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Topic: Clergy

Showing 1 to 17 of 17.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-09-20 Who Baptizes?: Can a fellow (non-clergy) Christian brother baptize someone?
2023-08-08 Marriage Ceremony Officiants: Can any Christian perform an appropriate marriage ceremony?
Metaphors in the Book of John: Could you clarify to whom you were referring, Jesus or John, when you said they were speaking in metaphors in the Book of John?
2023-03-27 Taking Communion: Do you need to have clergy present to offer or take communion? [Matthew 26:28, Isaiah 30:20, 1 Corinthians 11:24-25, Luke 22:19].
2022-06-02 Finding Alternate Fellowship-Other than the Mega-Church: What does one do if they really find the mega-church experience (entertainment) is leaving one wanting? How do you find fellowship in a good church?
Professional Clergy & Institutional Church: Is the structure in the modern church model, with paid clergy, really what it should be? Recommended topical lecture; "Some Assembly Required."
2022-06-02 Finding Alternate Fellowship-Other than the Mega-Church: What does one do if they really find the mega-church experience (entertainment) is leaving one wanting? How do you find fellowship in a good church?
Professional Clergy & Institutional Church: Is the structure in the modern church model, with paid clergy, really what it should be? Recommended topical lecture; "Some Assembly Required."
2021-01-07 Clergy Who Forgive Sins of Others: What do you think about ministers, priests, and other clorgy, who claim to forgive the sins of others? [John 20:23].
2020-07-02 Politics & the Pulpit: How much should politics be presented from the pulpit? [Ephesians 6:13].
2020-03-26 Authority to the Popes to the Apostles: Do the popes have the authority of "binding and loosing" that Jesus promised to the apostles? [Matthew 16:19, 18:18, 2 Corinthians 8:23].
Mary & the Saints Perfected in Righteousness: Relative to the Catholic claim that Mary and the saints are prefected in righteousness, are we not already prefected in righteouseness in Christ? [3 John].
2020-03-26 Church after the Book of Acts: What happened to the church after the book of Acts? [Matthew 20:26].
2020-03-25 Why a Sermon on Sunday: Why do we gather once a week to listen to someone give a sermon, when it would be more beneficial to have a conversation? [Acts 2].
2020-02-07 Marriage of Clergy: Why are Protestant ministers allowed to marry, and the Catholic priests are not? [I Corinthians 7:9, I Timothy 3, Titus].
2018-11-20 Methodist allowing Gay Clergy: Caller's church is coming up with a plan to allow same sex married people in the clergy. What does Steve think about that?
2015-05-20 Bible Interpretation only for the Clergy: Is the Bible, or interpreting the Bible, only for the Clergy? [Psamlm 131, 139]
2014-08-05 Pastoral (Spiritual) Covering: What do you know about Pastoral Coverings? Is it Biblical?
Being ordained to Church Leadership or Office: What about Pastors or churches ordaining people to church leadership, church offices & they don't work out? Are the pastors then somehow culpable? [1 Timothy 5:22]
2014-08-05 Pastoral (Spiritual) Covering: What do you know about Pastoral Coverings? Is it Biblical?
Being ordained to Church Leadership or Office: What about Pastors or churches ordaining people to church leadership, church offices & they don't work out? Are the pastors then somehow culpable? [1 Timothy 5:22]
2014-03-24 Orthodox Priesthood encounter: I want to help a ministry that is helping the people in Syria & the Middles East, but I'm afraid of asking a priest for help. How should I go about that?
4 Kingdoms in Daniel 2: Does each succession nation have to be stronger than the one it's supplanting? Is the Rock that's coming to crush the toes possibly talking about the 2nd coming of Christ? [Daniel 21-45]
2013-05-02 Early Church Structure: You stated that the "Plymouth Brethren" denomination was a good example of early church structure-what about the important purposes of the priests as in my Catholic Church? [Matthew 21:33, John 21-22, 1 Corinthians 10:21, Romans 15:15, Romans 12:1, 1 Peter 2:5, Hebrews 13:15, Jeremiah 31:34, 1 John 2:27].
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