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Topic: Textus Receptus (Rec'd Txt)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-05-02 Greek Manuscripts of the Bible: What do you know about the various types of manuscripts used for the Bible?
2024-04-18 The Manuscripts (of the Bible): Could you help me better understand the various manuscripts for the Bible?
2024-03-08 Discrepancy in Years in Texts: Which number of years is correct in these verses? [1 Kings 6:1, 1 Kings 4:26-28, 2 Chronicles 9:25].
Latin Vulgate: Do you think that the Latin Vulgate is a better manuscript?
2023-09-26 "Christ" Deleted From Translation: What do you think about the word "Christ" being left out of the end of some Bible translations? [Revelation 22:19].
2023-09-18 Lucifer-Created Good or Evil?: Was Lucifer created good or created evil? [Isaiah 7:12, Ezekiel 28:16].
Missing Verses: Why are some verses missing in some translations, such as Matthew 17:21?
2023-08-03 Steve's Old Friend Reaches Out: A friend of Steve's past, called to share the passing of their mom and how much she appreciated "The Narrow Path" ministry.
Omitted Verses in the NIV Translation: Why did the NIV drop Matthew 7:21 verses in their translations? [Matthew 7:21].
2023-02-07 Paul's Blindness: Is it possible that Paul's reference to his infirmity and his eyes might be connected to his blindness on the road to Damacus? [Galatians 4:13-15].
Reliable Bible Translations: Could you talk a little bit about the King James Version of the Bible, the Textus Receptus, the Critical Text of Westcott & Hort, and the controversy about reliability of the newer translations, newer texts, and modern scholarship?
2022-10-11 Eucharist's Symbolims: Does this verse prove that the Eurcharist is symbolic, rather than symbolic? [John 6:57, John 4:10, 2 Samuel 23:15, I Chronicles 11:17, I Kings 22:27].
The King James Version: Is not the King James Version a special translation above all others in preserving God's word?
2022-06-10 Bible Versions & King James Bible: What do you think about the RSV (Revised Standard Version) version of the Bible, and is the King James Bible the only one we should read?
2022-05-17 Dispensatinalism (Steve Gregg's Lectures): Where is the best place to find your lectures on Dispensationalism? Recommended; topical lecture called "When Shall These Things Be?"
Textus Receptus (Received Text): What is the "Textus Receptus (Received Text)"?
2022-04-12 Bible Translation-King James Only: What do you think about those that think that only the King James Translation is a good translation?
2022-04-01 New Living Translation: How should I convince someone that they should probably no longer use New Living Translation because of the omitted verses? [Matthew 17:21, Matthew 10:15, Matthew 11:24].
2021-12-02 Textual Criticism: Is textual criticism important to consider and is one of the various manuscripts (Alexandrian, Textus Receptus) available?
2021-10-15 Salvation without Repentance: Could you explain what is meant by "the gift of God is without repentance"? [Romans 11:29, John 3:5].
King James Bible Version Only: What do you think about a church who thinks that the King James Bible is the only acceptable Bible to use? Recommended book; "The King James Only Debate" by James White
2021-01-14 Various Translations of the Bible: What are the differences between the various translations and which do you think the best for beginners?
2020-10-13 Irenaus & the Short Ending of Mark: Could you comment on the various endings of Mark? [Mark 16:9-20].
2020-09-15 Bible Manuscripts; Received or Majority Texts: Could share your view about the controversy between the Received and the Majority Texts? [Mark 16:9-20, John 8:1-11, I John 5:8]
2020-07-20 Textus Receptus Lecture: Where is your lecture regarding the Textus Receptus (The Narrow Path website: Authority of Scripture)
2017-11-29 Alexandrian Text or Textus Receptus is the Alexandrian Text or Textus Receptus better?
2017-09-27 Interlinear Greek Bible for both Manuscripts: Is there an interlinear Greek for both Alexandrian & Textus Receptus?
The Devil Understanding the Plan of Redemtion: "things which angels desired to look into", why did Jesus call Peter Satan? Satan not knowing God's plan for redemption, yet he tried to prevent Satan Jesus from going to the cross? [1 Peter 1:12, 2 Corinthians 2:8]
2017-04-11 Textus Receptus or Alexandrian Text: What text do you think is better for the bible, textus receptus or that alexandrian text?
Best Bible Reading Plan: What do you think is the best Bible reading plan?
2017-03-09 Interlinear Bible: What do you think of the interlinear bible by JP Green Sr, who uses the received text (textus receptus)? But there's a discrepancy in using it in a verse? [1 john 5:18]
2016-07-18 King James Version of the Bible, but older Texts: So there are older texts that were discovered after the King James Version of the Bible was written?
2016-03-07 Jesus Coming or Going: Did Jesus say He wasn't going, or wasn't going yet? It seems to be saying contradictory things depending on which translation of the Bible you are using. [John 6:6-9]
Septuagint: What can you tell me about the Septuagint Bible? (A Bible that was translated to Greek the Hebrew language of the Old Testament.)
2013-11-04 Textus Receptus & the KJV Bible: Caller was finding some minor contradictions of different versions of the BIble & was wondering where the textus receptus came from, & he had a friend that said the KJV was the only correct Bible Translation.
2013-11-04 Codex Vaticanus (Alexandrian Text): Caller wanted to chime in & talk about the older manuscripts of the Bible called Codex Vaticanus.
2013-10-14 "If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it": Why do some translations add "Me" when Jesus says in John that people who ask in for something in His name, He'll give it to me? [John 14:14]
2013-10-14 "Who Walk Not After The Flesh, But After The Spirit": Does this phrase belong, "who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit", belong in Romans 8:1? I know it belongs in Romans 8:4, but the first verse too? [Romans 8:1-4]
No Musical Instruments in Church: Is there any validity to not having musical instruments in church like the Church of Christ proclaims?
2013-04-22 Jesus Came by Water & the Blood: What is meant when scripture indicates that Jesus came by water and blood, and why does some manuscripts add some words? [I John 5:6-8, John 19:34, John 15:26].
2012-01-06 Bible Translations: Which Bible translation is more accurate than others and why do you think so? Rec: Young's Literal Translation, King James Versions, ESV, NASV, etc. [Matthew 24:35].
Inerrancy of Scripture: If we allow that some mistakes may have been made in some of the manuscripts, are we opening the door to a great error?
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