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Topic: Mercy

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-09 Mercy for David & Severity for Ananias & Sapphira: Though I believe God is just, I struggle with the disparity between the story of David getting away with adultery and murder and yet, Ananias and Sapphira are struck down for only lying. Can you comment?
2024-02-07 Horns of the Altar: What was the significance of the horns of the altar? [1 Kings 1:51, 1 Kings 2:28, Exodus 21:14].
The Resurrection of Christ: By whose power was Jesus raised from the dead? [Galatians 1:1, John 2:19, Romans 8:11, 1 Peter 3:18].
2024-01-24 Losing One's Salvation: If one apostatizes after he has become a "new creation," then what does he then become? [2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 2:14, Romans 11:23].
Regeneration: Isn't salvation (being born again) regeneration? [1 Peter 2:2, Colossians 1:22-23].
God's Mercy vs Man's Participation: If keeping one's salvation depends on man's own ability, then doesn't it nullify God's mercy?
2024-01-15 Grace: It seems like "grace" is so much more than "unmerited favor." Would you expand on this? [Romans 4:4, 1 Corinthians 3:10, 1 Corinthians 15:10, 2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Corinthians 3:5, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Hebrews 10:29]
2023-12-18 Contradictions in the Bible: Can you explain the seeming contradictions in scripture about "none holy" and yet we are to be holy, and his "mercy endures forever" and yet apparently it doesn't extend to those that miss the rapture. [1 Peters 1:15-16, 1 Samuel 2:2, Psalm 136:1-2].
2023-07-20 "Be Perfect": Are we being told that we should be in pursuit of perfection during our lifetimes? [Matthew 5:44-48, 2 Corinthians 4:16, Matthew 5:45, Luke 6:32-36, Matthew 5:43-44, Luke 6:28-30].
2023-02-10 The Law of Moses: How many of the laws were given by Moses and how many were added by the Jewish rabbis later? [Mark 7:10].
God Does Not Desire Sacrifice: When scripture says that God "does not desire sacrifice" was David saying that the sacrifices are no more? [Psalm 40:6-8, Psalm 51:16-17, Hosea 6:6].
2022-04-26 Justice & Mercy: Is it really that simple-to love, love? [Micah 6:8].
2022-04-05 God is Love: How is it that God is love? [I John 4:7-21].
Steve Gregg's Lecture on God's Love: Where is your extensive lecture about love and "God is love"? Topical Lecture series; "Charisma & Character".
2022-04-05 God's Mercy Toward an Unbeliever: What do you think about a friend of mine who has passed away, but was one of the finest men ever-do you think that God will have mercy? [2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:23].
2022-03-11 Unworthy to be Saved: What do you say to someone who thinks they are so unworthy that they do not deserve to be saved? [Galatians 2:21, I Corinthians 1:26-27].
2022-02-28 "All Imprisoned in Disobedience": What does it mean "imprisoned all in disobedience so to have mercy"? [Romans 11:32, Romans 9:14, Romans 3:23, Romans 9:6-7, Romans 9:21, Matthew 3:9, Romans 8, Romans 2:28, Galatians 3:7, Romans 2:28, Jeremiah 18:1-19:3, Isaiah 64:8 ].
2021-08-05 God Sending the Damaged to Hell: How responsible will God hold someone who has had abuse and now has Alzheimer's?
2021-07-21 Love, Justice, Mercy: Could you share the verses you were referring to in regard to the components of love being, justice, faithful mercy? [Matthew 23:23, Micah 6:8, Isaiah 42:1-12, Matthew 7:12, Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 5-7].
2021-06-15 Suicide of an Unsaved Loved One (Addict): What do you say to someone who has lost an unsaved loved one-in this case, an addict's suicide? [Luke 12:47].
2021-06-14 God's Love=Mercy, Justice, Faithfulness: Could you direct me to your lecture where you talk about God's love being of mercy, justice, and faithfulness? Recommended Lecture: "Sermon on the Mount". [Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:12, John 15:13, Mark 12:30-31].
2021-04-21 Ask for Help or to be Forgiven?: Could you clarify what one needs to do to be saved? My Baptist pastor says I just need to ask for help, not to be forgiven, but my Catholic background teaches confession. [I John 1:7-9, Matthew 6:9-13].
2021-03-15 "Sinner's Prayer" Effectiveness: If I prayed this prayer in sincerity, (recites a prayer) can I be assured that I am saved? [Luke 18:13].
2021-02-12 God's Love & Mercy: Comment that many imprisoned sinners often are products of a hard life, so Steve talks about God's love and mercy toward sinners. [Psalm 103, Romans 5:8].
2021-01-19 Bearing Fruit: When scripture indicates that we are to "bear fruit", is it really talking about justice, righteousness and mercy? [Isaiah 5:7, Genesis 1:28, Matthew 7:19, Galatians].
2020-12-11 Bearing Fruit for God: Would you talk about John 15, the vine, and bearing fruit for God? [Isaiah 5:7, John 15, Matthew 21].
2020-08-13 Commandments of Jesus: What are all the commandments that we are supposed to obey from Jesus? [Matthew 28, Acts 2:42, Galatians 5:14].
2020-06-11 God Loves Unconditionally: Dennis Prager says that God cannot love unconditionally? What do you say to that?
God Who Punishes, but Loves Unconditionally: In light of the idea that God loves unconditionally, but chooses to punish the sinful, doesn't make sense to me. We seem to unnecessarily ascribe human characteristics to Him. Can you clarify?
2020-02-14 Euthanasia: What do you think about euthanasia and how it might intersect with scripture? Is there an element of mercy to be considered? [1 Samuel 22:17].
Fixing Your Eyes on Jesus What does fixing your eyes on Jesus really mean? [Hebrews 2:9, 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
2018-08-07 Spirit Gifts: How do I find my spiritual gift, such as loving others, the gift of evangelism.
2018-08-03 Jesus & The Early Church practicing Communism: Would Jesus, His disciples & the early church be considered communists?
Apostles Written Record: How come there is not more a record written by apostles?
2018-08-01 Hyper-Grace & Repenting: Hyper-grace people are going to have a rude awakening if we don't take account of our sins as we go along, repenting for them. What do you think?
2018-07-20 Mercy upon whom I will have Mercy: I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, can I embrace this promise even though God was talking to Moses & setting the terms? [Romans 9:15]
2018-07-12 Cast Down & Not Forsaken: What did Paul mean by being Cast down & not forsaken? So who casts us down? Who forsakes us? [2 Corinthians 4:9]
Overcoming Evil with Good: How do I overcome evil w/ good when people leaving messes for me to clean up?
2018-03-05 Mercy & Forgiveness: What does this verse mean? God wants ALL sick people healed [Luke 6:38]
2018-01-24 Horns of the Altar: What is this "Horns of the Altar", a law or tradition of amnesty? [1Kings 1:50]
2017-11-08 God's Eternal Mercy: Caller is fearful that he may be hell-bound, even though he knows God had infinite mercy.
2017-04-25 Being Tempted by the Devil: Is there any evidence in Scripture that the devil can put thoughts into our mind?te
Gospel in a Nutshell: How would you phrase what the gospel is n a nutshell?
Gifts of the Spirit: So even if i don't have the gift of mercy, am i not supposed to still show mercy?
2017-02-15 Death Penalty: Is capital punishment mandated or can mercy be implemented?
2016-12-30 Under Grace of Mercy: Are we under Grace of Mercy, & Jesus didn't call us Christians.
2016-05-11 Mercy & Grace: What is difference between mercy, compassion & grace?
2016-02-29 Forgiving People who don't Repent: In order to receive forgiveness we have to repent, but what about people who don't repent, but I still have to forgive them, doesn’t that make me more merciful than God?
2015-12-29 Righteousness: "I will have mercy & not sacrifice". What does this mean? [Matthew 9:13 & 12:7, Hosea 6:6]
2015-09-01 Missions Work: Is modern-day Mission Work Biblical? It seems a little bit different than what happened in the 1st century church.
2015-04-27 Gift of Mercy: What does it mean to have the "Gift of Mercy"? [Romans 12:8]
2015-04-27 Mother Teresa & Death Bed Conversions: Caller chimes in about Mother Teresa supposedly being critical of people trying to convert people who are on their deathbed.
Calvinism: Roger Olson & Michael L. Brown had a debate regarding Calvinism & Olson said that it'd prevent him from going to Brown's church if he were a pastor there.
2014-11-18 Eternal Life: What is God's basis for showing grace to someone to bring them to eternal life? Everyone who is weak, humble, meek & needy, does God automatically give them that grace & saves them? (the same caller that was on for a half hour from the day before.) [Luke 8:4-21]
2014-11-04 Heaping Coals on their Head: What does that phrase mean, "heaping coals on their head"? [Romans 12:20, Proverbs 25:22]
Dispensationalism: Caller thinks Dispensationalism is unfolding to the letter right before her eyes.
2014-10-08 Forfeiting Grace: This seems like a profound verse, but doesn't seem to be out of place where it's put in Jonah's prayer? [Jonah 2;8]
Nineveh Repenting: Why did the Ninevites turn so quickly to repentance as a result of what Jonah said? Was there a previous event that warmed them up to it?
2014-08-15 God's number of times of Forgiving: How many times does God forgive you?
2013-09-23 "Go & Sin No More": Can we really go & "sin" no more?
2013-05-01 Justice: Caller shares a Steve Gregg quote on justice: "God cannot ignore justice without becoming an unjust God."
Jesus Not Always SO Sweet: Comment; The church is mistaken about how sweet Jesus always is and the following verses show this. [Matthew 7:23, Revelation 2:22-23, Revelation 2:5, Revelation 3:16, John 14:9].
2013-01-15 "I Never Knew You": When the Lord says He "never knew them", is He talking to Christians or not? [Matthew 7:24]
Falling Away, Showing Mercy & Mental Illness: Can you fall away by not being merciful? What about people who are mentally ill or schizophrenic? Could they be demon-possessed?
"Deliver Him to Satan": What was Paul saying when he told the church in Corinth to deliver a fornicator to Satan? [1 Corinthians 5:1-13]
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