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Topic: Human (Humanity, Human Condition)

Showing 1 to 50 of 137.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-04-29 Dichotomy vs Trichotomy What is your view of the make-up of humankind (Ticholotmy or Dichotomy)? [Galatians 5:17].
2024-04-25 Light from God in Created Souls: Is Ezekiel 18 saying that the light from God creates each individual soul? What about John 1? [Ezekiel 18:4, Psalm 24:1, John 1:9].
2024-04-02 Witnesses to the Second Coming: Will only true believers see the Second Coming of Christ? [Zechariah 12:10, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
Our Purpose (Existentialism): Why are we here? [Genesis 1:26, Matthew 5:5, Romans 4:13].
2024-02-20 Genetics: Caller comments on the huge differences between humans and apes in the DNA.
The Supernatural & God's Intervention: How do you think about God's involvement in humanity and the supernatural?
2024-02-12 God Made Adam & Eve-Who Else?: Who is scripture talking about in Genesis 2, when it says that He created Adam & Eve after he had already created male and female in Genesis 1? [Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:3].
2023-12-22 Gender Pronoun "He" in Scripture: Is the pronoun "he" in Psalm 32, imply that this would not be applied to women?
2023-07-13 Neanderthals & Cro Magnon: Do you believe there were Neanderthals and Cro Magnons?
Adam-Not a Caveman: Did Adam look like us now? If so, where did the Neanderthals (Apeman, Cro Magnon, etc.) come from?
Age of Earth: Do you think Earth is only 6,000 years old?
2023-02-16 Sense of Humor: Do you believe that it is important to nurture a sense of humor (within reasonable boundries) and have you found any scripture that reflects God's sense of humor? [Psalm 2:4].
2022-03-21 Humanity's Depraved Condition: What do you think about those that emphasize human weakness rather than our being created by Him?
2022-01-07 Human an "it": Was the first reference to a human, "it"? [Genesis 1:26].
2021-09-08 Neanderthals & Cro-Magnon: Is there biblical information that indicate from where the Neanderthal bones come?
Carbon Dating: Where does "carbon dating" come from?
Noah's Son-Neanderthal: Do you think that one of Noah's sons was a Neanderthal?
2021-09-08 Neanderthals & Cro-Magnon: Is there biblical information that indicate from where the Neanderthal bones come?
Carbon Dating: Where does "carbon dating" come from?
Noah's Son-Neanderthal: Do you think that one of Noah's sons was a Neanderthal?
2021-09-01 Jesus' Human Characteristics: What do you think about Jesus' humanity-His qualities and emotions? [Philippians 2:7].
2021-08-20 Different Ethnic Groups: If everyone came from Adam & Eve, why so many different features of the human race?
2021-08-05 Alternate View of the Creation of Adam & Eve: Caller presents his view on the creation of mankind and Adam & Eve that is unusual.
Cain & Abel: Who was Cain afraid of and who did Cain and Abel marry? [Genesis 4:25, Genesis 5, Genesis 3:20, Acts 17:26].
2021-08-05 Humans Created Before Adam & Eve: Caller agrees with Steve that there could be no creation of humans before Adam & Eve. [Genesis 1-2].
2021-07-12 Defining "The Beginning": What is "the beginning" in Genesis and John? [Genesis 1:1, John 1:1, Job 38:7, Psalm 33:6-9].
2021-07-09 Compliment to Steve Gregg: Caller offers a very kind compliment to Steve regarding his gift. [James 3:17].
Why Were We Created: Why were we created? What was the purpose for which we were made. [2 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 2:10].
2021-04-30 Steve's Way of Handling a Disagreement Call from an Atheism: Caller commends Steve's way of handling callers who disagree with him, particularly one with an atheist regarding abortion:
2021-04-29 Pro-choice & Restrictive Views of Christian: Pro-choice caller defends the position, criticizing the religious Christian community, particularly for imposing their restrictive views on others.
2021-04-21 "Black Lives Matter": Unbeliever calls to propose a hypothetical question relating "Black Lives Matter" and challenges Steve's integrity about what he read at their website.
2021-04-21 Commending of Steve Gregg's Humility and Gentleness: Caller commends Steve's patience with a previous caller, which exhibited the spirit of the Lord. [2 Timothy 2:25].
Human Value & the Miracle of Conception: Caller enthusiastically shares view of the miracle of conception.
2021-04-12 Our Responsibility Over Earth by Prayer: Do you agree with the statement of Wesley's that God does nothing on earth except in response to prayer? [Matthew 6:10, Genesis 1:26-27].
2021-04-09 God Created a Flawed World: If God is all powerful and wise, why did He create such a flawed creation, and create beings that did not have the self-control to do the right thing? [Deuteronomy 30:11].
God's Foreknowledge: If God has foreknowledge, why would He bother testing us, if He already knows the outcome?
2020-11-03 Modalism & United Pentecostals: Regarding Modalism, could you help me sort out the United Pentecostal view that Jesus was the flesh of God? [I John 2:22].
2020-10-30 Caller compliments Steve: Caller compliments Steve on his stellar ministry noting him as the best contextual teacher.
Pro-Choice: What do you think of the slogan, "Pro-Choice is Pro-Death".
Age of the Earth & Evolution: Could you talk about your views of the age of the earth and evolution, etc.?
2020-08-11 The Sin Nature (Adamic Curse): Can you comment on the concept of the sin nature of mankind? [Romans 5:6, Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23, Romans 1, Psalm 51:5, Ezekiel 18:20].
2020-07-24 The Holy Spirit vs The Conscience: Could you help me understand the differences between the Holy Spirit and the conscience? [I Timothy 4:2].
2020-07-16 God Singular to Multiple: If God was singular initially, why did He then create the multiplicity (as in, trinity) in the universe? [Genesis].
2020-07-01 Jesus Not Trusting Men: What is Jesus saying about not committing Himself to men? Is this about trusting humanity? [John 2:24-25, Jeremiah 17:5, John 6:66].
Isaac & Ishmael: Doesn't this scripture indicate that there was on going animosity between Isaac and Ishmael (Jews & Arabs)? [Galatians 4:28-31].
2019-08-02 Adam, Eve & Lillith: Was there another woman in the beginning with Adam & Eve, named Lillith?
2019-07-19 Resurrection Body: Do I have this right, that Jesus received a perfect human resurrected body, but He is also God ... and we will also receive a like body? [I Corinthians 15, Philippians 3:21, Revelation 21:4].
2019-07-16 Sinful Nature: Do you believe we inherited anything in the fall, such as a sinful nature, that Jesus did not inherit, particularly in light of the quandary about His ability to be tempted like us? [Genesis 3:5-6, Romans 5:12-18].
2019-05-16 Gospel during the Millennium: Will the gospel be preached in the millennium (the 1000 year reign)? [I Cor 15:51-55, 38].
Who Comes Back with Jesus: Who is being resurrected when He comes back with the saints and the angels?
Will We Have Bodies in Heaven: Will we have glorified bodies in heaven? [I Corinthians 15:20, I Thessalonians 4:16-17, Matthew 27:52-53].
2019-05-16 People Created Before Adam & Eve: Is it possible that there are unfallen men and women that were created before Adam and Eve? [Genesis 1, 2:5-7, 3:20].
2019-05-14 144,000: Why was Dan eliminated from list of the tribes and the 144,000? [Revelation 7]
[First City & First People: Where did the first city come from? Where did the other people come from? [Genesis 4:16, 5:4].
2019-05-02 Moses Authorship: How did Moses know what happened in the Garden of Eden, and other events, when he wrote about the events in Genesis?
Life Span in Old Testament: Why did Noah and other Old Testament characters have such a long life-span as compared to us today? [Psalm 90].
2019-04-19 Curiosity inquiry: Is that you wearing the jean jacket with 'One Way' on it (on Steve Gregg-The Narrow Path Facebook page)?
Being Human & Jesus' Arrogance: What does it mean to be human? Wouldn't Jesus have known that some of the things He said about Himself, would make others see Him as arrogant?
Resurrection: What will determine a person's status or rewards in the resurrection and new earth?
2019-04-12 Angels: Were angels created to worship God? Why did God choose to make people?
2019-03-28 Heaven: When we get to heaven are we going to be able recognize our friends and relatives, and be able to hug them?
2019-03-15 Heaven & Judgment: Isn't it going to be a bittersweet experience when we go to heaven, because of the judgement?
Blue-eyed Middle-Easterners: Were there blue-eyed Caucasians in the middle east during Jesus' time? 15 3 2 1117
2019-03-04 People Evil: Are we just mistaken, rather than really evil, if we are going down the wrong path? [Ephesians 6:12}?
2019-02-22 Races: Where did all the races of humanity come from?
2019-02-22 Neanderthals: If Adam was the first human, who were the Neanderthals?
2019-02-19 Composition of Adam & Eve: What was the physical composition of Adam and Eve? Were they the same as us? Did they digest like us?
2019-02-05 White Privilege: Are you familiar w/ "white privilege"? What are your thoughts about it? Is there a biblical basis for it?
2019-01-22 Jesus-Incarnate God: How is Jesus both human and God? [John 1:1,14].
2018-12-18 Human Bones in Africa: A friend of the caller visited the cradle of human kind, evolution, & so on, & wants to know Steve's thoughts.
2018-10-30 Nephilim: Are the Sons of God angels or humans?
Guardian Angels: Are there really guardian angels?
Fallen Angels: Are fallen angels demons?
2018-08-30 Technology: Is technology part of God's intended creation?
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