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Topic: Divination (ESP, Extra Sensory Perception)

Showing 1 to 12 of 12.
Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-19 The Occult (Mentalism): Do you think that "Mentalism" is part of the occult?
Pastor Who is a Magician: What do you think about a pastor who performs magic shows (illusions)?
2024-03-29 Gift of "Discernment of the Spirits": What about my niece who says she has the "gift of discernment of the spirits?" [1 Corinthians 12, 1 John 4:1].
2023-06-12 Signs of the Zodiac: What do you think about the similar personality traits of people born under the same zodiac signs?
Leaving the Door Open to Spouse to Return: Could you talk about leaving the door open to a spouse to return to the marriage?
2022-11-02 The Zodiac & Astrology: Why is the Zodiac and astrology considered occultic? [Job 38:32, Genesis 1].
2022-06-22 Astrology & Divination: How can books about astrology be tied to Christianity? Recommended; "The Gospel in the Stars." [Genesis 1, Psalm 19:1].
2022-02-18 "Divination" in Genesis: Could you help me understand the word "divination" used in Genesis? [Genesis 44].
2022-01-07 Divining Rod (Dowsing, Water-Witching): What should I do to discourage someone from using a "Divining Rod"?
2019-12-13 Divination in the Bible: Where does one draw the line with divination, when there are so many examples in the Bible, such at the putting out of the fleece and the Urim and the Thummim? [Leviticus 8:8, Judges 6:36-40, Proverbs 16:33].
2019-02-19 Demon-Possession: Demons, Ouija boards, wondering about the idea that something like a Ouija board could actually be dangerous. Does the Bible tell us how people get demon-possessed?
2016-10-07 Divine Reading & Contemplative Prayer: What about "Lectio Divina" (Divine Reading), contemplative prayer, and seeking experiences with God and hearing His voice? [Jeremiah 15:16, Psalm 19:10, Job 23:12].
2013-08-27 Ark of the Covenant: Many groups claim to have the Ark of the Covenant, but the caller doesn't thinks that's nonsense because if they did, Israel would have a vested interest in it because they want to build the temple again.
Question for Michael the Buddhist: The caller has a question for Michael the Buddhist, wondering if there's division or unity in Buddhism like you find in Christianity.
2013-04-15 Stars & Constellations: Could you talk about the constellations (the stars) and that they tell the story of redemption? [Genesis 1:14, Genesis 15:5, Romans 10:18, Psalm 19:4, Job 38:31-32].
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