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Topic: In the Image of God

Showing 1 to 6 of 6.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-12-21 Difficulties with Calvinism: Wouldn't God's grief disprove Calvinism ... as would taking away of our free will would make us not made "in the image of God" unless He doesn't have free will? [Genesis 6:5-6, 1 Timothy 6:16, Genesis 1:26-27].
2023-05-05 Women Not in the Image of God: Are women also created in the image of God? [Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 11:7].
2022-09-21 Made In God's Image: Were we made in God's image only, or were we made in the image of God and the angels? [Genesis 1:26-27].
Near-Death Experiences: Do you think that the stories that follow near-death experiences are lies?
2016-10-04 Being made in God's Image: What does it mean to be made in God's image? [Genesis 1:26]
2013-06-24 Mankind's God-likeness: In Genesis it says we were made in the likeness of God but other places say God is not like us. [Genesis 1:26-27, Isaiah 40:18, 1 John 3]
2013-05-06 Premillennial View: Thank you for commenting that having a premillennial view of the return of Christ doesn't necessarily mean one is not aware of our calling.
Made in the Image of God: What is the proper view of being "made in the image of God" and the charge to become more like God, both in contrast to the danger of thinking ourselves like God (or gods), as in the New Age philosophy? [2 Peter 1:3-11, Genesis 3:5].
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