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Topic: Parent (Parenting)

Showing 1 to 50 of 102.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-17 Sexual Abuse of Adult Daughter & Criminal Prosecution: What are the ramifications of adult Christian children who have had to report their father who has been abusing an adult Downs Syndrome daughter and the various complications (the legal fall-out, responsibility toward mother, and honoring one's parents)? [Ephesians 6:2-3, 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, 1 Timothy 5:8, Matthew 18:15-17, Ephesians 6:1].
2024-04-17 Christian Married to a Muslim Women & the Children: How does my friend handle the way his Muslim ex-wife is exposing her to the Muslim faith? [Acts 17:23-31].
2024-04-09 Daughter Dating Older Man: What do we do about our adult daughter dating a man over 20 years older than she is?
2024-04-02 Transsexuality of One's Child: How does a Christian parent find comfort if their child wants to transition to the opposite sex? [1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Ephesians 6:3, Deuteronomy 12:28].
2023-12-18 Creation vs Evolution: Do you have any bullet points that would help me present a defense for Evolution vs Creation to my sons? Rec: topical lectures on "Evolution" or "Questions of Origins" at the website, and Ken Hamm's "Answers in Genesis."
Priority Information to the Young: With the short attention spans of our youth, what do you think are the priority points we should specifically direct them to?
2023-09-08 Spiritual Fathering: Could you elaborate on the passage about "spiritual fathering" and the responsibility for those we lead to Christ? [1 Corinthians 4:4-17, Matthew 23:9].
2023-09-01 Divorced Father Fears for Children: Why doesn't God answer my prayers for protection for my children, who are under some dangerous influences from my ex-wife? [Matthew 6:32].
2023-08-18 A "Christian" Living in Sin: What scriptures can I share with my 30-year-old son, who says he is a Christian, but he lives in sin? [Hebrews 10:14, Matthew 7:21, Romans 6:15ff, 1 John 2:3-4].
2023-08-14 Teaching Children to be Perfect: Why don't we teach our children to be perfect, rather than emphasize grace? [Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21, James 3:2].
Dietary Directives in Leviticus: Why don't we pay more attention to the dietary restrictions in Leviticus? [Deuteronomy 11:18, Matthew 18:6, Leviticus 11, Genesis 9:3-4].
2023-06-01 Appropriate Age for Baptism: How does one determine when it is the appropriate time for believing children to choose to be baptized?
2023-04-28 The Movie-"Nefarius": If you saw the movie, "Nefarius," what did you thin of it?
Christian Parents Attending a Gay Wedding: Would you attend your child's gay wedding? [Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:18-24, Matthew 19:1-9, Ephesians 5:31-32].
2023-01-20 Son's New Friend is Gay: How should we handle learning that a new friend of our son's just shared that he is gay?
2023-01-19 Discipling Children: Is spanking acceptable for discipling children? Our counselor says natural consequences are more effective. [Proverbs 22:15, Hebrews 12:6-7, Proverbs 23:13-14, Proverbs 29:15, Proverbs 23:24].
2022-12-09 Santa Claus: How should Christians talk to their children about Santa Claus?
2022-08-30 Toxic Relationship with Parents: How do I deal with a toxic and hostile relationship with my parents (with whom I live)? [Ephesians 6:1, I Peter 2:18].
2022-08-26 Homosexuality: Is it possible to be a practicing homosexual and still walk with God? When evangelizing a homosexual, should we confront the sin before we try to draw them to the faith? [I Corithians 5:20-21, Galatians 5:19-21, Luke 14:33, Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24-26].
Committed Homosexual Relationships: Is it acceptable to be in a homosexual relationship if one is really committed to their partner?
Raising Children Around Unbelieving Family: Any advice about raising children around family members that don't believe as we do? If we choose to restrict access to some, is that not honoring your father and mother? [Matthew 18:6].
2022-08-16 Teenage Rebellion: Is teenage rebellion and disrespect grounds for removing a child from the home?
"Church & State": Could you explain "church & state?"
2022-07-05 Teaching Children: What are some of the practical ways to teach our children about the Lord? [Ephesians 6:4].
2022-06-27 Children Beginning to Compromise the Truth: What can you advise about my 7-yr-old child who is beginning to show signs of compromising the truth and lying? [Proverbs 28:13].
2022-06-22 Suicide: Caller share an alternate perspective on suicide.
Forsaking Your Family for Christ: What context would understand the verse about one who would forsake their family members for Christ's sake? [Matthew 19:29].
2022-06-22 Spiritual Parents (or Mentors): Should we be seeking out "Spirit Parents in the Faith"? [I Peter 5].
2022-04-26 Favoring a Bad Son: If a father favors and helps a bad son over a good and dutiful son, is that a sin?
2022-03-24 Ungodly Parental Influence on Step Children: Could you advise regarding my step daughter who is influenced by our culture and an ungodly mother? [Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 9:10].
2022-03-21 Dating Relationships: How does one avoid various pitfalls in dating relationship?
Father Questioning a Daughter's Date: What would you require of someone who wished to date your daughters?
2021-11-15 Adult Child Straying from God's Wisdom: How do I approach my daughter who has strayed from God's wisdom and has embraced the world's view? [I Corinthians 2:5-7].
Whistling on The Narrow Path: Is that you whistling on the radio intro?
2021-11-15 Judas Iscariot's Repentance: Was Judas Iscariot truly repentant? [2 Corinthians 7:10].
Father Against Son, Mother Against Daughter: Could you explain that verse about father against son and mother against daughter, etc. [Matthew 10:35-36, Micah 7:6].
2021-06-29 Don't Exasperate Your Children: Is it still valid to direct fathers not to exasperate your children? [Ephesians 6:4].
2021-05-27 "Jesus" is God Not in the Bible: Could you help me understand what you meant when you said that the Bible does not say that "Jesus is God"?
Unsaved Adult Children: What can I do to help my adult children become saved?
2021-03-19 Provoking Your Children: What does it mean to "not provoke your children to anger?" [2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 4:15].
Wearing Masks: Should we wear masks based on the commands to "love one's neighbor, as yourself"? [Ephesians 6:4].
2021-02-19 Provoking Our Children: What does it mean to not provoke our children to wrath? [Ephesians 6:4].
Family Not Attending Church Together: What should one do if one's spouse or children do not want to attend church with you?
2021-02-18 God Always Hearing and Watching Us: How does one know that God's eyes are on them and His ears are attentive to our prayers, as it says in scripture? [I Peter 3:12, Luke 12:7, Proverbs 15:13, 2 Chronicles 20:12].
Raising Children: What is the best advice you can give us for raising our children?
2021-02-18 A Vision for Children: Caller recommend Steve Gregg lectures; "A Vision for Children" on
Abstaining for Lent: How does one share a concern about abstaining from something for 40 days for lent, when we should be doing things right all the time?
2021-01-25 Caring for One's Parents & Liquidating Assets: What do you think if I sense that the Father wants me to liquidate my assets to care for my parents, before He is willing to take me home? [Philippians 1:22, I Timothy 5:4, Matthew 15, Mark 7].
2020-12-29 Giving One's Tithe to Needy Family Members: What do you think about giving to one's own family members that are in need, over giving to the local church? [I Timothy 5, Matthew 15].
2020-08-17 Disrespect for Fathers: Could you talk about the ramifications of children disrespecting their father? [Genesis 9:21].
2020-08-14 Noah and His Sons Behavior: Could you talk about the story of Noah and his sons and how sons must honor their parents?
2020-07-21 Advice for Marriage and Raising Children: Since you have some unique and extensive experience in marriage and raising children, what can you advise me? Recommendation at website under topical lectures; "How to Love your Wife as Christ Loved the Church" [Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 15:1, Ephesians 5:25]
2020-07-20 Education Today: What do you think about the state of education today?
Classical Education: What do you think of a classical education, including taking Latin - especially with the inclusion of Greek and Roman pagan literature?
2020-07-14 Christian Parents and Child's Homosexual wedding : Should I attend my adult son's homosexual wedding? What should I say to him regarding my position?
2020-06-22 Telephone Lines at The Narrow Path: How many lines do you have coming in?
Wisdom About Giving to Charities: I am bothered by how much I am giving out of my social security check. Can you give me words of wisdom in this regard?
2020-04-09 Adult Son Sleeping In: Could you advise me as to how to hand my objections to my adult son sleeping in too late in the morning, and it is causing difficulties between my husband and I?
2020-01-09 Unsaved Children: Our children are not following the Lord, even though they were raised in the faith, where did we go wrong? [Isaiah 1:2].
2019-09-30 Fornication (Living Together): What should one say to one's children who are living with their girl (boy) friend, and claim that it is not your business?
2019-07-23 Satan's Authority on Earth: Did Satan get authority over man when man fell?
A Father's Prayers for His Children: Does a father's prayers have more authority, or effectiveness, for or over one's children, than do others? [Ephesians 6:1].
Dominion: Is the word in Genesis for "dominion" synonymous with "authority"?
2019-05-14 Raising Up a Child, Not Departing: The promise, "Raise up a child in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it," doesn't seem to be true, so how can this be resolved? [Proverbs 22:6]
Prophets today: So is everyone who claims to be a prophet, really a prophet? [I Corinthians 12, 14].
2019-03-12 When good kids die young: If honoring one's father and mother suggests a promise of long life, why do some good children die young? [Zephaniah 6:1-3, Ephesians 6].
2019-03-07 Honor Your Parents: What does it mean to honor your parents? Is it the same for a child, as it is for an adult? [Ephesians 6, Matthew 15:3, Mark 7, I Timothy 3:5]. What about if your parents don't want your help?
2019-02-26 Daughter's lack of zeal for the Lord: I;m concerned that my daughter doesn't seem to have a desire for God & wondering if you could give me advice
2019-02-25 Church influencing your Children: What should the church involvement regarding how you raise your family?
2019-02-06 Santa Claus: What about parents who don't think it's time to share Christ & the Christmas story but will introduce Santa?
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