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Topic: Holocaust

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-07-20 Antisemitism of Churches: Why did the Lutheran and Catholic church not do anything when Hitler was exercising his antisemitism? Were they antisemitic also?
Coptic & Eastern Orthodox Church: Are the Coptic and Eastern Orthodox churches the same? Please elaborate.
2021-02-22 The Holocaust: Would you talk about the Holocaust? Is it in the Bible? [Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28].
2016-10-27 Struggling with Faith: Does Steve ever struggle with his faith?
People being tested differently: People are tested in ways others would never have to be tested & that if they were tested that way, might not be Christians. Like for example, the people in the Holocaust who were sent to the gas chambers just for being Jews.
2016-08-17 The Holocaust: The Holocaust made it so even Christians couldn't say anything negative about Jews for fear of being accused of being antisemitic, right?
Fear of Being Double-Minded: Caller went from Judaism, to Atheism, to accepting Jesus as his Lord, but sometimes he still has doubts & unbelief. Can Steve please make this passage of Scripture more palatable for him? [James 1:5-8]
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