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Topic: First Fruits

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-16 Resurrection of the Dead: When Christ dies and the veil is torn, Matthew 27 says the dead were raised. When do you think this took place? What do Full Preterists think about this passage? [Matthew 27:51-52, 1 Corinthians 15:23].
2024-03-15 The 144,000 in Revelation: Could you explain who the 144,000 are from both the Dispensational and Partial Preterist views? [Revelation 7:4, Revelation 14:1, Revelation 14:4, James 1:18].
First Fruits: Could you identify who you think the "first fruits" are in Revelation 14? [Revelation 14:4].
2024-03-15 The 144,000 in Revelation: Could you explain who the 144,000 are from both the Dispensational and Partial Preterist views? [Revelation 7:4, Revelation 14:1, Revelation 14:4, James 1:18].
First Fruits: Could you identify who you think the "first fruits" are in Revelation 14? [Revelation 14:4].
2023-09-25 Robert Morris & "Blessed Life" (Book): What do you think of Robert Morris' book "The Blessed Life" and his notion that we should give God all the first fruits and mammon is a spirit, not money? [Genesis 4:3, Proverbs 3:9, 1 John 3:17-18, Colossians 3:4, Philippians 1:21, 1 Corinthians 6:20, Malachi 3:8-12, Luke 14:33].
2023-06-02 144,000 in Revelation: Why is the number specified as 144,000, and the mentioned twelve tribes don't seem to match up correctly? [Revelation 7:1-8, Revelation 14:5, James 1:1, James 1:18, John 1:47].
2022-11-09 Returning Jews: What do you make of the returning Jews to their homeland?
"All Israel Will be Saved": Does "all Israel will be saved" refer to believing Jews and believing gentiles together?
144,000: Is the 144,000 literal? [Revelation 14:4, James 1:1, James 1:18].
2022-05-27 Pray to Find a Church Fellowship: Comment regarding an earlier caller and Steve's suggestion that he pray about finding a church.
"Only Begotten" vs "Unique" Son: When considering Jesus as the "only begotten" or "first begotten"-is this referring to our spiritual rebirth (being born again)? [John 3:16, Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:18, Revelation 1:5, Psalm 2:7, Acts 13:33, I Peter 1:3, Hebrews 6:5].
2021-10-14 Inspired Bible Translators: Were the translators of the Bible inspired as the original writers were?
The 144,000: Could you talk about the 144,000 who will be ruling in heaven some day? [Revelation 7, Revelation 14, Hebrews 12:22, James 1:18].
2021-09-02 Jesus Resurrection & Passover: Would you talk about the resurrection, and the day of the week relative to the Passover? [Psalm 16:10].
2021-08-27 144,000 & the Great Tribulation: Who are those that came out of the "Great Tribulation?" [Revelation 7:9-14, Revelation 14:4, James 1:18, Matthew 24:21].
Leaving Dispensationalism: How do you get people to move from Dispensationalist views to the more biblically correct view of Revelation? [Zechariah 14:4].
2021-06-23 First Fruits & the Tithe: Are the "first fruits" the tithe? [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:33, Malachi 3:10].
2021-02-26 144,000: Where does the 144,000 come into the beliefs of the Amillennial Partial-Preterist view?{Revelation 7, Ezekiel 9, Revelation 14:4, James 1:18].
2020-09-14 The 144,000 in Revelation: Who do you think is the 144,000 in the book of Revelation? [Romans 2:28, Revelation 14, James 1:18].
2020-05-18 Revelation-Date & the 144,000: Would you defend the Partial-Preterist view, particularly the date of writing the book of Revelation, and the 144,000? [Revelation 7:1-8, Revelation 14:1-5, Ezekiel 9, Hebrews 13:4, John 1:47, James 1:1, James 1:18, James 2:1, James 2:7].
2020-04-15 Between the Resurrection & the Ascension: After the resurrection and before the ascension, did Jesus go back and forth between heaven and earth sometimes?
Mary-Don't Cling: What about when Jesus told Mary not to cling to Him? [John 20:17]
Fruit Fruit of Jesus: What about the verses about Jesus as the first fruit, does it indicate that Jesus went back and forth between earth and heaven? [I Corinthians 15:20].
2018-08-07 First Fruits: What is the meaning of "first fruits"? I thought that meant this first resurrection before the millennium, before the rest of them? What about the 144,000? [Revelation 14:5]
More tolerable for Gomorrah than Tyre: What does it mean more tolerable for the people of Sodom & Gomorrah than the city of Tyre in the judgement? [Matthew 11:22]
2018-04-13 The 144,000: In Revelation, are the 144,000 Jewish Rabbis? Messianic Rabbis?
2017-11-15 Twisted View of First Fruits: About tithing, pastor says we need to give our entire first fruits, our entire pay check, to them.
2017-03-07 Cain & Abel's Sacrifice Being Accepted or Not: I would just like to explain why i think Abel's sacrifice was accepted, but Cain's wasn't.
Soon, the Time is at Hand: Seal up the book of Daniel because it pertains to the time of the end , Revelation, the time is now at hand, but was soon & time is at hand referring to soon in the beginning of the Book, but not the last part of the book?
2017-02-01 First Fruits: How does the Old Testament & New Testament differentiate between "first fruits"?
Charging for ministry: Charging for healing ministries?
2016-06-17 144,000: What is the role of the 144,000 & the chosen elect?
Resurrection Physical or Spiritual: Is the future resurrection going to be physical or spiritual?
2016-02-19 First Fruits into the Storehouse (Tithing): Involving tithing, who was responsible to bring the first fruits into the storehouse?
Giving over entire Check: Pastors say that people's first check of the month has to be given over to them. Is that true?
Mount of Transfiguration Experience: Was the Mount of Transfiguration a vision or an actual appearance of Elijah & Moses?
2016-01-05 The Aramaic Bible: Are you familiar with the Aramaic Bible in English?
"And the Bride": In the parable of the 10 bridesmaids, they (the Aramaic Bible) add the phrase, "and the bride", meeting the bridegroom AND the Bride! [Matthew 25:1]
Different Resurrections: What about the different resurrections? The first fruits coming back with Christ, so some of "the bride" is coming with the groom? What about different rewards? Even Paul wasn't sure he'd be resurrected with the righteous. [1 Corinthians 15, Philippians 3:11]
2015-10-01 Partial-Rapture Theory - Man-child Comapany God pulls some people faster than others, but the part of the gleaning is now considered wrong & caller thinks that another caller needs to take that into account. [Revelation 12]
2014-05-02 First Fruits of the Resurrection: So you think at the Resurrection they are all raised at the same time, both the wicked & the righteous, this class & that class, but what about the firstfruit? Isn't there an order of people that are called? [1 Corinthians 15:23, 14, Revelation 14:4, Janme 1:18, 2:1]
Reigning w/ Christ during the 1000 years: The rest of the dead did not reign until after the 1000 yrs, so how does a resurrection at the same time make sense? [Revelation 20:4-6]
2013-07-18 "First Fruits" Offering & Tithing: What is the difference between "First Fruits" offering & tithing?
Homosexuality Acceptable: Will practicing homosexuals be warmly welcomed in heaven? [1 Corinthians 6:9-11]
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