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Topic: Right & Wrong

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Episode Topic Audio
2023-02-15 Proverbs Cautions About Life Choices: Could you explain the Proverb, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is the way of death?" [Proverbs 14:12, Romans 12:2, Romans 6:23].
2023-02-01 Abortion & Gay Lifestyles: How do you approach those that do not understand the Christian position on abortion and the gay lifestyle?
2022-09-19 The "Correct View" of Scripture: If you were wrong in the past about the meaning of some passages of scripture, how do we know you are now teaching the right thing? What will happen to those that were taught the wrong thing? [ I John 2:27, Proverbs 25:2, Acts 17:11, Psalm 19:10].
2022-08-30 Age of Accountability: Would you comment on an experience I had as a child when I knowingly did something wrong.[Isaiah 7:16].
2022-05-10 Atheists & the Moral Codes: Atheist Caller comments on what said about atheists not really having a moral code.
Moral Code in Other Religions: Atheist call asks, What about other religions that offer a moral code that are not Christian?
2022-05-03 The Law, Sin & Transgression: Is there a different law (apart from Law of Moses) that is being discussed in Romans? [Romans 7].
Right & Wrong-Before the Law: Before the Law of Moses was given, how did people know what was sin (right or wrong)? [Romans 7, 21 Timothy 4:2].
Paul's Blamelessness: What did Paul mean by claiming he was blameless according to the law? [Philippians 3:6].
2022-05-03 The Law, Sin & Transgression: Is there a different law (apart from Law of Moses) that is being discussed in Romans? [Romans 7].
Right & Wrong-Before the Law: Before the Law of Moses was given, how did people know what was sin (right or wrong)? [Romans 7, 21 Timothy 4:2].
Paul's Blamelessness: What did Paul mean by claiming he was blameless according to the law? [Philippians 3:6].
2013-05-06 Premillennial View: Thank you for commenting that having a premillennial view of the return of Christ doesn't necessarily mean one is not aware of our calling.
Made in the Image of God: What is the proper view of being "made in the image of God" and the charge to become more like God, both in contrast to the danger of thinking ourselves like God (or gods), as in the New Age philosophy? [2 Peter 1:3-11, Genesis 3:5].
2013-03-18 Children Go to Heaven: Do all children go to heaven? Is there an "age of accountability"? [Isaiah 7:16, Romans 7:9, Mark 10:14].
Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel: What about those who have never heard the gospel? [Romans 1, Acts 17:30].
Marriage & Age Difference: What is your counsel about a woman 20 years older than the man she is dating and considering marrying?
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