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Topic: Conservative

Showing 1 to 19 of 19.
Episode Topic Audio
2023-07-12 Political Statements from the Pulpit: Should a pastor follow Christ's example of not being part of a political alliance and not make political statements from the pulpit? [Matthew 23:23, Isaiah 5:1-7].
2023-06-26 "Shiny, Happy, People" Documentary: Could you comment on the new documentary "Shiny Happy People" and its critical view of homeschooling and Christianity?
2022-09-13 Political Differences & Current Events: What do you think about churches not taking a stand on some of the current events and political issues?
2022-04-14 Christianity & Conservative Politics: Why is real Christianity always aligned with conservation politics? [Matthew 7:21-23].
2021-11-17 Vaccines-Telling the Truth: Am I obligated to indicate that I specifically have been vaccinated against COVID, or can I just say that I have been vaccinated (for any number of other things, and let them think it was for COVID?
Vulgarity for a Christian: What do you think of a Christian wearing a shirt that says, "Let's go, Brandon" (which represents a vulgarity).
2021-11-11 Political Camps Fighting Among believers: Could you help me figure out how to handle the anger between believers in opposite political camps? [I Corinthians 5:12, Matthew 28:20, Matthew 23:23].
2021-10-01 Worshipping as a Non-Charismatic: Is it wrong or unbiblical for me to worship in a very non-charismatic way, like not waving my hands and reading the words of songs, rather than singing them? [Psalm 22:22, I Timothy 2:8, Psalm 63:4, John 4:24]
2021-05-07 Conservative vs Liberal Christianity: Is conservative Christianity more representative of the true Christian worldview than is Christian liberalism?
Views of Marriage; "Egalitarian" vs "Complementarian": Could you comment on the "egalitarian" vs the "complementarian" view of marriage? [Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 5:21].
2020-05-15 Leftist Church & Politics: What does one do about a church that seems to be involved in leftist politics?
2020-05-15 Liberty & Government: Why would people in government want to take away our liberties? What is the motivation?
Government Enforced Vaccines or Chips: If the government requires you to get a vaccine or a chip, would you do it?
2020-05-15 Liberty & Government: Why would people in government want to take away our liberties? What is the motivation?
Government Enforced Vaccines or Chips: If the government requires you to get a vaccine or a chip, would you do it?
2020-04-21 Wake Up America: How do we wake up America to the need to protect the nation as a republic as they should?
2019-12-26 Conservative & Liberal Christianity: Where do you draw the line between conservative & liberal Christianity?
2018-02-05 Christians and Voting: Why do African American Christians & White American Christians vote differently?
2016-10-03 Political Idols: If one votes for a candidate because they are pro-life, aren't they becoming idols?
2016-09-22 Politics: How do Christians know who to vote for & who would Jesus vote for?
2016-08-04 Far Left, Far Right: Caller is concerned about the Christians worrying about being too far Liberal left or too far Conservative right labels & political systems.
2015-09-08 Voting: Would voting for 3rd party candidate who agrees w/ most of my beliefs, even though it'd be a throw-away vote, should I still vote my conscience & vote for them?
2015-03-11 Conservative & Liberal Christians: Caller has trouble w/ both Conservative & Liberal Christians, because conservative tend to be legalistic, while liberal Christians, anything goes.
Inspiration of Scripture: What exactly does "inspiration", "inspired" mean when we are referring to the Holy Scriptures? [2 Timothy 3:16]
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