21].
Disagreement-Church Replacing Israel (Replacement Theology): Caller makes points in disagreement with Steve about Israel being replaced by the church (Replacement Theology). Recommended topicl lecture; "What are we to Make of Israel?" [Jeremiah 33:19-26, Deuteronomy 7:6-9, Genesis 12:1-5, Luke 24:45, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 3:28, John 8:39-44, Romans 9:3, Jeremiah 18:7-10, Deuteronomy 28:1, Deuteronomy 28:45-46, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:13].

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