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Topic: Remnant (of Israel, Faithful)

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Episode Topic Audio
2024-06-25 Old Testament Saints vs Today's Christians: Were the Old Testament saints Christians (as Luther said)? [Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, 1 Peter 4:16, Hebrews 11, Hebrews 11:40, Hebrews 8:6].
2024-06-24 Harrowing Current Events & Double Fulfillment: Since I believe in double fulfillment of prophecy, don't current events support many Dispensationalist ideas of end times? [Isaiah 7:14].
Defining Dispensationalism: Would you define "Dispensationalism?"
2024-06-21 The Children of the Promise, the Potter & Clay: Isn't Romans 9 about God's right as The Potter to choose "The Children of the Promise" as the ones (the group) who will be saved? [Romans 9, Romans 9:27, Romans 9:6, Romans 9:8, Romans 9:21-25].
2024-06-19 "No Jew or Gentile" in Christ: How do Dispensationalists respond to the verse about there no longer being Jews and Gentiles in Christ? [Galatians 3:28-29, Galatians 3:7-9, John 8:37-39, Matthew 3:7-10, Romans 9:7-8, Galatians 4:28, Romans 2].
2024-06-06 Israel Still God's Chosen People: Aren't the Jews still God's chosen people? Are they not still special to God? [1 Samuel 12:22, 2 Samuel 7:10, Exodus 19:5, Jeremiah 3:14, Jeremiah 31:32].
2024-06-03 Modern Jewish Nation: Could you help me understand the Christian interest in everything about the modern state of Israel, since I don't see it in the Bible?
2024-05-31 Support of the Futurist View (Disagreement): How do you explain the Ezekiel verse which indicates that they were sprinkled with clean water only after the Israelites were brought into the land? [Ezekiel 36, Deuteronomy 9, Deuteronomy 30:1-10, Ezekiel 36:32-35, Acts 2:37-41].
2024-05-08 "All Israel Will be Saved": Would you comment on the verse "all Israel will be saved?" [Romans 11:26, Romans 9:6-8, Romans 9:26-27, Romans 11:1, Romans 11:5, Romans 8:29].
2024-05-07 Jesus' Tribalism: Why was Jesus so tribalistic? Why didn't He select from all the people in the region, and not just the Jews? [Revelation 7:9-12, Matthew 28:19-20].
2024-04-09 "Elect" vs "Saved": Is the term "elect" used in the same way in the Old and New Testaments? Were some of the unfaithful Pharisees still elect, but not saved? [Isaiah 49:6, Acts 13:47, John 15:16].
2024-03-19 Reconciling Disparity between Cross-References: How do you reconcile the misquoting of the Old Testament in the New Testament cross-references between Romans and Isaiah? [Romans 11:26-27, Isaiah 59:21, Romans 9-11, Romans 9:6, Romans 9:27, Romans 11:1-5, John 17:24].
2024-03-07 Israel-Still the Chosen People: Is Israel (the Jews) still God's chosen people? [Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 22:18, Galatians 3:16, Zechariah 9:9].
2024-03-01 "Israel" (People or Nation) in Ezekiel: Is Ezekiel 37 talking about Israel? Could you clear it all up? [Ezekiel 37:24, Revelation 20:3, Ephesians 2:14, Hebrews 11:16, John 10:16, Hebrews 13:20].
2024-02-02 God Divorced Israel: When did God divorce Israel? [Jeremiah 3:14, Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
2024-02-01 The Special Place of the Jewish People Today Before God: What is your best case for, or against, the idea that the Jews still have a special place before God? [Jeremiah 31:35-37, Ephesians 2-3, Exodus 19, Hebrews 8:13, 2 Corinthians 3:6, Romans 9:27, Isaiah 10:22, 1 Peter 2:9-10, Romans 11:1, Jeremiah 31:37, Romans 9:5].
2024-01-31 God Blinded Jewish Eyes: What is your understanding of the belief that though God once blinded Jewish eyes, He will open their eyes again in the end times? [Romans 9-11, Romans 11:25-26, Romans 11:5-7, Romans 11:16-25].
2024-01-23 "Bless Those that Bless You, Curse Those that Curse you." (Israel): Regarding Israel, what does this mean; "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you?" [Genesis 12:1-3, Numbers 22:6, Deuteronomy 11:28, 1 Samuel 2:30].
2024-01-22 Israel's Covenant Relationship, the Chosen People: How would you explain the relationship and overlap between Israel's covenant relationship and salvation? [Hebrews 6, Hebrews 3].
2024-01-12 Presenting an Alternate View of Israel: Is this a good summary or definition of Israel today in modern history? [Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27, Romans 11:5, Leviticus 18:24-28, Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Deuteronomy 28:63].
2024-01-09 Replacement Theology: Regarding political Israel and the faithful remnant, do you follow the replacement theory (New Covenant replaces the Old)?
The Faithful Jew: What about the faithful Jew who follows the Old Covenant as he knows it? [Romans 11:25-26, John 5:23].
2024-01-09 Replacement Theology: Regarding political Israel and the faithful remnant, do you follow the replacement theory (New Covenant replaces the Old)?
The Faithful Jew: What about the faithful Jew who follows the Old Covenant as he knows it? [Romans 11:25-26, John 5:23].
2024-01-08 The Bones in Ezekiel: Did the "whole house of Israel" or a remnant come back from Babylon and include some from all the tribes? And where do I find it? [Ezekiel 37:11, 2 Chronicles].
Commentaries: What commentaries would you recommend? Rec: Tyndale Commentary Sets, and any by F.F. Bruce.
2024-01-04 Defining "Israel" Today: Could you expand on the idea that there is a significant difference in the meaning of the word "Israel" depending on context? [Romans 9:6, Romans 9:27, Galatians 6:16, Isaiah 10:22, Galatians 4:21-31, Galatians 3:29, Philippians 3:3, Romans 2:28-29].
2023-12-26 Premillennialism Positions: Could you explain the differences in the premillennial views (Dispensational vs Historic)?
Relationship between Israel & the Church: Could you comment on the relationship between Israel and the Church? [Romans 9:6, John 8:43-45, John 1:47].
2023-11-09 God's Chosen Few: Would you comment on Romans 9 and the references to Esau, and God's right to choose only some? [Romans 9, Galatians 3, Romans 9:6, Romans 9:27 ].
2023-11-02 National Israel, 1948: Could you talk about the land and nation of Israel since 1948, whether this fulfills biblical prophecy, and the ethnicity of the Jewish people now in the land? [Ezekiel 36-37, Jeremiah 21-34, Deuteronomy 30:1-3, Luke 21].
2023-10-30 Jack Hibbs on Israel, Unbelief & the 7-yr Trib: Are the Jews repentant or unrepentant that are to return to the land, and can Hibb's quote be backed up in Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel? [Jeremiah 25, Deuteronomy 30:1-4, Ezekiel 36-37, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27, Hosea 2-3].
Orthodox Jews: Wouldn't the Orthodox Jews need to have animal sacrifices in the temple in order to practice their faith?
Abrahamic Covenant: What about the eternal Abrahamic covenant? [Ezra 1:5, Genesis 18:19, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 3:29].
2023-09-25 "Olive Tree" and "Israel": Is the "Olive tree" the church or Christ? And is "Israel" ethnic Israel? [Romans 11:25-26, Romans 9:6, Galatians 3:28, Jeremiah 11:16].
2023-09-20 The "Israel of God": Could you clarify "the Israel of God" in light of Galatians 5 where Paul seems to be talking about two different groups of people? [Galatians 6:15-16, Galatians 3:26-29, Philippians 3:3, Galatians 3:16].
2023-09-05 Inappropriate Spiritualism: Inquiry into what is appropriate vs. inappropriate spiritualization in scripture? [Ezekiel 36:34-38, Exodus 12:38, Exodus 19:5-6, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Acts 4:4, Romans 7:1-14, Psalm 50:16].
2023-08-30 Israel Will Return to God: A Jewish Christian friend says he thinks Steve is confused about the promises God made to Israel- that they are not just to the remnant, but to all the Jewish people. [Exodus 19:5-6, Romans 9:6, Isaiah 10:22, Romans 9:27, Romans 9-11, Ezekiel 36:26, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Romans 11:28-30, Romans 11:7, Zechariah 12:10].
Abrahamic & Mosaic (Sinaitic) Covenants: Are you confused about the Abrahamic and Mosaic (Sinaitic) covenantal promises and their relevance to Modern Israel? Rec article at "Two Christian Views, Concerning Israel & the Jews." [Deuteronomy 28:63, Hebrews 8:13, Romans 9:27, Genesis 18:17, Jeremiah 18:7-10, Deuteronomy 28:45-46, 1 Corinthians 16:22, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 3:29, John 8:37-39, Galatians 3:7, Romans 9:6].
2023-08-23 Special Status of the Jews & the Land of Israel: What is the strange emphasis in so many churches promoting the Nation of Israel above all other nations? [Galatians 3:28, Hosea 1:9, John 19:15, Acts 2:41, Romans 7:1-4, 1 John 3:10].
2023-06-28 Second Gathering of the Remnant of Israel: Could you explain the passage about the "remnant of Israel" a "second" time? [Isaiah 11:1, Proverbs 30:56, Deuteronomy 12:32].
2023-06-15 Israel's Two Wives: Did Israel have two wives? [Isaiah 54:1, Acts 2:41, Galatians 4:30].
2023-06-02 144,000 in Revelation: Why is the number specified as 144,000, and the mentioned twelve tribes don't seem to match up correctly? [Revelation 7:1-8, Revelation 14:5, James 1:1, James 1:18, John 1:47].
2023-05-18 Fullness: Would you comment on the use of the word "fullness" and its implications? [Romans 11:12, Romans 11:25, Romans 11:7, Genesis 28:15, Genesis 11:26].
Remnant of the Jews & Time of the Gentiles: When will the "fullness of the Gentiles' take place and how will the remnant of the Jews be saved? [Zechariah 13:8, 1 Peter 1:7].
2023-05-15 Woman "Encompasses Man": Can you explain "when a woman encompasses a man?" What is the context? [Jeremiah 31:22, Isaiah 43:19, Jeremiah 31:31].
A Future for Israel?: Could this scripture in Jeremiah 31, indicate that there is a future for Israel? [Jeremiah 31:37, 1 Peter 2:9-10, Exodus 19:6].
2023-01-04 Dispensationalism: Can you give me a brief overview of "Dispensational" theology and how it relates to the Old & New Testaments? [Exodus 19:5, Galatians 3:28, Romans 11:26, Romans 9:27, Romans 11:5].
2022-11-09 Old Testament Salvation: If God divorced Israel, then does that then mean no one in the Old Testament could be saved? [Genesis 15:6, Deuteronomy 28].
2022-11-09 Promises to Israel: How do you interpret the passages in Romans 11, that says that the promises to Israel still stand? [Romans 11:5, Acts 13:46].
Defining the Church: Is it the faithful remnant of Israel and the believing gentiles that make up the church? Recommended topical lecture; "What are We to Make of Israel?" [Romans 9:6, Romans 8:27, Romans 9-11, Isaiah 10:22, Ezekiel 18:20].
2022-11-09 Promises to Israel: How do you interpret the passages in Romans 11, that says that the promises to Israel still stand? [Romans 11:5, Acts 13:46].
Defining the Church: Is it the faithful remnant of Israel and the believing gentiles that make up the church? Recommended topical lecture; "What are We to Make of Israel?" [Romans 9:6, Romans 8:27, Romans 9-11, Isaiah 10:22, Ezekiel 18:20].
2022-11-01 "Partial Hardening" of Israel: Can we conclude that the "mystery" in Romans 11 is there there will no longer be a "partial hardening" of the Jews as they become believers? [Romans 11:25-26, Romans 9:27, Romans 11:16-24, Romans 9-11, Galatians 6:16].
"Until the Fullness of the Gentiles Comes in": Can you clarify the timeline when Romans 11 says "until" the "fullness" of the Gentiles come in? [Romans 11:25].
2022-10-21 Paul's faithfulness as a Jews: Was Saul (Paul) not really a truly faithful follower, because it required such a dramatic event to convince him, particuarly since the others seemed to simply organically progress in their faith to Him according to scripture? [John 6:45, John 17:6].
2022-10-14 "Chain of Redemption" in the Old & New Testaments: Does the phrase, "those who He foreknew", refer to the faithful remnant in Israel at the time of Christ's resurrection, therefore not applicable to the church today, regarding justification and glorification? [Romans 8:28-30, Romans 11:2, Revelation 14:4, James 1:18, Romans 9:4, Romans 5:20, Hebrews 11, John 17:6-12, Ephesians 2:6].
2022-10-14 Purpose of the Old Testament Law-Purity: Is it correct to say that the Old Testament laws were to make a pure vessel worthy to bring forth the Messiah?
2022-10-10 Salvation of All Jews: It seems that there is a contradiction in Henry Morris' commentary about the salvation of all the Jews? [Romans 11:26, Romans 9:27].
Two Resurrections: Do Dispensationalists believe that there are two resurrections? [Revelation 20:12-14].
All Jews Saved: Do Dispensationalists believe that all Jews will be saved? [Romans 11:25-26, Romans 9:27, Isaiah 10, Jeremiahs 11:16].
2022-10-10 Salvation of All Jews: It seems that there is a contradiction in Henry Morris' commentary about the salvation of all the Jews? [Romans 11:26, Romans 9:27].
Two Resurrections: Do Dispensationalists believe that there are two resurrections? [Revelation 20:12-14].
All Jews Saved: Do Dispensationalists believe that all Jews will be saved? [Romans 11:25-26, Romans 9:27, Isaiah 10, Jeremiahs 11:16].
2022-09-06 "Israel" is the Church: What is a proof text for the "Israel" being the church? [Galatians 6:16, Romans 11:6, Romans 9-11].
Bride or Wife: Can you give Biblical support for the "wife" and "bride" being the same? [Revelation 19:7, Romans 7:2-3].
Two Covenants: Did not Abraham have a different covenants than the Jews later had? Recommends topical lecture, "What are We to Make of Israel?"]Exodus 19:5-8, Hebrews 8:13].
2022-09-06 New Covenant Ministers & the Church as Israel: As Gentiles, can we call ourselves part of Israel and ministers of the new covenant? [Hebrews 8:13].
2022-08-02 "Have" and "Have Nots" Passage: What is meant by the passage about those that "have" and those that "have not" - even that will be taken away? [Matthew 13:11-12].
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