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Topic: Christian Fundamentalism

Showing 1 to 6 of 6.
Episode Topic Audio
2020-11-10 Laying on of Hand, Fundamental to the Faith: I am studying the fundamental principles of the faith, and I am struggling with the "laying on of hands", can you help? [Hebrews 6:1-2].
2020-11-10 Thoughts on the Foundations of the Faith: Pastor calls to share his thoughts on Hebrews 6 and the foundations of the faith. [Hebrews 6:1-2, Hebrews 5:10-11].
2020-06-25 Good Books About Satan: Caller offers book suggestions on the topic of Satan: by Michael Brown.
Christian Fundamentalism: How would you define Christian Fundamentalism? Is is a good thing or a bad thing?
2017-12-27 Sinner's Prayer: Is the sinner's prayer found in the bible? [Romans 10:9]
Trinity, Modalism & Fundamentalism Do you have to believe in Trinity? Modalism & clarifying fundamentalism.
Women Pastors: Women Pastors.
2017-10-31 Fundamentalism: What is Fundamentalism? Is it a form of Evangelicalism?
Literalism: I guess i'm just asking about Fundamentalism because some say we need to take all the Bible literally.
2016-04-28 Fundamentalism & Liberalism: Can you talk about fundamentalism combating liberalism (theology)?
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